Wednesday, February 22, 2012


                Today starts Lent J  I am proud to say that I have made several choices to give up and I really feel that this will bring me closer to God and His Will.  I have deleated my facebook account, which this is a great decision because I usually do check it daily especially when I get home from work and if I can’t sleep then I would just play on it because I was bored.  So here I could be doing something else valuable with my time instead of wasting it on the web playing on facebook.  I also have given up trash/reality tv.  For the most part I try and avoid it but once in awhile there will be nothing on tv and I catch myself watching it and I can hear myself making comments about the people I am watching, so here I am judging people. Most importantly I am spending more time in Gods Word, I want to become closer to the Lord and I want to hear him speak directly to me and through the Word about what he wants me to do.  I have always been in and out of the bible, and I want to seek God daily in his word.  So by eliminating the facebook, and trash tv I now have time freed up for bible reading and this will be time WELL spent. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This is something EVERYONE can learn from..


                This is something that EVERYONE can learn from.  Do people get into arguments?  Is there someone you always seem to have conflict with?  How do you respond when someone is mean to you?  How do you respond if someone attacks you or a loved one?  If we get in the “flesh” then we want to get angry, vent, say hurtful things, hold grudges, gossip, get even, not forgive, etc.  If we are in the “spirit” then we know we have the fruits of the Holy Spirit and that we have the tools from the Lord and that we need to tap into these and actually put them to use.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  One bible verse that speaks to me is James 1:19 (if you are reading this and don’t know this verse, look it up, get your bible and look it up and learn it) 
                One thing that puts it into Perspective and lets you know how it is going to REALLY be is this:  Each person will have their judgment with the Lord and in front of God alone.  It is between you and God and that is it.  You are judged on your life and how did you advance the kingdom of God?  God is going to ask this, what is your response going to be??  Think about this……  So if someone you know is mean to you and treats you badly, God isn’t going to say “wow the way that person treats you is horrible, I can see why you acted the way you did.”  God only cares about what YOU did, how you Acted and responded to that.  You can’t make excuses, you can’t play the blame game, so you have to own up to it and answer for it.  So when you are in a situation with a person, in your mind eliminate that person from the situation because in reality it is just you and God alone.  You are going to have to answer for it, so make it personal and make it intimate with you and the Lord. 
                People think that if you are “good” and nice then you will go to Heaven, and the truth is that it isn’t true.  You need to accept what the Lord did for you, and accept him as your Savior and accept the grace and mercy and want to change your life and become a disciple in Christ.  So it is not about being good, it is about being IN Christ and learning how to love and treat others through Christ and how to touch others through Christ.  So maybe this is a wakeup call for some, but I wanted to say that if you are still here today, it isn’t too late.  You can still have Christ in your life and start learning the love of Christ and sharing it with others. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cover Your Ears and Eyes

                I am learning more and more that I need to filter the things I hear from the radio, tv, news, movies, peoples conversations, etc.  It is so easy to think and say “I am my own person and I control my thoughts of what goes into my head and what I think about and say.”  When dealing with supernatural principalities that we cannot see on this level, it is so easy to forget about it and just go off of what we see and hear.  That is the enemies greatest lie, that this world is “real” and that he doesn’t exist.  I saw something on the news that mentally disturbed me and brought me to a level of complete sadness and had my heart breaking.  I realize more and more how Satan has corrupted this world and people and situations and it is heart-breaking.  It pisses me off that people are being blinded and fooled and being lied to by the enemy, to where it fuels my fire to fight for God and on Gods side/army.   I WILL speak the truth when people speak to me, and I WILL share the word of God.  I will fight for the lost souls, and I WILL fight against evil for the Glory of Gods Kingdom. 
                I learned that I need to not watch the news and hear all of the depressing stories, and not watch the trash tv that is on every channel now because it is garbage and poison for the spirit, soul, and it grieves the Holy Spirit and doesn’t let the Spirit thrive.  I am not being lied to or deceived, I KNOW who I AM IN CHRIST and I will fight for those that are being lied to. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Update 2/6/12

2/6/12   Update J
                There has been SOOOOO much going on, that I thought this would be a great opportunity to give an update on everything.  Gabriel is 16 months J I cannot believe he is getting so big, it is just so fun to watch him explore and see things through his eyes.  He has such a personality and has the funniest laugh and always has Carlos and I laughing hysterically.
                I am about 11 weeks pregnant J  We have our 12 week ultrasound on valentines day and we could find out what we are having J  (talk about a valentines day present)  We are just so happy that they are going to be close in age and have eachother.  We cannot wait to see how Gabriel interacts with the baby J  We are just so excited.
                I won a contest and my husband and I get to re-new our wedding vows on Feb 10 J  This will be cool to be able to re-new our vows and play games and have a reception and possibly win a honeymoonJ 
                I really give all thanks and praise to the Lord for my family and all of the blessing he has given us.  He has really been molding and shaping our family and helping us become more godly and open to making changes.  
                We are going to be moving soon in April, not sure where yet we have to look around and it is all up in the air, we know we need another room for the new baby, so it is time to upgrade J  I am so excited to have more storage space and have a screened in patio, that is something we don’t have now, and I really really miss it, so I am excited to get a chance to re-decorate another baby room and add some new things to the place.  I love to decorate that is one of my hobbies J 
                So this is the latest update on the Nogales family and we are just so thankful and grateful for the Lord in our lives J