an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially: the killing of a victim on an altar
: something offered in sacrifice
a: destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
b: something given up or lost
We can look around this world and see that the way we live is for ourselves and very selfish. We live on what works best for us and our needs and our desires. We believe others should live the way we would live by and if they don't, then there is conflict. We think people do horrible things, and we put cateogories on people (good people/bad people) In the "world" this pretty much sums it up. In Gods Word you understand the true definition of Sacrifice, if there really are good and bad people, and exactly how we should live our lives. In the World there will always be conflict because there are two battles going on here on earth and in the spiritual realm (good and evil) We will always have conflict because of what happened in the Garden of Eden. We will always have sickness because of what happened in the Garden of Eden. So we need to take our eyes of this world, and look above and get our eyes fixed on the eternal things which we cannot see. In the Bible the passage that shows Sacrifice is : John 3:16-18 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
So we can see that God gave freely because he loved us so much, so he gave us his one and only Son. His Son Jesus was the perfect sacrificial lamb, and here God could of sent him to show us how bad we were/ and still are messing up, but he sent him so we might be saved. As you can see in the Webster dictionary above it says to give for something precious. See to God, we are precious we are rare, one of a kind. We are worth his Son going through pain and death to the cross. We were worth every single step to the cross. At anytime Jesus could of got himself down on the cross because he is Christ himself, but instead he saw your face and my face. THIS IS TRUE SACRIFICE!!!!!
In this world we live in, we hear songs on the radio of artisits saying "they will do anything for their man/woman etc" These are just words. In this world you cannot find the level of sacrifice that God did here. God shows the true definition of Sacrifice. We learn from the best and the only right here. God is the ONLY truth we will EVER know in this World. If we can get in alignment with God then everything we experience will be blessing upon blessing. From Divine Appointments, to Peace, to finding the partner God has for you, etc. These are things the world tries to fool us with. The world tells us if we look a certain way or have a certain job then we are worthy, and then we will find someone and find real love. The truth is REAL love is with the Lord, because the Lord accepts us fully and forgives us and cleanses us as white as snow. As humans we slip up time and time again because we get offended or we cut people off because we don't understand their ways. See the Real true love and sacrifice comes from God above. I don't know about you, but I want to cling as tight as I can to the one truth in this world and that is the Word of God.
Our main mission as being Disciples is to Lead people to Christ and it isn't just with head knowledge of the Word, it is by actions, and you can start with the smallest action. It may be one of the hardest but speaks volumes. When someone says something hurtful, choose to do it Gods way and say nothing back, speak love. When someone does something hurtful, do volumes of love back. Think of Christ on the cross. Look what he did for us, we should do the same for him.
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