I am currently in the middle of training at the moment so my schedule is very busy. I just now had the opportunity to sit down and write a blog post. :) This post might seem simple to many, but if it speaks to that one person, then that is all that matters to me.
I want to ask a series of questions:
- What kind of music do you listen to?
- What kind of movies do you watch?
- What kind of television shows do you watch?
- How do you speak when you are at work?
- What do you do when nobody is around?
- Do you act one way in public and another way behind closed doors?
Go through each of these questions and be honest with yourself.
Now you may not understand why I asked these series of questions, so I want to go into further detail.
In Matthew 6:22 it says: The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.
This means that it DOES MATTER what you watch, listen to, and do. Many times people think they are able to "handle" and know the boundaries of when enough is enough. The truth is that the more junk you watch and put into your head then you become more and more desensitized. It becomes the new "norm" for you and it won't bother you because you will be used to it.
In Ephesians 4:30 it says that we can actually grieve the Holy Spirit. Here is the verse: And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Do you think the Holy Spirit is having fun and enjoying the stuff you are putting in your eyes, ears, and heart?
No, the Holy Spirit is sobbing beyond belief. Why on earth would you want to grieve the most amazing gift that you have received and been blessed with?
I am speaking to myself when I am writing this blog post, because it is easy to slowly get back to "old habits." Last night, there was nothing left on t.v and my husband was watching the playoffs for basketball, so I went to our room and watched t.v. There was nothing on t.v that looked good so I just started watching some random channels. I found myself watching this t.v show that was not good. I was amazed on what is on t.v nowadays and the garbage shows that are on t.v. Here I was watching this show and I didn't turn it off. I was shocked on how people display themselves knowing that they are on t.v and that they do not care. I reached a point to where I turned it off and realized that I should of never watched it because I now just put a bunch of junk in my head before I go to sleep. I was so disturbed after I turned off the t.v that I had to go downstairs and ask my husband for prayer because I could not settle down and go to sleep. After my husband prayed for me, I then went back up stairs and prayed to God and repented and went to sleep. I know why I was so unsettled, and it is because I was grieving the Holy Spirit. Here there was a battle going on inside of me and it all started from me watching a particular television program. So here is the reason I shared this with everyone. If I am sharing this with you and you can see how I got after watching one television program, imagine if you are watching certain movies, music, etc. It becomes so much that if you do it long enough it doesn't bother you anymore. I want each person to evaluate themselves and see if they are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. If you do not feel his presence, then ask yourself what are you watching and listening to? What are you doing when nobody is around? Do you act one way in church and another way at home? I pray with all of my heart that this post really speaks to someone!
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