Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Resolutions...

New Years Eve

This is a night that many get excited for.  It is exciting to close out the year and begin a brand new year.  For many, it can be a brand new start!  Tradition has us make “New Years Resolutions.”  I myself enjoy doing this because it helps hold yourself accountable of what you want to change for the new year.  I am able to look and see where I am lacking and decide to make a change and apply steps on how I can maintain that goal.  This year I broke it down into 3 categories:

1    1)Physical 2)Spiritual 3) Relationship

I want to encourage you if you haven’t already, to take the time to make a list and have the steps on how you can achieve what you are hoping for.  The bible talks about us having a vision of what we are believing God for and framing it with his word.  I wrote a blog post in the past about “Framing what you are believing God for” and if you are interested in that post the link for it is below:

If you aren’t sure on what you want to put down for the new year I hope this blog post can encourage you.  A general list to look at is: Physical, Mental & Spiritual.  Many times in our world today many focus on the “physical” part.  Many will vow to lose weight this year or join a gym.  It is great to take care of yourself and be healthy because after all, our bodies are a temple to God.  We were bought with the blood of Jesus so it pleases him when we take care of our bodies.  I want to encourage you to flip the order around. Have the “Spiritual” be first and then the “Physical.”  Everything in this world is temporal and subject to change so we cannot spend so much time focusing on the “temporary.”  We are not promised tomorrow, so that is why we need to live each day that presents itself.  The part that is eternal is what truly matters because whether you like it or not, everyone is going to have an eternity.  Either you will be in Heaven or Hell.  It really is that black and white, and it is best to keep it simple so others don’t get confused.  We are not judged by our good works whether we will make it in to Heaven.  The only way we will be there is if we have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  He is the ONLY way for us to get in.  We are to have  him as Savior and we are to have a relationship with him while we are here on earth.  We should be spending DAILY time with him.  This time we spend with him should be enjoyable and not feel like a chore.  I know many feel guilty if they neglect time with the Lord but the truth is that there is NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.  It is best to see where you are lacking and repent for it, and then change it.  “Change” is a beautiful thing, and as long as we are alive another day, we are capable of doing it.  So I would love to encourage you to start the year off with making Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior and have 2016 be the absolute BEST year!!!!  If you have Jesus on your side then you can face anything!!  I can give testimony after testimony on what Jesus has done for me and my family.  I would love for you to have the same.  I wanted to make this a short blog post and get right to the point.  I pray you have the most blessed New Years and a Happy New Year!!! God Bless from my family to yours!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Spending Your Time Wisely....

How do you consider spending your time wisely?  What are some of your priorities?  As we are here and alive today, these are important questions that we need to ask ourselves.  We are to not take each day for granted, and we are to focus on each day that is presented to us.  We are to not worry for the troubles of tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. (Matthew 6:34)  Our purpose here on this earth is this:  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)  We have been appointed for a specific time here on earth and we are to fulfill it.  We are responsible to bear fruit and reach the lost.  (John 15:16)  The enemy is good at getting our eyes off of the prize and distracting us with things that are temporal and subject to change.  We need to have this principle ingrained in our minds: Earth, and these things on earth are temporal and WILL fade away.  The moment we truly grasp this concept and make it our own, then we can truly get our eyes fixed on the eternal things.  We are to fix our eyes on the things that are unseen.  (2 Corinthians 4:18)  We cannot be selfish and be led by our selfish desires.  We have a responsibility as believers to pray for the lost.  (Acts 26:18)  This next verse alone should be the "wake up call that we need to hear,"

"And they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will." 
- 2 Timothy 2:26

We can look on the news and see the horrific displays of violence happening all over the globe.  Instead of burying our heads in the sand because it hasn't happened in our backyard is not the way to handle it.  We are to pray and intercede for all of the violence in this world.  We have a duty and we have been called according to HIS purpose.  (Romans 8:28)  So I want to ask again.... Are You Spending Your Time Wisely?  Or do you let the distractions of this world lead you further and further away from The Lord?  Many are playing games with themselves and focusing solely on themselves.  We need to remind ourselves that each one of us has an appointed time before the Lord Almighty and we will be judged on our actions, and our actions alone.  There will be nobody there to blame or to point the finger towards.  Do you hold grudges with others?  Are there people you hate? We need to treat one another as Jesus.  Let us look at Matthew 25:41-45

"Then He will say to those on his left, "Leave Me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels (demons); for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me.  Then they will answer, "Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or as a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to you?"  Then he will reply to them, "I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did not do it for one of the lease of these (my followers), you did not do it for Me."

It does matter how you treat others, and God always sees the true condition of your heart.  It matters what God sees and him alone.  When we "hate" someone this is what God says in his word on he sees it and will judge it:  " Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murder has eternal life residing in him." - 1 John 3:15

The world has an "eye for an eye mentality," and this is deception from the evil one.  His goal is to put so many things in front of us, that we never get to what truly matters in this lifetime.  While reading this, is the Holy Spirit bringing people to your mind that you have hate and anger against?  Is the Holy Spirit showing you that you haven't been spending your time here wisely?  Do NOT beat yourself up or punish yourself.  Get on your knees right now and praise the Lord Almighty for the revelation from the Holy Spirit and repent from your wicked ways and call out to Jesus as Savior and Lord.  I had my come to Jesus moment because  I had people praying for me on my behalf, and that is the same for you right now at this moment!!  I pray that this blog post touched your heart dearly, and that it helped you examine on how to spend your time wisely.  This special post if for my brothers and sisters all over the world through Jesus Christ Our Savior!  xoxo  KatyRose

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What Is Our Purpose.....

