Friday, May 30, 2014

My Half-Marathon Fitness Plan/Program.....


20 Week Half Marathon Training Schedule

This is a 5 Month Half Marathon Training Program that I am going to follow.  I will post the program below:

I will start this program in June and finish in October.

The Half Marathon is on November 23, 2014 in St Petersburg

In my blog posts I always make sure to give detail by detail with whatever I am doing.  My blog posts are mainly geared towards the "Spiritual" side of life because it is #1 important.  I personally believe that #2 is the "Physical" part that is next in line.  In my previous post on my blog I gave details/pictures/stats/and video of my 66 day challenge and how I lost 21lbs.  I then gave details on my fist 5K run, and now it is time for me to train again for my first Half-Marathon in November.  I wanted to show detail by detail on how I will be training for this, and I will give updates along the way.  Of course on race day, I will post pictures/video/and updates of the experience and the results on how I did.  As you can see in my 5 month training program, I have lot's of running ahead of me :).  I am going to make sure I am taking my daily vitamins and drinking plenty of water each day.  It is also important to make sure I stretch before and after each run!!  I am going to post a short video below of me explaining my program :)  I hope you enjoy it, and I hope it motivates you!!!

Video Link is below picture :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

It is 2014 and I just got Twitter............... :)

I am not into "tweeting" but I thought to expand the ministry it would be great to finally create a twitter account to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  So my Twitter address is below :)


Welcome to 2014 Katy!!! :)

Important DAILY Reminders............

This blog post is going to be DAILY principles that you can actually apply to your life and be successful at doing so.  Many times people struggle with how to get into a "healthy" mindset and living right, and these will be helpful reminders.   Sit back and enjoy this post!!!
Let All That You Do Be Done In Love.- 1 Corinthians 16:14 
This means EVERY SINGLE thing you do, have it be done in love.  When you are in your home with your family, do it in love.  When you are going to work, BE love.  When you are at the grocery store, BE love.  When you have encounters with difficult people, BE love.  This verse is the answer on how to handle EVERY SINGLE SITUATION IN LIFE.  The answer is: TO DO IT IN LOVE.  We can BE love in our actions, words, expressions, thoughts, etc.  Love is not a feeling, it is a decision!  This means that we CHOOSE to BE love!!  Our feelings are always subject to change, so we cannot rely on them.  People tend to say that they have "fallen out of love" and this is a good example of people relying on their feelings.  People expect "Love" to ALWAYS feel good, and this is a lie from the enemy.  When Christ went to the Cross he endured pain and carried the ENTIRE weight of the worlds sin.  He did this because he was doing it in love.  Did it feel good for him?  No, he was in pain, he was scared but he did his fathers will and did it because he loves you and me.  This is how we need to be.  We need to model our lifestyles after this principle.  Practice makes perfect, so start applying this today in your life!!!

It's Not About You No Matter How Good You're Doing Or How Much You've Blown It, It's All About Jesus
The world likes to get us in this mindset of how it revolves around us.  There are many people walking around feeling "entitled" like the world owes them something.  This phrase I am going to say next is not very popular to say or uplifting, but I feel it is appropriate for this post.  We need to remember that nobody owes us anything, in fact the thing we deserve is Hell.  We are sinful people and there is no hope for us if we do it ourselves and do not have Jesus as our savior.  The World tries to tell us that if we have a high enough degree in education, then that is our self worth and we are better than others.  The World tries to tell us that if we have a bad past, then we are destined to fail and that we have no hope to ever succeed.  Remember that "Pride" was the sin that got the Devil knocked out of Heaven.  What is the major sin that you see in the world today?  In my personal opinion, I would say: Pride!  The enemy is the Prince of this world, and you can see the sin of pride everywhere!  We need to remember that it HAS always been, WILL always be about Jesus!!  It never stopped being about Jesus.  Jesus is our healer and deliverer and restorer.  All the good that you have, comes from him.  All the bad that you have, Jesus can restore it to good.  Let us remind ourselves that it is NOT about us, It is about Jesus!!!

