Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Every person can remember where they were when the morning of 9/11 happened.  I remember that I was in high school in gym class and hearing that planes had crashed into the World Trade Center.  I didn't believe it, I didn't understand it at all.  Then when I saw it on the television I couldn't believe it, it didn't look real.  It was like watching a movie, and it was hard to believe it was happening.  I can remember the fear that came over the world and the hurt/anger that everyone felt.  It was such a sad day and I cannot imagine what it was like for the people that experienced it.  I remember the day after 9/11 and how everyone in the world locked arms and united for God and asked him for his strength.  I remember people singing in anthems "Amazing Grace."  I remember how strong we stood as a Nation the day after 9/11.  My main question is this: "What were we doing the day before 9/11?  The week before 9/11?  The minute before 9/11 happened??  Why weren't we united together in agreement and praising God BEFORE this happened?  God knew that after this event happened that people would acknowledge him for a week after and then go back to selfish living.  It really saddens my heart when I see how much our world takes God out of everything!!  We take God out of schools, we can't say certain prayers, we can't wear certain t-shirts, we cannot mention the name Jesus.  This world is growing colder and colder because God is pushed out of our world.  We need to start having God in our homes, this is something that we CAN control.  Adults, start seeking God DAILY and getting in fellowship with other members in the body of Christ.  Parents, start raising and equipping your children up in the ways of the Lord.  So many people rely on "others" to train and raise their children, but the truth is that it is OUR JOB as being PARENTS.  Men start getting bold for Christ, and stop being so passive.  Women start acting godly and respecting themselves because they are princesses of the Most High.  We need to conduct ourselves godly in EVERY way, this goes with the way we live, speak, dress, and conduct ourselves.
   We need to remember 9/11 and let it be a life changing wake up call to live for God EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE!! Stand up for God and what the Word says.  God is in control of EVERYTHING!! We cannot look to our government to fix our problems or people to fix our issues.  God is the God of the impossible.  We serve a Mighty God that can restore his people, but it is up to us to repent and turn from our sins and walk in HIS PATH!!!

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