This is an update. I was on week 3 of my Half-Marathon training when I had to take a break because of medical issues. I have been suffering with a headache/migraine that would come and go, but I didn't think much of it, and I would just take medicine and fight it off. On Day #5 my head felt like it was filling up with fluid and the pressure was unbearable. My eyes were sore and puffy and it felt like there was a great amount of fluid build up behind my eye sockets. I couldn't do anything!! I became dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out. I called my husband and told him that he needed to come home ASAP so I could go to the Emergency Room.
I went to the Emergency Room and they were very concerned and did an I.V right away and did blood work. They also ordered a Cat Scan to be done. They gave me certain medicine through my I.V and even gave me "shots" of medicine in my arm, which was VERY painful. The Doctor ordered me to go see a Neurologist to schedule an MRI on my head/brain because he told me the Cat Scan wouldn't be able to show anything. I was in the Emergency Room for close to 4 hours and none of the medicine helped. I was in more pain then when I went in. I grabbed my stuff, went to Walgreens to get my script filled and came home. I have been taking medicine every 4-6 hours and have not let up. The pain has not got any better and all I can do is wait on Gods timing.
My husband took off one day of work so I could rest the entire day and sleep. What is the reason for this post you ask? #1) To let my church family know the details so they know what to specifically pray for. #2) For me to explain the "attack" that is on me!
Like I mentioned earlier I have had a headache/migraine on and off for days but I just fought through it. Well the day before I got hit with the Worse of the Worse I was studying in depth on "Blood Covenant." I received a variety of Study DVD's and I actually sat down and got through Disc 1 which was over an hour long. I had so much revealed to me through this study and I took lot's of notes. I feel the Holy Spirit is wanting me to truly study this topic because I will be teaching it in the future in a Bible Class. Well I received the most revelation on this day and my eyes were opened even more. I became very excited because I am starting to dig deeper in the Bible. So I went to bed that night, and the next day was an "off" day for my running so I was excited to take it easy. Well....... this is when the attack came. It caught me off guard and I was taken by surprise because I did not see it coming. The reason for me explaining this is because the enemy is threatened and angry that God revealed so much to me the day before. The enemy is after to steal the Word that God showed me, and I will NOT give up what was revealed to me. I will not be bullied or intimidated. I know I am already healed and that it is on Gods timing. Am I in so much pain? Yes!! Have I been texting everyone because it is too painful to talk? Yes!!! Even though I am in so much pain, I do not question God at ALL through it. I know where the attack is coming from, and I stand in the full authority and anointing of Jesus!!
Have I had to stop training for the moment? Yes :( Does that make me angry? Yes!!! I have been working so hard and as of right now, I have to wait until I am better. I wanted to share a short list below of what I have been taking while I have been out of commission.
- My Daily Vitamins
- Several Baths/Showers a day
- Praying in authority all day and night
- Keeping lights off
- Started taking a new supplement called "4 Life Transfer Factor Plus"
- Went to Bath and Body Works and got "Stress Relief" Body Wash, Oil, Pillow Mist, and some Mint Spray.
So what are you suffering from? Ask yourself if you recently taken a bold stand for God lately? If so, then you know the attack is coming and that it is from the enemy!!! Do not be bullied, Do not fear, and do not be dismayed!!! Greater is He that is in us, then he that is in the world!!! Take heart!!! Jesus has overcome the world!!!
**** Please keep me in your prayers for healing!! There is power in the name of Jesus, and God answers prayers!! My MRI Scan is Friday night at 6:35pm!!! ***
I will pray that God will shower his mercy on you with all the pain you are going thru...I also pray that God will guide the Dr's, that they might give you some answers, and find the solution to the pain. Bless you Katy for sharing this...That we might raise up an army to fight this.
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much for your prayer Lori!!!!