Friday, January 24, 2014

I Want To Share A Secret With Everyone....

I am going to reveal a secret to everyone. Do you want to know what the sexiest thing is??  The world will tell us to show more skin and dress a certain way.  The world will tell us to buy more things so we can find value and status.  The world will tell us job status is sexy.  The list can go on and on.  The secret that I am going to share is not popular with the world.  You will not hear it in the news, or see it in movies.  You will not see it on billboards, or read about it in magazines.  The sexiest thing is when you see a Man or a Woman worshiping the Lord Our God!!!  To see someone humble themselves before the Savior of the World and lift their hands to Praise Him and Glorify Him.  To see a Man grab his Bible and actually sit down and study Gods Word blows my mind.  To see a Man or a Woman actually apply what they read in Gods Word tops it off!! Maybe you are hearing this for the very first time.  Maybe you already know this and can agree with me.  When I was first dating my hubby he did everything right.  He was respectful and had manners and was an amazing listener.  I can choose from a lengthy list of things he has done for me, but nothing stands out more, than seeing him worship God and lead our family by Gods Word.  It takes a strong secure man to submit himself to God and obey his Word.  I have seen  my husband listening to Christian Music and have tears streaming down his cheeks because he loves God so much.  I have seen my man watch what he does and says because he wants to stay in Gods Will.  I have seen my husband turn off the television, grab his Bible and say : "Let us go and read our Bibles."  I have seen my husband mentor other men and help others.  I have seen my husband lift his arms in praise and sing to Jesus.  I see my husband hungry for Gods Word and with each passing day it gets stronger.  The picture that I am going to post below is a moment that I am so glad that I was able to capture.  There is NOTHING Sexier than this photo!!!  This picture below is a picture of my Husband Praising Our Lord and Savior.

This photo will ALWAYS be my favorite and a living example to our family of how we are to worship the Lord our God!!  I want to speak to Men and Women right now!! Men, you have a higher standard to follow and you have to be the leaders in your home.  You have to submit yourselves to God and obey him.  You have to set the right example in your home and edify and love your wife!!  You have to honor your families and love your children!! If you do not have a wife or a family, then you are to seek God with your ENTIRE heart and follow his Word.  Read daily!!!  Women, you are to submit to your husband and not be bossy.  If you are not married then submit to God and follow him.  You are to be the "Heart" of your home and be loving to your Husband and children.  Respect yourself with how you speak, dress, and carry yourself.  Read the Bible daily!! Walk with God daily!! Do not gossip, do not slander others.  Be happy for others and learn to be Content!!!

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