My Resolution
To stay as far away from technology .I will NOT be one of those people that will be on technology and ignoring human contact.
To always continually seek Gods face no matter how busy I get, or forget, that as long as there is a breathe in me.
To stay as close to a Godly woman as I can, if I mess up to always have the Holy Spirit convict me and be the first to apologize and make it right.
To keep God as head authority and check in with God when I have conflicts, confusion, situations where I am in and am distracted with what to do.
To love and respect my husband and honor him and make him always feel important and loved at all times.
To edify my children and raise them up Godly and teaching them about Gods word and speaking life and blessings into them.
To be in the Word and get so familiar with the word where it gets in my heart and I can recite scriptures and help those that struggle or do not know the word.
Quick to listen, slow to speak, and therefore slow to anger.
To be grateful for each day that I arise and given another day, and to always be thanking God.
To rely on God 100% of the time and not question him, or try to get answers.
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