I am learning more and more that I need to filter the things I hear from the radio, tv, news, movies, peoples conversations, etc. It is so easy to think and say “I am my own person and I control my thoughts of what goes into my head and what I think about and say.” When dealing with supernatural principalities that we cannot see on this level, it is so easy to forget about it and just go off of what we see and hear. That is the enemies greatest lie, that this world is “real” and that he doesn’t exist. I saw something on the news that mentally disturbed me and brought me to a level of complete sadness and had my heart breaking. I realize more and more how Satan has corrupted this world and people and situations and it is heart-breaking. It pisses me off that people are being blinded and fooled and being lied to by the enemy, to where it fuels my fire to fight for God and on Gods side/army. I WILL speak the truth when people speak to me, and I WILL share the word of God. I will fight for the lost souls, and I WILL fight against evil for the Glory of Gods Kingdom.
I learned that I need to not watch the news and hear all of the depressing stories, and not watch the trash tv that is on every channel now because it is garbage and poison for the spirit, soul, and it grieves the Holy Spirit and doesn’t let the Spirit thrive. I am not being lied to or deceived, I KNOW who I AM IN CHRIST and I will fight for those that are being lied to.
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