I decided to write this blog to put my hubby on blast.
I am so thankful for the man he has become,and who
He is still becoming. My husband and I met, and we
Became best friends and our relationship developed
Slowly. The truth is that God had his hand on us the
Whole time. We fell in love and my goal was to get my
Man saved where he could come to know jesus! As
God already knew it, my boyfriend at the time gave
His heart to the lord! We then got engaged and soon
After got married! Since then he has matured into
A migjhty man of God. He is not the same person
That I met, and I have God to thank for that. I
Could not imagine my life without him. Together we
Created two beautiful babies: a boy and a girl :)
We have a family that adores and loves Our God!
I am so proud of what God gave me and did for our
Carlos- you are and will always be the man in my life.
You are an incredible husband, father, lover and
Friend! You are the most beautiful, loving, respectful
Husband! You treat me the way a son of the most
High should. Thank you, I will honor you until my last
Breathe. I cannot wait to see what God has in store
For our family! Te quiero mucho mi amor!!
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