Friday, August 22, 2014

God Is Close To The Brokenhearted.....

 I praise God that he is close to the brokenhearted.  I thank him that he cares about the hurt and lost.  I qualify in that category and I thank him that he accepts me at my worst.  Every single day I fail him miserably, and come up short.  I am so thankful that he cares about me and seeks me out, even when I get lazy and get "busy" in life and forget about him.  If you have read several of my blog posts in the past, I have shared about certain issues that I have been diligently seeking God for and praying about.  I have not been moved by the circumstances, but have remained standing on HIS word.  Have I cried and said things during the moments of pain? Absolutely!!!!  Have I needed to repent because I have said and done things out of hurt and anger? Absolutely!!!!  Once again it isn't out of what I do, but what HE does!!  I have been seeking God and interceding for others on certain issues and it has been well over 4 years.  I have learned alot about myself during these 4 years of seeking God.  I have seen seasons of NO fruit because the seeds were so small, and I have seen seasons of blossoms and harvest!!!  I have stayed faithful with prayer!!!  Those of you who know me, know that I am an open book.  I share my ups and downs.  I do not judge others because I am not better than anyone else.  Just recently I have seen the fruits of staying faithful in prayer.  I have a picture to capture what I am talking about and I will post it below.  It was for reconciliation and restoration.  It is a picture of me and my Father.
This is a recent picture of my Father and I.  I have been standing and praying for this very moment, and my Husband was able to capture it!!!  My Father is a cancer survivor!!! My Dad has been redeemed from the curse of the law!(Galatians 3:13) My Dad has chosen life! (Deuteronomy 30:19) My Dad is a Victor and not a Victim!!!  He can do ALL things through Christ because Christ gives him strength
(Philippians 4:13) I am so proud of my Father and the HUGE battle he has overcome!!  I am so thankful that God has answered my prayer and blessed me with reconciliation and restoration between my Father and I.  I never thought I would ever have the chance to put my arms around my Father again.  I never thought I would have the chance to tell my Dad face to face that I love him and that I am proud of him.  It has been a fight that was worth fighting for, and every single tear was worth it!!!  There WILL be restoration and peace within our ENTIRE family because we have favor from God that surrounds us like a shield, and nothing can penetrate it!!!  God and his angels are battling for relationships in our family and they are knocking down strongholds and walls that have been there for years!!!  I plead the blood of Jesus over my ENTIRE family!!!  All of the hurts and wounds from all the years WILL BE healed by Jesus on what he did on the cross!!!  My dad is a fighter and he will fight to the very end and remain faithful until the end!!!  We are told in the Bible to not be moved by the things we see because they are temporary, but we are to fix our eyes on what is unseen because the unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)  I continue to call things as though they were, and I speak it into existence.  I have learned to do this after reading Genesis.  

So what are you believing God for?  Have you given up the fight?  I want to strengthen you and encourage you and tell you that you are NEVER alone, and GOD NEVER GIVES UP ON YOU!!!  He will NEVER leave you or forsake you!!!!  Stay faithful to him and continue to seek him with  your whole heart!!  God wants EVERY area of our life.  We do not get to choose which areas we give to him.  Do you hold unforgiveness towards others?  In scripture it tells us that if we do not forgive others, than our Heavenly Father will not forgive us.  (Matthew 6:15) Is that person really worth going to hell for??  When we die, it is for eternity there are no breaks!!!  We need to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger!!  We need to be quick to forgive one another, and quick to let go of grudges.  Disease comes from unforgiveness, and the past is the past.  We can only live for today because we do not know what tomorrow holds, or if we will be alive tomorrow!!!  Get on your knees right now and praise God for HIS faithfulness and HIS mercy.  We are ALL sinners and we are ALL in need of a Savior!!!  The ONLY way to Heaven is to confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior and you have to admit that you are a sinner, believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, and confess it out loud with your mouth!!!  If you do this, then you ARE SAVED and will go to Heaven.  This is the only way, and it is through Jesus, not by our works or church attendance.  It is through what HE did on Calvary's cross and through HIS obedience to the Father.  I praise God because he is close to the brokenhearted and that is what I was!!!

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