Every single person has been through rough situations. We ALL have struggles and issues. Nobody is perfect, we all sin. If we were perfect, then we wouldn't need a Savior to save us from our sins. I am not saying that I have it all together, or have it all figured out. What I can say, is that I am a constant work IN Progress, I am always Under Construction, and my eyes are being opened Daily!! The moment you stop learning, you stop growing. The purpose of this post is to hopefully empower others to not make excuses. I love the example of "worry" from Joyce Meyer
The next issue is something that needs to be learned, and it is quite the hard one to learn. Forgiveness from others/ the past/ and to forgive yourself. When I would teach in the church this is the most common issue I noticed that believers struggle with. It is easy to hold onto anger and create a list of someone else's wrong doings. How about looking in the mirror and only looking at yourself!! You are responsible for what YOU do, not OTHERS!! What if it was the other person's fault? CHOOSE TO FORGIVE! What if they never say they are sorry or own up to it? CHOOSE FORGIVENESS!
" Well, I will only forgive them if I see change..." You are NOT the judge, God is!! We do not have any right to hold judgment over anyone.
There is no "Winning" in this life, there are constant lessons to be learned. The sooner you can forgive, then the happier you will be. Our past does NOT dictate our future. There are two types of people in this life: Victims, and Warriors!
What Category Do You Fall Into????
Not everyone has a great start, but you sure as heck can have an awesome finish!!! It took me years to learn and figure out my obstacles. I could not figure out how to overcome them, and then I learned to forgive and let go. God will judge each and every person according to what they have done. I am no better than anyone else. I have become a strong woman because I have decided to do it Gods Way and become a Warrior for his kingdom. There is something powerful about opening the Living Word of God and having him speak to you through it and bring it to life!! It is the most incredible thing when you can share something you have struggled with and encourage a brother or sister so they don't have to go through what you went through.
There is something beautiful about being vulnerable in our struggles and opening up to others that we know and trust. We are here in this life to encourage one another and uplift each other. Our society constantly tears each and every person down and gives a list of each person wrong doings. Understand that we are ALL broken and need love from one another. The moment we stop looking at others and focusing on ourselves, then we can start to truly dig deep and work on ourselves.
So what can you learn from this blog post??? To stop looking at others, and focus on yourself. Do you want to be a survivor or a warrior?
Survivor- A person who survives, especially a person remaining alive after an event.
The Remainder of a group of people or things.
A person who copes well with difficulties in their life.
Warrior- A Brave or experienced soldier or fighter. Fearsome Warrior
Two pictures come to mind when I see Survivor/Warrior. To be a Survivor is to come out alive but still shaking and can barely take the next step. To be a Warrior, it is a person brushing off doubt and being brave,taking action, and running towards a target.
So now that you are a Warrior, how do you fight??
All of the fighting is done in prayer!!! That is how you battle supernaturally! We are not in a physical fight!! The sooner you realize that, then you can start fighting properly and effectively. This life is hard and un-fair, but instead of complaning and surrounding ourselves with others that agree with us, why not start changing and stop complaining! How about putting on love, even when you don't feel like it. It is a CHOICE!! We cannot rely on our feelings, because they are unstable and subject to change. If you want to be victorious, start praying!!
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