Monday, August 3, 2009

8/3/2009 Praying is the way to go

Prayers really are the way to go. If your having struggles, can't find the answers you need, lost, feeling empty, need strength, etc. Praying is the only way to go. People run off to psychics and try to solve their worries that way, and why are people running to psychics, and not giving prayer a shot? I feel everyone wants the quickest way out, or the fastest solution. Why is everyone so impatient? Everything takes time, we are never going to understand why certain things happen, we just have to trust in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We need to stop being in control of our life, and give it over to Christ. Do you think your looks are here forever? No!! So all of the people that are into themselves, and vain need to find a more deeper meaning. Do you think that we are here on this earth forever? No!!! So why are we investing so much wasted time into this earth, and possessions if it is temporary, why not make it meaningful and invest our time wisely.

I wish I could literally give a piece of what I feel to everyone else that doesn't feel it. Because so many people are wasting their time, and it is just sad. Everyone has their trials that they have to go through, we cannot escape them, nor understand them, but that is where we need to turn our cares and worries to God. We need to do that through prayer. Keep asking him to take them, and to put you where you should be, to fulfill his will.

I can honestly give an example: I have been going through a particularr trial lately, and I have been worrying, praying, praying and praying about it. Anyways, so what happened was that yesterday I was in my mass, and when they do intentions in mass, out of nowhere they have never done it before, they related to the subject that I have been worrying about and praying about, and asked everyone to say "Lord, here our prayer." I noticed that, and it made me so happy, because I realized God does hear me, and he even had all of the people in mass even pray for me. I was so excited, God really is beautiful he really is the only way to go. If you put all of your worries, and cares to God, and you really turn to him and pray, you will see things that you will know he is listening. So never have doubt, never feel alone, I can personally say that Jesus is always be your side, and he never leaves us, it is us who leave him, and wander on our own. KatyRose

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