Set Your Minds On Things Above, Not On Earthly Things. Colossians 3:2
We need to get our eyes off of the things we see in the physical realm and start looking up towards Heaven and look at the spiritual realm.  Remember, that the things we see on earth are temporal and subject to change.  There is a Spiritual Battle going on in the Heavenly Realms 24-7.  There is a battle for souls, and this is serious!  We need to be praying for one another and lifting each other up in prayer.  When you have someone you dislike, no matter what they have done to you, you do not want that person to go to hell, so we need to pray for that person.  We need to bless those that hurt us and persecute us.  We need to go back to our first principle and that is to: BE LOVE.  When we set our eyes on things above, we have a new vision of what is really going on and we no longer do it "our" way, but "HIS" way.  We can get over offenses and learn to forgive those that hurt us.  Start setting your mind on things above, and not things on earth!

May We Be Consumed With The Creator Of All Things Rather Than With Things Created
How do you get to be consumed with the Creator?  You need to read about him and learn about him, and get to know him.  You need to get to know the character of God.  You can see Gods beauty everywhere, because we can see everything he has created.  God is so detailed with the colors and smells and textures of the things he formed.  Look at one another and see the different kinds of humans God formed, everyone looks different and unique.  I would like to share some personal advice that I do:  Leave all of your technology at home, and go to a place outside that is peace and quiet and surround yourself with Gods Beauty.  Go to a Beach, Watch a sunset, go to a park, Go to a Forrest, go on a walk, etc.  Look up at the sky and take a deep breathe and just take in ALL of Gods Beauty.  He created all of these things for us to enjoy, and so many times we take it for granted because we are so focused on "things of this world."  This world is so consumed with technology and honestly it hinders person to person contact.  There are so many relationships that lack intimacy because all people do is focus on technology, and they get out of touch with person to person contact.  Everything now a days is over a computer, texting, facebook, twitter, etc.  We need to learn about the character of God and fall in love with him and get our eyes on him!

Four Things You Can't Recover: The Stone After The Throw, The Word After It's Said, The Occasion After It's Missed, The Time After It's Gone.
In my opinion the "stone" after the throw references "action!"  This means that once we "do" something, then it is already done and put out there.  We cannot have a "do-over" and take that action back.  The "Word" after it is said is a great principle that people need to grasp.  We are so quick to let our lips spew vile over one another and we have no problem saying whatever comes to mind.  We ride on a roller coaster of feelings and we confess whatever we feel.  Understand this: Once you say something to someone, you CANNOT take it back!!!  You can say "Sorry" and receive forgiveness, but that Word is put into existence and it keeps going.  How many negative words have you had spoken over you?  Have peoples "words" dictated your path for life or self esteem?  Learn this principle today and watch your words!  The "Occasion" after it is missed is important to see.  There are "seasons" for everything and occasions for everything.  We need to keep our eyes opened so we do not miss certain seasons or occasions.  The "Time" after it is gone, is a life principle to learn!!  People tend to focus on materialistic things and focus on what they need, rather than on what they have.  We are not promised another day, so this means that our family could be gone tomorrow.  There is a chance that we won't wake up tomorrow.  We need to stop taking one another for granted, and put down the technology, and cherish one another and make memories!!  So many people work and travel their entire lives, and at the end of their lives they have missed EVERYTHING.  They missed their kids sporting events and all of the family moments.  Remember, that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.  If you are living for money then you are serving a false idol, and money is your God.  You cannot serve two Gods, you either serve God OR Money.

Realize How Blessed You Are.
There is a period at the end of this statement for a reason.  Instead of listing all of the things you do not have, start listing the things you DO have.
I am blessed....... I have a Godly Husband that serves the Lord.  I have two beautiful children that God has blessed me with.  I have a beautiful home that God has given us and it is a roof over our heads.  We have running water, and never go thirsty.  We have food in our fridge and our family never has to go to bed hungry.  We have clothes so we never have to be cold.  We can take baths daily to where we do not know what it is like to be dirty. We have a car that gets us from place to place.  My Husband has a job that provides for our family and he loves everyone at his workplace and looks forward to going to work each day.  I am able to be a stay at home mother and watch every moment of my two children. My family members are alive and well and I am able to make more memories with them.  We have a church family that we love and walk life hand in hand with one another.  We have a ministry that we love because we are able to reach different parts of the world to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.... (my list can do ON and On....)

