Monday, February 25, 2013

My 150th blog post.....(Integrity)

I am very happy to say that this is my 150th post on my blog!! I look forward to having many more blogs in the future and I am very happy that these blogs are reaching the world.  The love of Jesus should always be shared with each and every country and everyone should know how special they are to God and feel his love.  No matter your past, your present, it is all in his hands if you let him in your life.  How many times do you need to see that you can't do it in your own strength anymore?  It is time to truly REST in him and have real Peace.  Trust God, he NEVER fails, that is my promise to you!!!
     This blog is going to be on Integrity. Please read the definition of Integrity
  1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  2. The state of being whole and undivided: "territorial integrity".
honesty - probity - entirety - rectitude - wholeness

    Do you see number 1 on how it says The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and moral uprightness.  The key words that jump out to me are: honest, strong moral principles, moral uprightness.  How many people are honest moral strong principles and uprightness in todays world?  I bet some haven't truly met anyone like this, or maybe they know at least one person like this.  This would be a true rare jewel to find in todays culture.  Please if you know anyone like this, do me a favor and KEEP them in your life because you can learn from them.  This is the type of integrity we need to have in men and women today.  We need to be on this level and strive for it.  We need this in our homes, with spouses, children, at work, in friends, etc.  We need to strive for this so that we can be the example of Christ.  I could post these blogs all day, but if I act one way in person or around friends, then I am not true in heart with having integrity.  It just says that I am amazing with words, and that is as far as it would go.  My close family and friends would know the true me and most importantly God sees all!!! We are transparent.   In this world there is alot of pain and dysfunction because so many are walking out of tune with God so many people get hurt and struggle.  If you have integrity there is a way you can conduct yourself to stay moraly upright in every situation and circumstance.  One example I can think of is Divorce.  This is a very painful process because it affects the man and the woman and the entire family of the children.  The ones who suffer the most are the children, and many grow up feeling unloved and not good enough.  As being adults we need to carry the weight and have integrity, we need to stay honest and be moraly righteouss.  In ugly situations we need to maintain our composure and still treat one another with respect and be kind, no matter what was done to you.  God will hold you accountable for how YOU act on judgement day, not how your spouse acted, how YOU act.  God will say "why did YOU act that way in your marriage"  We need to always keep Gods principles first no matter what was done to you.  In our society we always try to get ahead with our work and we are always comparing ourselves to our employees.  We need to stop watching everyone else and do what they are doing.   If another co-worker is getting to work late everyday and nobody says anything, then we can say "well they come to work late and thats not fair i come early everyday, so i am going to start coming late."  We need to be men and women of God in every circumstance, there are no excuses on why not you should act godly.  So if you have been ungodly please repent, ask for God to give you revelation to show you the way, treat one another with kindness.  Jesus stressed on the 2 most important commandments we need to follow: Love the Lord your God, and Love one another as you love yourself.  If you wouldn't hurt yourself then why hurt others?  I pray this blog stirs in your heart and the Holy Spirit starts a working in your spirit to where it is revelaed to you where areas need to worked on in your life.  Having strife with friends, family, children, spouse, co worker, divorcee, etc.  Please pick up the phone, meet in person, write an email be godly.  Apologize, maintain being an integrite man and woman of God. 

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