Monday, September 9, 2013

Attention To Every Country In The World......

Have you watched the news lately?  Do you see all the violence today that has increased recently?  I have some advice for you....Jesus is coming back very soon to take his people.  Jesus clearly states: Luke 21:36, Luke 21:11, Matthew 24:6. I wanted to give the verses and not write them down because I want people to grab their bibles and see what Jesus says.  People today think God is not in control because of everything that is happening.  God NEVER stopped being in control, he has a plan, he knows the beginning and the end.  God gave everyone FREE WILL and people can choose to follow him or become their own god and serve themselves.  We are most definitely in the end times because of how fast everything is increasing with evil, and Satan knows that his time is running out.  People blasphemous God and mock his laws and continue serving themselves.  People pick and choose what sounds good to them and what is comfortable to them.  If we constantly "hear" ALL of the good of God we can't reverently fear him as it says in the Bible.  We have to respect him and have all knowledge of what he is capable of.  We need to sit in our church seats and squirm a little bit because the truth hurts.  We KNOW we are sinful and some actually want to change for Jesus but the majority just want to hear "GOOD NEWS."  People just want blessing after blessing and don't want to change their lifestyle.  They want Gods blessing and not change for Jesus.  We need to fix our eyes on Jesus because he already conquered the world and he IS coming back for HIS PEOPLE.  If he came at this very moment, do you believe in your heart that you would be raptured?  If you have any doubt, then that is the Holy Spirit giving you conviction and is letting you know that things need to change.  You need to have Jesus in EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE!!!  There are going to be people left behind and in the Bible it says all will be deceived and willingly serve and follow the anti-christ.  In case you haven't read the Bible let me give you a quick summary:  The people who are going to be left behind are going to be in COMPLETE agony and pain, and crying out for help, but nobody will help them.  There will be evil of EVERY kind on the earth and God will pour out his wrath on EVERYONE.
    I hope this blog opened your eyes and your hearts.  It is time to fully surrender to Jesus.  Turn off the news and pick up your Bible, GOD IS IN CONTROL NOT PEOPLE!!!!!

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