Wednesday, August 6, 2014


This blog post is going to be about: Poison.  Many people do not realize that they are infected with poison and that it has taken over them.  You can hear it in their speech, their outlook on life, and how they talk about people.  The scripture that I want to refer to is this: The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. -Luke 6:45

Many People are negative and have poison in their heart and do not even realize the deep issue.  I have began to realize more and more that I need to watch what I share with certain people.  I stand on Gods Word and what his word says and I know that the enemy comes to steal the Word that was given to me.  I have let the enemy rob me in the past from Gods Word and I have taken a stand and said "no more!!!"  I know what God is capable of and I will not let ANY person rob me from it.  How do I handle people that have poison?  I pray for them!!  I pray that God brings revelation to them and that the scales are removed from their eyes.  Many people are deceived and live in the past, and I honestly feel sorry for people like this.  They are missing out on life, and the mercies that God gives every single morning.  There are people that can get mad over the smallest issue because the root of the problem is deeper and they will not address it.  People live moment to moment and are controlled by their feelings and actions.  People place un-realistic expectations on others, and when people let them down, they then open up the vault of their heart and the condition of their heart is shown by what they speak.

I have been believing and praying for years on certain issues and God let me wait because my heart wasn't right.  I played games with myself and thought I was right and I would go moment to moment but during every "test" I realized that I still had anger and hurt in my heart.  I had not FULLY given it to God, and I had a decision to make!!!  It took me going to a particular Bible Study to have God really get a hold of me, and turn my upside down.  I had so much revelation shown to me to where I realized I was deceived and how I was to stop trying to "fix" everything and just trust God!!!  It has been over 4 years and my heart is finally in the right place and I have been able to give EVERYTHING and EVERYONE to God!!  I have recently experienced something supernaturally incredible that I will hold to my heart and only share it with three people in my life.  I have shared it with my Husband, my Brother, and my Spiritual Mother at the church.  I am done having people rob what God reveals to me, and I hold it close to my heart.  I fight the good fight by prayer and battle in the spiritual realm.  I am praising God for answering my prayers and for what has just recently happened!!!  I was once again confirmed that God listens to his children and gives to his children when it is best for us!! So I want to encourage everyone to stop speaking Poison!!  Stop and check the condition of your heart!! Stop playing games with yourself and Stop thinking that people "owe" you something!!!  We serve and audience of one!!!! Nobody has to explain themselves to us or owe us any explanation.  How do you speak about people?  Are you negative and complaining?  Do you dwell on the past and have regret?  I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you are infected with Poison, and it is taking over your life!!!  Pick up Gods Word, Pray to him, and see what he has to say!!! It has changed my life!!!

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