Monday, July 8, 2013

Do You Find Yourself Asking "Where Are You God?"

I am sure that EVERYONE can relate with this topic in this post.  We go through trials and tribulations to where we feel alone and like we have nobody to talk to.  We know what the word of God says but still we have trouble finding the faith to believe it during the storm.  We hear in the word of God that He will never leave us or forsake us but still we feel like that verse speaks to everyone but as at that very moment.  We ask God questions and wait on his answers.  We are so weary and tired to where we can barely put one foot in front of the other.  Does this sound familiar to you?  Maybe you find yourself walking step by step at the moment.  We see it say in Psalm 119:105- Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.  What does that verse mean exactly?  Let us break it down together and dive into that verse.  Gods Word is his living breathe to where it is our guiding light.  We are to follow on the narrow path (Matthew 17:13-14) and since God is guiding us on this narrow path we need to just follow his word.  God is not going to shine a spotlight that is as bright as the sun on our path because we then would see everything that lays ahead.  We would see our trials and refuse to take the next step, we might even try to wander off of the path to avoid suffering for Christ's kingdom.  God holds that lantern right in front of us by our feet to where we can see one step at a time.  God has his provision for each step we take.  His job is to tell us his truth and it is our job to believe him at his word.  So maybe in the past or maybe at this very moment you are having a moment of asking God "Why?"  Let me remind you that he will show you the way.  He has NOT left you, he will NEVER leave you.  God Almighty goes before you and fights your enemies for you.  The major lesson to learn in this is that: He doesn't leave us, WE LEAVE HIM!  We abandon him and give up on him.  We want answers NOW, and when he doesn't give us what we want, we then walk away.  God just stands there with his arms stretched out waiting for us to repent and come back into his arms again.  Jesus wants to give us such an abundant life but the key is that we have to do it HIS way and choose HIS road.  Many people struggle with this concept because they still want to be in control and do things Their way.  To be a true follower of Jesus Christ, we must DENY ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow him.  (Luke 9:23-24)  We must study his word and seek him at ALL times.  When someone does something wrong to us we need to do what Jesus would do and forgive and show love.  Remember that GOD IS LOVE!!! Did you hear what I just said?  Let me say it again: GOD IS LOVE!!!  Our Society tries to tell us what true love is and they have it ALL WRONG.  Love is a commitment not a feeling.  God CHOSE to give his only Son and followed through with it.  God did not back out in the middle of it, he made a commitment because he is love and followed through.  This is what we must do in relationships today.  When someone does you wrong, turn your cheek.  God commands this, so are to do it.  We can all walk around and call ourselves Christians and pretend that we are good, or we can actually start showing it in our daily lifestyles.  Do your friends know that you love Jesus?  Does your family know that you love Jesus? Do strangers know that you love Jesus?  Time to bet your life on it and get ALL IN WITH GOD!!!

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