Your Child Will Follow Your Example, Not Your Advice
This last post is for parents :)
Many times people say that they want to raise their children different from the way that they were brought up themselves.  People tend to have a list of "Dos and Don'ts" on how they want to raise their children.  It is very easy to open your mouth and say what you do want and what you don't want.  The hard part is actually DOING it.  It is that "Action Part" that people tend to forget.  I will give several examples to paint a vivid picture for you so you can grasp what I am saying.
A mother says that she doesn't want her children to grow up in fear and anxiety, so she tells her kids not to fear or be anxious, but in her everyday life, her children constantly see her stressed out and worried over the unknown.  (Bills, Rent, Relationship Stress, Finances, Etc)
A father says he wants to be active in his children's lives and says he will always be there for them, but in his life "Work and Career" is a priority and he ends up chasing the $ because he feels that it is more important to provide financially for the children, instead of being home every night.  ** When the children are adults and you ask them "What do you prefer..... Your Father out making money so you could have things, or time with your father?"   I can guarantee you that it would be: Time With Their Father.
A family says they want to raise their children "Gods Way" and they want the children to learn about God, so they go to church once a week and let the "church" do the raising part for them, but behind closed doors there is nothing godly in their household.  
There are parents who say they don't want their children to grow up in a fighting household, but in the moment of anger that principle goes right out the window and before you know it they are fighting with one another on a regular basis right in front of their children.
These are a few examples that I wanted to share with everyone, because these are "cycles" that people tend to get into, and do not understand how they got there.  It takes ACTION.  It takes standing on Gods Word and praying to change your heart.  When you give it to God, he can mold it and work it out.  Instead of just writing a list of how you want your kids to be, start asking yourself "How can I put this to action daily?"

I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and I pray that you have had revelation from the Holy Spirit, and you are able to apply these important daily reminders in your life!!!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We Are Brave.....

I have a song that I am loving at the moment and it is titled "We Are Brave."  This to me should be an anthem song for ALL Christians!!  I personally feel that there are so many believers that walk around defeated and broken from the world.  Many people are hurt and broken and can get in a "cycle."  The topic that I am currently studying is empowering me and reminding me of who I am IN Christ Jesus!!  When things come my way I know to stand on the Word of God and I am not moved by the things that I see!!  I speak Gods Word over the circumstance that comes my way and I do not live in fear!!  In the next coming months I am going to teach on a subject that is going to open believers eyes to what Jesus did on Calvary and there is going to be a rival for believers!! Stay tuned in the next coming months for details!!!!!  Look at the lyrics below to this song and be empowered!!!!  We need to remember that the battle has ALREADY been won!!! We are conquerors!!!! Jesus has already overcome the World!!!!  The video to the song is also listed below!!!!
We Are Brave"

We are brave!

We might bend or even break
The journey's long, but we will celebrate
When we get through the valley

We're not defined by the fall
We get back up
Keep pressing through these walls
It's worth the fight

And we say hey, when we go through the fire
Heart in hand, hope alive, it will be ok
Hey, when we walk across the wire
We won't back down ‘cause we are brave
We are brave

And even though we might be afraid
To place it all on the line we won't hesitate
We've come too far

So let the blaze keep growing higher
It's in the flames that we shine brighter
Standing tall through it all
‘Cause we are the fighters

We got style, we got grace, and we walk it bold
We got hearts full of life that are made of gold
We're alive, we're alive and we keep on moving, moving

Coming To A Shop Near You....(J/K)

In my mind I believe I am quite crafty :) So with that being said, here is my latest project!!  During the day my little girl likes to take naps and there are days to where we have deliveries at the home and people that stop by unannounced.  I have always wanted a "baby sleeping sign" and I didn't want to spend over $10.00 for a sign, so I decided to make one myself.  All I used was ribbon and printed a layout for $1.00.  So the total amount spent on my home project........get ready........big bucks here....... $2.00!!!!!  I used hot glue and I was done in under 5 minutes!!!  Here is the final results of my project below!!! I am very pleased with how it turned out!!  This works for our family and now I can have this on our door when our little one is sleeping!! Like I have said earlier, in my mind I think I am quite crafty, so do not expect me to be opening a store anytime soon, but for our family, it works!! :)

Being Thankful For Family..................

