I wanted to write this blog post to Men and Women. When you are a believer and In Christ Jesus you then have brothers and sisters that are In Christ Jesus as well. It is so important to make connections and have fellowship. We do not need to walk through life alone, we can walk through life holding hands with other believers. Do not ever be ashamed if you are struggling or you need prayer. Have a mentor or an accountability partner that you can call and reach out to. I am writing this blog and applying the same principle that I am preaching. I received a DVD and book series from a website that wants me to review it and write about it on my blog. This is a phenomenal DVD series that I thought would be selfish to keep to myself. So I decided to invite a small group of women to come over to our home and we will meet once a week and do this 10 week series together. My husband is amazing because he is taking our children out of the house each week so the women and I can meet and have a Bible Study with no distractions. I am excited to do this study with these women and I feel that we will learn alot from this study. So please I want to encourage you to start having fellowship with other believers! You will grow in your faith walk with Jesus and have others to encourage you along the way!!
God bless you for such a wonderful person you're for caring so much the works of the lord