Friday, July 5, 2013

Attention World, Turn Off Your Television And Hear The GOOD NEWS!!!!!

So many times people start off their morning with watching the News or Television.  As everyone knows that the News Channel is always negative and always brings bad news and if you watch Television shows there are usually trashy shows that appear one channel after another.  So with negative news reports and trashy television shows what is a person to do?  How can you start the day off on a good note?  How on earth do we have a chance at staying godly if our minds are filled with this pollution???  Here is the answer: The Bible.  The Good News of Jesus Christ is all throughout the Bible.  The Bible is the Story of Jesus and what he came to do for us and what he gave us when he resurrected.  So many people feel that their religion defines what they believe and they go with a "label" and feel that is enough said.  When I was a "catholic" growing up I said that label but the way I was living was not catholic at all.  I wasn't seeking Jesus at all, and my lifestyle showed that I wanted to say what was right/wrong.  Many people walk around calling themselves "Christians" but their lifestyle doesn't show that they are.  There are people who live together that aren't married and there are people having sexual relations that aren't married.  There are even people on a daily basis walk around hating one another and still call themselves Christians.  Let me break it down for you.  To call yourself a Christian is a way of life.  It is to TRULY drop everything and follow Christ and be his ambassador here on earth.  We are to represent Christ on a daily basis in EVERY situation we encounter.  That means if someone does something bad to us, we need to act the way Christ did.  If we meet someone having a hard time, then we have compassion the way Jesus did.  The way we learn how Jesus would react is to study his life and get to know him personally through his word.  How can you act the way he does when you don't know him through his word?  Many people can share what Jesus is to "them" but you can't love Jesus personally until you make it your own.  You need to connect with him in the most intimate way to where it is just You and Jesus.  So many people want to be read the Word of God once a week and feel that is enough for the week or that it was enough of "Jesus" time.  The Word stresses on reading it DAILY.  We live in a sinful world so every single day we are hit with Sin non-stop so we need the Word of God daily so we can protect ourselves and our loved ones.  We need to remind ourselves that Satan is King of this World and you can see that by what is happening all around us.  You can see it on the news, television, movies, songs, culture, laws being changed, etc.  Why are we surprised when we see these things?  Jesus already talked about this happening in the Bible.  Do you want Good News????  Start reading Gods Word and see the truth and see the Good that Jesus came to do.  Do you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God?  Do you know that if you were the only person on this earth that Jesus would of came and died just for you?  Do you know that you could have all the access to the power that Jesus did when he was here performing miracles?  Do you know that you have been redeemed from all the curses?  Do you know that you don't have to be sick anymore?  Do you know that you can be made whole in Christ?   This is the GOOD NEWS!!! People walk around and don't receive fully of what Jesus did for them.  So many people don't know what the Bible says or are afraid to read it.  I encourage you today, turn off your television and read the GOOD NEWS!!

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