I have said this over and over, but our society's priorities are so mixed up. I am going to point out a few things because recently I have really noticed them and been aware of them. How many times does one of your co-workers or friends comes in, and is so excited to tell you a bad joke, a dirty joke, whatever kind of a joke that they heard? A lot of times, and people get all excited to listen and anticipate the "punch line" so they make sure they are fully 100% aware? I know everyone has had that happen, well how come we get so excited and make ourselves fully aware for that? Why aren't we excited whenever we hear someone talk or speak out our Lord Jesus Christ? We should have that same attention we give for the joke for him, and a heck of a lot more. How many of you have your favorite T.V shows that you just cannot possibly miss? You will literally work your schedule around so you won't miss it no matter what? Why aren't we that excited about going to Church and praising Our Lord. There are always excuses about not feeling like it, or too tired. If your favorite show was on there would be no excuses, why aren't you able to be that excited about praising and serving our Lord? How many of us save up our money to buy a particular name brand of clothes, or an item no matter how ridiculously expensive it is? Why aren't we at least contributing donating money to the poor, and the helpless? If we can save a couple of hundred of dollars for clothes, why not at least donate a portion of that to the poor? I cannot believe how these things are actually true, and an actually reality in our society today!!!! I don't know how the majority of us actually can adapt to this, and think that this kind of lifestyle is ok? It really is just sad, lonely, and temporary. Why not invest our time into helping one another, and serving our dear Lord? That is what our number 1 priority should be, not all this materialistic crap in our world today. It really is a sin, and it is dragging us down because it corrupts peoples minds on trying to stress what you need to have, or what you should have, and that just isn't true at all. You don't need certain clothes, you don't need to be super skinny, you don't need surgery to change your look, it is almost like brainwashing. It is hard not to get caught up on, because everyone believes and sees it every single day, that is all you hear about on t.v, the radio, etc. Imagine what kind of world we would live in, if they paid that much attention to actually trying to educate one another on how we should treat one another, how we should dedicate our time to more important things and that if we waste our valuable time on things like that, it could be too late. Nobody ever thinks of it, because nobody has ever been there, so it is almost as if nobody believe it. Why do you need to see it to believe it? Do you want to really risk it, and then find out and it be too late? Prepare, Prepare, Prepare,.... PRAY!!! Be Humble..... Give Love.... Forgive....Repent, Repent, Repent!!!!
Please have a wonderful, blessed and safe weekend and try to pray to the Lord to open your eyes fully beyond what this world has to offer, to better serve and to better focus on him. Pray for one another for the ones that aren't fully opened and our trapped by what this world has to offer!! God Bless and Be Safe KatyRose
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