Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our Spanish Bathroom.....

We have been in our new home now for a few months and we absolutely love it!!  One of my secret hobbies, is decorating!!!  I absolutely love it, and I have the best time decorating homes!!  I definitely believe I got the craft from my Mother :).  Out of all of the rooms in our home, I had the most fun decorating our "Guest" Bathroom.  I have always wanted a "Spanish Bathroom" in our home.  I want everyone who walks into our guest bathroom to feel like they are in another country.  I took a picture and posted it below.  I did a short video to show all of the little details in our Spanish Bathroom.  I hope you enjoy it!!!

Here is the video link :)

Updated Changes For My Running Routine...

Here is a short video for 2 new changes that I am doing for my Running Routine!!!  I hope you enjoy the short video, and if you would like to see more of my training updates you can follow me on Instagram at: KatyRoseTrains  :)

World Cup 2014......

Who is our house rooting for?????????????????????   Wait for it........  Wait for it........

Let's Go Brasillllllllll!!!!!!

Yes Be Yes & No Be No.......

Hello Brothers and sisters, I wanted to do this blog post on two Bible verses that are found in Matthew and James.  Matthew 5:37 says: All you need to say is simply "Yes" or "No"; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

So this means that when we start to elaborate on anything after that then we know that the enemy is present in our lives and fully working.  Many times as humans we have a hard time of just saying "Yes" or "No."  We feel we need to explain ourselves, justify why we can or cannot do something, and feel we owe others reasons.  I have noticed recently if someone asks me to do something and I give a one word answer, they are looking at me further as if I need to explain why I can or cannot do it.  We need to remember that we are God pleasers and not people pleasers.  At times I have found myself having to explain myself to others and see that I am trying to be a "people" pleaser and that I need to stop doing that.  My husband and I have learned through trial and error that if someone asks us to do something instead of us saying an answer right away, we say that we need to go home and look at our schedule and then we will let them know.  This way we are able to go home and look at our schedule and discuss with one another to see if we are able to do it or not.  The next bible verse that explains this is James 5:12.  In James 5:12 it says: Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear-not by heaven or by earth or by anything else.  All you need to say is a simple "Yes" or "No."  Otherwise you will be condemned.

Many times you hear people say in a figure of speech that they "swear to God."  This is taking Gods name in vain and cursing him.  The only time you should mention Gods name is when you are giving him praise and praying to him.  His name is Holy and shouldn't be tossed around in figure of speech.  This verse explains again that all we need to simply say to one another is Yes, or No.  It really is that simple, so many times we complicate things because we feel we are too sophisticated at times, but the truth is that Jesus makes it simple for us.  He loves us and doesn't want to complicate the truth so he keeps it simple, so every person can understand.  
So this blog post was very short and to the point, think before you speak and understand that when you elaborate on things, that the enemy is present and working.  Let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Little Bump In The Road....

This is an update.  I was on week 3 of my Half-Marathon training when I had to take a break because of medical issues.  I have been suffering with a headache/migraine that would come and go, but I didn't think much of it, and I would just take medicine and fight it off.  On Day #5 my head felt like it was filling up with fluid and the pressure was unbearable. My eyes were sore and puffy and it felt like there was a great amount of fluid build up behind my eye sockets.  I couldn't do anything!!  I became dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out. I called my husband and told him that he needed to come home ASAP so I could go to the Emergency Room.

I went to the Emergency Room and they were very concerned and did an I.V right away and did blood work.  They also ordered a Cat Scan to be done.  They gave me certain medicine through my I.V and even gave me "shots" of medicine in my arm, which was VERY painful.  The Doctor ordered me to go see a Neurologist to schedule an MRI on my head/brain because he told me the Cat Scan wouldn't be able to show anything. I was in the Emergency Room for close to 4 hours and none of the medicine helped.  I was in more pain then when I went in.  I grabbed my stuff, went to Walgreens to get my script filled and came home.  I have been taking medicine every 4-6 hours and have not let up.  The pain has not got any better and all I can do is wait on Gods timing.

My husband took off one day of work so I could rest the entire day and sleep.  What is the reason for this post you ask?  #1) To let my church family know the details so they know what to specifically pray for. #2) For me to explain the "attack" that is on me!

Like I mentioned earlier I have had a headache/migraine on and off for days but I just fought through it.  Well the day before I got hit with the Worse of the Worse I was studying  in depth on "Blood Covenant."  I received a variety of Study DVD's and I actually sat down and got through Disc 1 which was over an hour long.  I had so much revealed to me through this study and I took lot's of notes.  I feel the Holy Spirit is wanting me to truly study this topic because I will be teaching it in the future in a Bible Class.  Well I received the most revelation on this day and my eyes were opened even more.  I became very excited because I am starting to dig deeper in the Bible.  So I went to bed that night, and the next day was an "off" day for my running so I was excited to take it easy.  Well....... this is when the attack came.  It caught me off guard and I was taken by surprise because I did not see it coming.  The reason for me explaining this is because the enemy is threatened and angry that God revealed so much to me the day before.  The enemy is after to steal the Word that God showed me, and I will NOT give up what was revealed to me.  I will not be bullied or intimidated.  I know I am already healed and that it is on Gods timing.  Am I in so much pain? Yes!! Have I been texting everyone because it is too painful to talk? Yes!!!  Even though I am in so much pain, I do not question God at ALL through it.  I know where the attack is coming from, and I stand in the full authority and anointing of Jesus!!