Below is a picture of my Beautiful Mother.  She just recently visited for 2 weeks and it was such a blessing.  It is always so refreshing to catch up and touch base.  She stayed with us and was able to spend some quality time with her grand babies.  My Dad surprised  Mom with tickets to stay at "The Grand Floridian" in Orlando and they went to Disney World.  I am always thanking God for keeping everyone in my family alive and healthy.  It is such a blessing to spend time with my Mom and watch her spend time with the children.  I know to never take any day for granted because we are not promised another day.  So I want to encourage you to cherish your family.  So many people today hold grudges over their loved ones and let circumstances and situations rip families apart.  We need to remember to look at the "Big Picture."  At the end of the day that is our family and we are told to love one another because Jesus loves us.  We are told to have mercy for one another because Jesus has Mercy on us.  Pick up that phone and say "Hello" to that family member that is isolated, say "I Love You" when hanging up the phone.  We need to read the Bible and do what it says.  It is time to have reconciliation between families again and peace be loosed on homes.  The real battle is on our knees and constantly interceding for one another.  I hope this blog post encourages you to be thankful for your family and celebrate one another!!!  I hope you enjoy a picture of my Mother below from her recent visit!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


This blog post is going to be right to the point, and it is going to be based off of:
Matthew 6:3- But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.  This means that we are to BE Jesus and reach those in need and not be telling everyone what we have done.  Many people do things just because they want others to see that they are "good people."  When people do things they like to run to others and tell them what they did, so they can be praised for their acts.  We need to remember that we serve an audience of one.  God sees everything and we should do things for him and for him alone.  So what are you doing for others?  Do you look for opportunities or do you look to see if others are watching?  Do you give because you feel obligated to do so, or do you do it because your heart tells you so?  We are to help one another and look for opportunities to bless others.
I have found myself in several situations to where I start having a conversation with myself.  I see someone that needs help, and I ask myself "What can I do to help them right now?"  I then pray and say out loud "What would Jesus do?"  I know that I am a disciple and if Jesus was here as a human right now, what would he do in this situation?  After I have this conversation with myself I then am reminded of my purpose here on earth.  I am called to be a fisher of men and I am to do it through the love and mercy that Jesus has showed me.  I thank God for the opportunity and make sure to do something and never brag to others what I have done for that day.  I serve an audience of one, and I do it for him!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vitamin Power.....

It is official, I am getting in "Training Mode."  For those of you who follow my blog then you would already know that I just recently completed my first 5K run.  This was a goal of mine ever since I have had my two children, and I worked really hard to be able to accomplish it.  I lost 21 lbs training for my 5k and did a great run!!  I am about to begin in June for 5 months of training for my first Half-Marathon (13.1 Miles).  I am making sure that I train the right way and I am taking it very seriously.  I am going to make sure I am eating right, drinking enough water, training, and taking the right vitamins.  I am starting my training plan June 1 and will be training for 5 months, and my Half-Marathon is in November.  I have now just recently started taking vitamins and drinking lot's of water each day.  I have posted a picture below of what I am taking.  For those of you who personally know me, know that I do not take vitamins daily.  I have never been good at taking them daily and I usually forget for days at a time.  I am purposely setting them up like this on my counter in the kitchen so I remember to take them.  I am going to go over a brief description of what I am taking and why I am taking them.

Pink Bottle (on the left)- This water bottle I purchased at Publix and I loved it when I saw it.  It has the measurements on the side of the water bottle, so you are able to visually see how much water you are drinking each day.  It makes it easier to keep track, and it also comes with a pamphlet that let's you know for your body weight how much water you should be drinking.  For my weight I am supposed to drink 24 oz of water 3 times daily.  So I am able to fill it up and see how much I drink and track it that way.
Nature Made (Fish Oil)- I purchased all of the vitamins at Publix.  This is 1000mg and 300mg Omega-3.  Fish Oil is very good to take because it reduces Coronary Heart Disease. There are two "disease fighting" ingredients found in fish oil and they are called docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid.  You are helping protect yourself against heart disease, and also help arm yourself from colon cancer and breast cancer. I take 2 of these a day.  It is important that you get the "Burp-Less one."  I have acid reflux and usually when I take these I am burping up fish all day long (I know it is disgusting to visualize) but that is the main reason why I could never take these on a daily basis.  I hated having that taste in my mouth all day long, so I found these, and I no longer have that problem.

