Tuesday, March 20, 2012



                I am so blessed and grateful to say that I have just celebrated my 28th birthday!!! J  I just keep thanking the Lord for blessing me with keeping me alive this long, health, and all of my family!!!  I am truly truly grateful.  It is so amazing to be a wife and a mother and to know that our second baby is on the way.  Everything is always Gods timing and it has been such a pleasure going forward and just seeing what God has done in my life.  We are moving in May and I am so excited to be able to decorate another baby nursery and get the room all ready for the babies arrival.  Also I am going to soon be a stay at home mom which I am so excited about.  Everyone is healthy and doing well and there is just so much to celebrate right now.  Thank you Jesus for paying the price for a sinner like me and finding favor in me by blessing me with my most amazing family!!!

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