Have I had to stop training for the moment? Yes :(  Does that make me angry? Yes!!!  I have been working so hard and as of right now, I have to wait until I am better.  I wanted to share a short list below of what I have been taking while I have been out of commission.

- My Daily Vitamins
- Several Baths/Showers a day
- Praying in authority all day and night
- Keeping lights off
- Started taking a new supplement called "4 Life Transfer Factor Plus"
- Went to Bath and Body Works and got "Stress Relief" Body Wash, Oil, Pillow Mist, and some Mint Spray.

So what are you suffering from? Ask yourself if you recently taken a bold stand for God lately?  If so, then you know the attack is coming and that it is from the enemy!!! Do not be bullied, Do not fear, and do not be dismayed!!!  Greater is He that is in us, then he that is in the world!!! Take heart!!! Jesus has overcome the world!!!

**** Please keep me in your prayers for healing!! There is power in the name of Jesus, and God answers prayers!!  My MRI Scan is Friday night at 6:35pm!!! ***

Friday, June 13, 2014

My Daily Vitamin Intake Video...

My youtube video link is below, if you would like to see my daily vitamin intake!!  If you would like to see more of my training updates, please follow me on Instagram under the name: KATYROSETRAINS

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Celebrating Our Marriage....

This is a shout out to my one and only!!  I have been married over 4 years to this wonderful man!!  He is the love of my life, and the father to our two beautiful babies!!  I am so thankful to God for blessing me with this godly man!!  He means the world to me, and this is a photo shoot we did together to celebrate the love we have for one another!!!  Te Quiero Mucho!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Questions To Ask Yourself....

I am currently in the middle of training at the moment so my schedule is very busy.  I just now had the opportunity to sit down and write a blog post. :)  This post might seem simple to many, but if it speaks to that one person, then that is all that matters to me.

 I want to ask a series of questions:
- What kind of music do you listen to?
- What kind of movies do you watch?
- What kind of television shows do you watch?
- How do you speak when you are at work?
- What do you do when nobody is around?
- Do you act one way in public and another way behind closed doors?

Go through each of these questions and be honest with yourself.
Now you may not understand why I asked these series of questions, so I want to go into further detail.

In Matthew 6:22 it says: The eye is the lamp of the body.  So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.

This means that it DOES MATTER what you watch, listen to, and do.  Many times people think they are able to "handle" and know the boundaries of when enough is enough.  The truth is that the more junk you watch and put into your head then you become more and more desensitized.  It becomes the new "norm" for you and it won't bother you because you will be used to it.

In Ephesians 4:30 it says that we can actually grieve the Holy Spirit.  Here is the verse: And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Do you think the Holy Spirit is having fun and enjoying the stuff you are putting in your eyes, ears, and heart?
No, the Holy Spirit is sobbing beyond belief.  Why on earth would you want to grieve the most amazing gift that you have received and been blessed with?

I am speaking to myself when I am writing this blog post, because it is easy to slowly get back to "old habits."  Last night, there was nothing left on t.v and my husband was watching the playoffs for basketball, so I went to our room and watched t.v.  There was nothing on t.v that looked good so I just started watching some random channels.  I found myself watching this t.v show that was not good.  I was amazed on what is on t.v nowadays and the garbage shows that are on t.v.  Here I was watching this show and I didn't turn it off.  I was shocked on how people display themselves knowing that they are on t.v and that they do not care.  I reached a point to where I turned it off and realized that I should of never watched it because I now just put a bunch of junk in my head before I go to sleep.  I was so disturbed after I turned off the t.v that I had to go downstairs and ask my husband for prayer because I could not settle down and go to sleep.  After my husband prayed for me, I then went back up stairs and prayed to God and repented and went to sleep.  I know why I was so unsettled, and it is because I was grieving the Holy Spirit.  Here there was a battle going on inside of me and it all started from me watching a particular television program.  So here is the reason I shared this with everyone.  If I am sharing this with you and you can see how I got after watching one television program, imagine if you are watching certain movies, music, etc.  It becomes so much that if you do it long enough it doesn't bother you anymore.  I want each person to evaluate themselves and see if they are sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  If you do not feel his presence, then ask yourself what are you watching and listening to?  What are you doing when nobody is around?  Do you act one way in church and another way at home?  I pray with all of my heart that this post really speaks to someone!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I am Humbled.....

I wanted to share what was revealed to me last night.  I was lying in bed last night and was praying out loud and thanking God for the day and for everything he has blessed me with.  I then made my prayer requests known to him and I asked for help on areas that I struggle with.  I was done with my prayers and I was ready to go to sleep.  I felt the Holy Spirit say to me "Katy, I loved you and accepted you at your worst."  I understood what God was saying to me and that is that I am supposed to accept others and not judge others because God is the only judge and he accepted me when I was at my worst.  God was patient with me when I was "slow" at getting things.  Everybody has "their" timing of when God becomes real to them and starts to have a transformation from the inside out.  I am no better than my brother or sister.  The job that God asks me to do is to edify others and just focus on myself.  I do not need to look around and worry about what everyone else is doing or not doing.  If I just love others and lift others up, then that is what God has called me to do.  It was almost as if God was saying to me " Katy, you have things that I am trying to work through you, so please do not worry about that person, I will deal with them."  I have so much that I need to focus on myself and work on, that I am too busy to try and worry about everyone else.  My job is to put my trust in God and do it his way, and I can walk knowing that his protection and provision is around my family.

I couldn't wait to wake up and share this with everyone, I hope you had revelation during this blog post!!