This blog post is going to be for a topic that is not popular with Christians. When you are a devoted follower of Christ, some can get the "terms" wrong on what that exactly means. Many people tend to get too "religious" and slowly start to set themselves above others and look down on others who struggle and start to think that they are better. This thought process does not happen over night, it slowly builds when you start to have a noticeable change in your lifestyle. Some can also think that they are supposed to be "perfect" and make no mistakes or have any slip-ups. They believe that they will get this "Christian Walk" right and that they will be able to stick to it. Many that are in their faith walk for years struggle with private/secret sin to where they feel if they admit it to their Pastors or leadership, that they will be turned away because of their "rank" in the church.
I wanted to cover a few different areas that people tend to mix up in their faith walk. I can honestly tell you that when I first started my walk with Jesus, it did not happen overnight. I knew I was blowing it on my own and that I have done it "my" way long enough and knew that I needed something different. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior during one of my darkest times, and I did bear a small amount of fruit after I accepted Jesus into my heart, but I still struggled with other areas of Sin. I was doing good for awhile, and then I would make a mistake and then punish myself and feel like the worst person in the world. I would get angry at myself for doing so good and then messing up my progress. I would go back and forth and this lasted for awhile. The best way I can describe it, is like a Battle between two sides and I could feel the fighting between both. It was a constant struggle!!! I would look around at others and see that they had such peace, and it seemed like others had it all "figured" out and I felt like I was alone with this struggle. It wasn't until I started seeking God desperately and "on purpose" made sure I went to as many Bible Studies as I could and Church Services. It made the difference to find a Christian Church that opened the Bible and actually go through Gods Word to where you can follow and ask questions when confused. In the Bible Studies I would sit quietly and this is where people started to break down their walls and share struggles. I started to see that I wasn't the only one, and it actually made me feel part of a family. I could relate with what people were saying because it was describing my exact struggle. I got so much peace from this because the enemy had me deceived into thinking that I was the only one struggling with my faith walk.
I now understand my authority in Jesus Christ and that I can overcome ANYTHING through him!! I can stand strong and tall IN Christ. I no longer get kicked around by the world or by the enemy. I can now identify when the enemy is attacking, and I get angry to where I stand up and say "No More!!!" Just recently I had someone close to me say to someone else " Here Katy says she is a Christian and she was doing this type of sin and she is acting like she is all about Jesus." This is one of the BIGGEST misconceptions about Christians. Christians are NOT going to have the PERFECT faith walk. It is going to be flawed!!! Did you hear what I just said? Your faith walk IS going to be flawed. The topic this person was referring to was when my husband and I were engaged we were intimate before we got married and I actually got pregnant. Yes I had Jesus as my Lord and Savior, Yes I was going to Church and knew the Word. This was an area that I was in battle with and it needed to be worked out. When you can openly accept that things are going to happen in your faith walk, then you can take the unrealistic expectations off of yourself. When things happen you truly repent and turn from your ways and do it Gods Way!!! There will be people trying to remind you of who you were or the things you have done, but the truth is that we are ALL SINNERS!!!! The only difference is JESUS. Some have Jesus and some do not!!! When you are saved, you understand that you are a new creation!!! you have a new name!!!! I can see people from my past and they can see the "old me" but I know in my Fathers eyes I am a new creation and that I am blessed. I do not have to prove to anyone that I am different because I have fruit that remains. I have been changed from the inside out, and I am learning how to rise against my flesh and put Gods Word above my own.
I pray that you have had revelation from this post, and I know it is not a popular topic with Christians, but the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to share!! Be Blessed!!
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