Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I wanted to talk about an important subject and go into detail on the definition.  

Blindness:  the state or condition of being unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition.  Lack of perception, awareness, or judgement; ignorance.

We all can understand the condition of blindness, it doesn't matter your race, age, gender, maturity level, religious belief, etc.  We all have heard of someone that suffers from blindness or we personally know someone that is blind. That person is not able to see and they have to rely on their other senses to guide them.  

There is another form of blindness that i want to mention that not many people talk about.  There is such a thing called: Spiritual Blindness.  I will go into the definition below and go into greater detail.

Spiritual Blindness: To not see Christ, and to not see Christ, is to not see God.  Those who reject Christ are lost and choose to not accept the teachings of Christ. They do not understand Gods manifestations as things are revealed through his word.  

The god of this world has blinded their minds to keep them from seeing the light of gospel of Christ Jesus.  If we do not have God then we fall into the devil's schemes and in the end God turns us over to spiritual blindness and eternal condemnation.  

This is harder to wrap our minds around because the first definition of blindness is physical.  This second one is Spiritual.  We cannot see it with our eyes but we can feel it with our senses and in our actions of behavior.  I want to paint a very vivid picture because I am visual person.  I want you to visualize 100 people walking around.  All of them are alive, awake, walking, talking, driving to work, working out, playing with their children, sleeping, watching t.v, etc. But 50 of them are Spiritually Awake and the other half are Spiritually Dead.  Now you ask what does Spiritually Awake mean?  This means that when you have Jesus as Lord and Savior the old sinful nature is gone and you are now a new creation IN Christ Jesus.  The key here is that we are to be found IN HIM!! On our own we are Spiritually dead and have NO hope.  

There is a spiritual division that goes on in our world today and it stays hidden behind the scenes.  There are people that are easily led by their feelings and situations and this is scary because you can be easily used by the enemy and be led astray.  There are people that cannot see the BIG picture and do not see clearly.  We are taught to not be moved by the things of this world because this world will pass away.  We are to focus on our eternity because that is forever and whether we want to believe it or not there are two places we will end up.  (Heaven or Hell)  

That is why it is so important to remain faithful to Jesus through these trying times.  We do not want to get baited by our feelings and emotions.  Some relatives could be Spiritually Dead, co-workers could be Spiritually Dead.  We need to share the good news of Jesus and let out actions do the talking.  Don't bring others down.  It isn't about being "right" it is about being Jesus here on earth and trying to BE Love and show others that Jesus loves them too and came to earth just for them!!  

Many religions make you pay money, force things on you, and make you pay a price.  In Christianity, Jesus PAID it all!!! We are told to come to him sick in our sin and heavy burdened and he will carry our sins so we can be found blameless.  He is to take our weight and give us rest.  He is our Healer, He is our Strength, He is our Comfort, He is our Sustainer, He is the Glory and Lifter of our heads, He is our Refuge, He is our Shield, He is the Last Adam, He is the Alpha and Omega, He is the Beginning and The End, He is our Shepherd,  We too once were  lost and he went out  to find the one astray to bring us back to the 99.  He cares about the one that is lost.  Let us be mighty vessels of Christ and go out and do HIS calling and be love, preach love, do not condemn others this is not our job.  We were once lost and blind but now we can see and we are able to fully receive God's love and forgiveness. EVERY person deserves to experience Jesus.  

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