Wednesday, September 14, 2016

It Starts With You......

Are you a Parent?  If so, then this message is JUST FOR YOU!!!  I have a statement for each and every parent..... IT STARTS WITH YOU!!!

What am I referring to?  Your child/children.  Studies show that the first 2-3 years of life, a child will have learned behavior and have learned values and morals.  If you put time into your child on what is acceptable and what is not, then you have a head start!!  This takes TIME and EFFORT.  It is not easy to put down the technology and take time out of your day to sit down and teach/play with your child.  But this is your JOB as a parent!!!  Society teaches us to have technology entertain our children and for parents to be glued to their phones.  Put down your phone and parent your child!!! Do not expect schools to do it, churches to do it, or someone else to do it.  What you put in, you will get out!!!

Being a Stay At Home Mom was challenging because it is VERY HARD WORK!!  Stay at home mothers and fathers do NOT get enough credit for this job.  There should be paid days off, vacation days, sick days, and bonuses!!  Round of applause for every stay at home parent.  When I was home with my children it was a full time job, there were no breaks.  Yes it would of been easy to stick my kids in front of the television and have them entertained ALL Day, but I knew that was the wrong thing to do.  We were always outdoors doing activities because fresh air is good for you, and I want to have healthy active kids.  I didn't want our children to be un-healthy.  I myself learned that I needed to be active and healthy as well because I want to be able to chase my children and not have my behind glued to a park bench on my phone.  I want to encourage you to lead by example.  What is important to YOU, will be important to THEM.

It is important to be on the same page with your spouse.   My husband and I knew from the very beginning about respecting others, being kind, saying please and thank you, right and wrong, and MOST IMPORTANTLY ABOUT OUR SAVIOR JESUS!!!  This was taught from the VERY BEGINNING.  I myself never knew about Jesus until grade school.  But let me explain, there is a difference about "learning about Jesus" and "personally knowing him."  I learned all about him, but never received him as my own.  This was NOT going to be passed down in our home.  Our children know who Jesus is and love him and receive him.  Jesus is actively alive in our home and in our children's hearts.  So my suggestion to you is grab a list and get with your mate and decide what is most important for your children to learn in your home.  Then figure out ways to teach your children.

The next important lesson is to teach your children that NOT ALL KIDS ARE POURED INTO.  Do not expect others to have your same values and morals.  There are many that do NOT have Jesus, and many children who do not have parents pouring into them and guiding them.  Many times children will go off to school and start seeing other kids behavior and pick it up by habit and bring it home and act it out.  This is our job as parents to once again reinstate that what some children do, is not acceptable in "our" home.

When I became a parent there was never a guideline on how to raise kids.  There is no equation that works for every family.  I had to learn by trial and error.  I still to this day am learning by trial and error.  It is ok to make mistakes and be human and drop the ball.  I want my children to understand I am not perfect and mommy and daddy will let you down.  Not on purpose, but because we are human.  But JESUS will NEVER let you down!!! Jesus is President in our home and Resident in our home!!!  So let this message encourage you to spend time with your children and put in the effort.  The payoff will be HUGE!!!  Invest in your children.  Time is precious and you can never get it back.  Be silly with your children and let your hair down.  Have fun, enjoy them!!

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