Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nogales Update

3/28/12 Nogales updates J
                This blog is just an update blog with what we have been up to!!  We are all doing well and healthy.  I am 5 months along in my pregnancy which is just flying by with little pierogi cooking inside.  We know the sex of the baby and we have a name already which is exciting J  Gabriel is 17 months already and what a little person he has become. His personality is so contagious I look forward to seeing him everyday when I come home.  He knows he is going to be a big brother, when we say the new baby name he runs to my belly and lifts up my shirt, smiles, kisses and pats the belly. My husband is doing fabulous he is working hard and is amazing at what he does.  He is the best blessing I could of ever had from God, I have never met such an amazing man and father all in one.  We are all participating in the walk of life 2012, we are excited to walk for all the babies and moms.  We are trying to get sponsors who want to donate any amount to our team.  We have people “liking” it and telling us “congrats and good luck” which we really appreciate, but to have that with a donation would be amazing, so if you could please help out with any amount it is going to an amazing cause. Our link page is  I have been a life coach for sometime at the pregnancy center and I am so happy to announce that I am leading a 6 week series “Godly Parenting” where I will be able to really get in the word and educate young couples on how to be parents based on scripture and share the love of God.  My husband is even going to help me with the class, so the men will have a “mans” input which is so important these days.  We are moving soon into a bigger place so we can decorate another nursery which I am beyond excited about J  God is good and I am just loving each day that I am alive with my loved ones.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Walk for Life 2012

Please support our family as we do the walk for life, follow the link below to sponsor us, any amount would help thank you God bless.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



                I am so blessed and grateful to say that I have just celebrated my 28th birthday!!! J  I just keep thanking the Lord for blessing me with keeping me alive this long, health, and all of my family!!!  I am truly truly grateful.  It is so amazing to be a wife and a mother and to know that our second baby is on the way.  Everything is always Gods timing and it has been such a pleasure going forward and just seeing what God has done in my life.  We are moving in May and I am so excited to be able to decorate another baby nursery and get the room all ready for the babies arrival.  Also I am going to soon be a stay at home mom which I am so excited about.  Everyone is healthy and doing well and there is just so much to celebrate right now.  Thank you Jesus for paying the price for a sinner like me and finding favor in me by blessing me with my most amazing family!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Resolution

My Resolution
                To stay as far away from technology .I will NOT be one of those people that will be on technology and ignoring human contact.
          To always continually seek Gods face no matter how busy I get, or forget, that as long as there is a breathe in me.
          To stay as close to a Godly woman as I can, if I mess up to always have the Holy Spirit convict me and be the first to apologize and make it right.
          To keep God as head authority and check in with God when I have conflicts, confusion, situations where I am in and am distracted with what to do.
          To love and respect my husband and honor him and make him always feel important and loved at all times.
          To edify my children and raise them up Godly and teaching them about Gods word and speaking life and blessings into them.
          To be in the Word and get so familiar with the word where it gets in my heart and I can recite scriptures and help those that struggle or do not know the word.
          Quick to listen, slow to speak, and therefore slow to anger.
        To be grateful for each day that I arise and given another day, and to always be thanking God.
          To rely on God 100% of the time and not question him, or try to get answers.