Sundown Naturals (Natural Oyster Shell Calcium)- This is 1000mg with Vitamin D3.  This promotes Bone and Immune Health.  Calcium helps the heart and nervous system by maintaining a regular heart beat and assisting with the transmission of nerve impulses.  It helps build and maintain good bone health and is essential for teeth, blood, and muscles.  I have always known as a women that it is super important to take calcium because it strengthens the bones.  There are times in old age where you see some women have brittle bones and hunched backs and a good way to fight against that is to make sure you take enough calcium.  I take two tablets a day. 
Sundown Naturals (High Potency B12)- This is 1000mg and this promotes energy metabolism.  The B vitamins play a role in energy metabolism in the body.  This is essential for the normal formation of blood cells and contributes to the health of the nervous system.  I take one tablet a day. 
Women's One A Day (Pro Edge)- This is a multivitamin for active women and has high levels of B-Vitamins which help your body convert food to energy.  The Pro Edge helps support Immune Health with Vitamins C, A, and E.  It also has bone support with Calcium and Vitamin D.  I take one tablet a day.
Sundown Naturals (High Potency Vitamin C)- This is 500mg and this promotes healthy immune function.  Vitamin C is very important in building your immune system.  I usually get sick and then start taking Vitamin C.  By that time it is too late, so it is important to daily take Vitamin C, so you can build your immune system up to fight against sickness.  I take one tablet a day.

This is everything that I am taking in order to arm myself for the intense training for the next 5 months.  I start working out June 1, but I am starting  my vitamins now along with my recommended water intake.  I hope this information is helpful and I hope it inspires you to start taking vitamins and including them in your daily diet!! I will keep you posted with my training routine and let you know how it is going!!    

Raising Godly Children....

This is a topic that is really close to my heart.  Ever since I have become a Mother to our two beautiful children, God has put a passion in my heart to raise our children HIS way and not "our" way.  Everyone has the way that they were raised up as children from their childhood and they can pick and choose things that they will do and not do.  Carlos and I dedicated both of our babies to the Lord and made a vow to raise them HIS way and by HIS word.  This blog is going to let people know what we do with our children and maybe it will give other parents tips.  :)  We are in complete agreement as Husband and Wife that we understand that our children have to go to God first instead of their parents.  We want our children to have an intimate relationship with Jesus from a young age and know that they can always go to him because he is always with them and he will never leave them or forsake them.  A great example of this is: If our Son is afraid in the middle of the night, instead of crying and running to Mom and Dad to give comfort and assurance, we are raising him to go to Jesus first and learn that he can rebuke that fear because he has all authority over the earth because of what Jesus did on Calvary.  If then afterwards he wants to run to Mom and Dad then of course we are there for him, but we want him to always go to Jesus first for EVERYTHING!

Many children pick up traits and habits from their childhood.  If parents are anxious and worried, then the child will grow up that way because children model after their parents.  There were particular traits that I had to work out with Jesus because they did not lign up with his word, so I had to give my habits to Jesus and work on walking out his word, so I wouldn't pass them down to our children.  How do you know if you are doing it Gods Way?  Pick up his word and read it for yourself. Seek him and pray to him for wisdom and knowledge. Deuteronomy 11:18-28  You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.  You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied on the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens remain above the earth. For if you are careful to keep all this commandment which I am commanding you to do, to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and hold fast to Him, then the Lord will drive out all these nations from before you, and you will dispossess nations greater and mightier than you.  Every place on which the sold of your foot treads shall be yours, your border will be from the wilderness to Lebanon, and from the river, the river Euphrates, as far as the western sea.  No man will be able to stand before you; the Lord your God will lay the dread of you and the fear of you on all the land on which you set as He has spoken to you. See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today; and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you may not have known.

We know that God has not given us a Spirit of Fear, but of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind (2 Timothy 1:7) So our children will understand that when they feel fear, that it is not from God and they can rebuke it and take full authority over the situation.

We will share our pasts failures and success with our children and be open and honest with them, giving God all of the glory.  I want our children to see that we are not perfect and that it is ALL God and share with them what God has delivered us from and the blessing he had done in our lives.

