Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I am Thankful For.....

I am thankful for The Lord Our God, For Jesus dying on the cross for me, to be alive on this earth for 28 years, to have all family members healthy and doing well, for my spouse who is the love of my life, for two beautiful children that make my world so much brighter, to be a stay at home mom, for my husbands job, for a roof over our heads, for a good vehicle, for food in our home, for electricity, water, that we all have clothes to keep us warm, for insurance, for the nice things in our home, for a church that we love and serve at, for our families salvation, for the new things that is yet to come, that God never gave up on me and still is working in me and through me, that God will never leave me or forsake me and my family, that his word is always true, that he loves me and my family more than anyone else........
   To sum it all up every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord above, so I wouldn't have any of these things if it wasn't for my Lord God.  I am so thankful that he came to rescue me from sin, and loves me so much and finds so much value in me, even when at times I don't see it in myself.  This thanksgiving I am thankful for The Lord Our God Almighty, without him I am a filthy rag, I am nothing, I can't even breathe on my own without him.  

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