Each and every night we surround our children in prayer and bless them and protect them.  We pray the Word of God over their lives and pray for their future spouses, friends, and mentors.  We build a hedge of protection around them so the enemy cannot get near them and no weapon formed against them will prosper.  We pray the blood of Jesus around our children and understand what that means.  In the morning they are prayed for and protected for that day.

Carlos and I made an agreement from the very beginning to never have arguments in front of the children.  We do not want our children raised in a household to where there is shouting and arguing.  Children at a young age develop fear and insecurity when they see arguing between their Moms and Dads and actually end up thinking they had something to do with the argument.  If we need to have a discussion about something we wait until the kids are in bed and we go to a quiet place to where we can sit down and have a discussion and work out the issue.  Carlos and I understand that when we argue that there are deeper things going on, and that we cannot allow them to continue in our home.  2 Corinthians 10:4 We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.  Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  When you can understand that this is what is happening, then it is easier to put Gods word about the flesh.  We will also not go to bed until there is peace in our home.  We understand that we will bring strife into our home if we go to bed angry, and we do not want the enemy walking around in our home around our children.  Ephesians 4:26-27 In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.

Our children will be raised by Gods Word and not what is acceptable to the World.  In our culture today, the "World" has made many things the new "normal" and acceptable and we will only stand on Gods Word and what His Word says!!!!

I pray that the Holy Spirit spoke to you from this blog post and the things that we shared from our family, will help you to start doing it with your family.  We need to remember that God blessed us with our children and that our children are HIS.  They are not our own!!  God created them and placed them in our belly and we have a duty and purpose that we are responsible for to raise up for HIS glory and HIS purpose.  Our children are not our own, and they need to be given back to God.  We need to take our hands off of our children and lift them up to God and say "Here, Your Will be done!!"

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day 2014!!!

I had to post my Mother's Day and share it with everyone!!! First and foremost, I would like to wish a every Mother a Happy Mother's Day!!!  Mother's have such an important role in the lives of their children.  We are responsible for shaping these little lives and pour into them. I pray that each and every Mother has the most blessed day and feel absolutely special today!!  

This morning I had the privilege of having my Son crawl into bed with me and wish me a Happy Mother's Day.  My Husband then went and got my present that he had made for me and gave it to me.  I am going to share details of the present below because it literally blew me away.  There were lot's of tears from me because it was so beautiful.  Here is a picture below of me reading my present. :)

It is a GIANT custom made card.  On the front reads " A Mother's Journey"  "Everyday you shine bright but today, you are at your brightest!"  He then had two pictures of me on the front.  

The inside then had the entire Bible Verse: Proverbs 31:20-31  on the left side of the page.  On the right side had two pictures side by side of our children.  Then had the names and birth date of our children and special pictures from when they were first born.

On the back of the card it read "Happy Mother's Day!"  It then followed up with more beautiful pictures of me and the kids!!

This present absolutely blew me away!! There was so much planning and preparation in this gift and I felt so special after receiving this beautiful present. This by far has been the best Mother's Day for me!! I received a beautiful handmade necklace from Gabe along with a present he made at school.  I received a beautiful card and present from my Mother.  Then at church I received a beautiful card and flowers from a dear friend!!

We then headed off to church to spend the morning praising Jesus!!!

Happy Mother's Day from us to you!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Yes, I am an Honest Mom......

I am proud to say that I am an "Honest" mom!! We absolutely love the Honest products line and we are proud to say that we receive their products every month. We have everything delivered right to our front door :) We first discovered The Honest Brand when our daughter kept breaking out in rashes and our doctor suggested that she could be allergic to diapers. I started to explore my options and found "The Honest Company!" I did the free trial and fell in love with the cute designs and love the fact that there were no harsh chemicals or dyes in the diapers. The wipes are super thick and good quality and we prefer them over any other wipes. We use the Face and Body Lotion on our children and it makes their skin fresh and clean. I was inspired to write this blog today because I just received my monthly shipment today and had to share pictures with everyone. I even got a cute present for Mothers Day from them :) I highly recommend and give 2 thumbs up and 2 feet up for "The Honest Company!" :)