What Is Our Purpose In Life?  Why Are We Here On Earth?  What Is Our Mission?  I am reminded of these questions daily and recently the Lord has been showing me small areas in my life here and there.  This blog post is going to give an explanation of what we are to truly do here during our time on planet earth.  When we wake up in the morning we are controlled by our "feelings."  We have our "flesh nature" that we were born with and if we are not careful we can let that side lead us and guide us.  We can become self seeking and selfish. We can develop the attitude that the world owes us something, or that we should be treated differently because we are better than others.  This is a struggle we will ALWAYS have because this is our sinful nature that we came into the world with.  It will be a constant fight each day while we are here on this earth.  The "other side" that I am referring to is our "Spirit Man."  This side does NOT come natural to us, it needs to be learned and studied by the Word of God.  This is completely foreign to us, and it will take some time to learn.  Our first reaction is to act in the "flesh" but we must power through that urge, and act in the "spirit."  I am going to share a few bible verses as to where it gives good explanations as to what I am referring to.

- For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.  They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whate  ver you want.  - Galatians 5:17

- Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. - Romans 8:5

As you can see it can be very easy to get in the cycle of being led on how we "feel."  But, we must remember that the flesh and the spirit are in conflict with each other.  You cannot have both, you must CHOOSE one or the other.  As you can see in Romans, it says that we need to have our minds "SET" on what the Spirit desires.  By "setting" our minds we must open the Bible and see how we are able to do that.  The first thing is to see what the Spirit desires.  We need to understand what are the fruits of the Spirit.  In Galatians 5:22-23 it says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control.  Against such things, there is no law."

A simple way to give yourself a quick reality check is to see if any of those fruits are being shown through you.  Do you meditate on his word?  Do you practice what you preach?  Are you being the light of Jesus?  Do you compromise your faith?  These are important questions to answer.

Now let us move on to our purpose in life.  I am going to introduce a few bible verses here on what Gods Word says on that issue.

- You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. - John 15:16

- Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. - Matthew 28:19

- For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. - Ephesians 2:10

We have been chosen ahead of time for a specific purpose and time here on earth.  There is a certain job that each person has been called to do.  We are to bear fruit of the Spirit and serve others and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are to show the love of Jesus and be here for others.

Many times if we are to ask one another "What Are Your Goals And Dreams?"  Some might give answers as to become famous, go to a certain school, get a college degree, play a certain sport, etc.  There is nothing wrong with having dreams and goals, but deep in your heart you can ask yourself the true meaning behind what you are specifically shooting for.  If we are not careful pride can start to creep in and puff us up and make us think that we got it on our own.  Once we are blessed, what do we do with that blessing?  Do we hold it all for ourselves or do we bless others?  In our world today we have many who have the "eye for an eye mentality."  People will do whatever to get ahead in life, and have no remorse on who they hurt in the process.  These are people who are led by the "flesh."

This blog post speaks to myself as well, because during my prayer time the Lord will speak to my heart and ask "Are your prayers just for yourself or for others?"  I have seen my prayer life change dramatically over the past few years because I will pray for others now more than myself.  We are called to be here for HIS glory and HIS purpose. We are to not feed our selfish desires or our egos.  We must get this "spiritual battle" locked in our minds so we can choose to SET our minds beforehand each morning.  We are here to live for HIM and to serve others!!  I pray that this blog post spoke to you and the the Holy Spirit was able to bring revelation and wisdom.

God Bless, KatyRose

Monday, August 31, 2015

Marathon Training....

              Here is a short video below on my
                                  Marathon Training!! 

Also follow me on Instagram at: KatyRoseTrains
And on my new website:  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Explaining The Caption...

This blog post is going to be different from any other posts I have done before.  I am a big fan of Beth Moore and I love a woman who is passionate about the Lord and on fire for him.  Yesterday I watched a Bible Study taught by her and afterwards I found a few quotes from her that I wanted to share and go into detail explaining what they mean to me.

We are living in this world with the "Father of Lies" (Satan) so we are constantly being bombarded with lies and deception.  The best way I could to describe it is "smoke and mirrors."  We are not really seeing the absolute truth.  We are constantly having filters over our eyes, our ears, and what we feel.  We cannot trust the things in this world, they are all subject and temporal to change.  We cannot stay distracted by the things of this world, and we need to stop chasing the things of this world.  Nothing in this world is eternal.  EVERYTHING in this world is temporary.  So if we are believers of Jesus Christ and we know that his word is the ONLY truth we have in this world, then that needs to be the standard.  That needs to be the level that we live by.  If we are living in this world and not reading the word of God then we are truly being deceived and not experiencing the absolute best for our lives because we are only seeking our own will, and not HIS.  The quote above speaks to me by saying we need to get the Word of God so deep in our hearts that when a lie is thrown our way that we need to cast it down and rise up and speak the truth of Gods Word over it.  We can choose to have hope in our Savior and know that things WILL change for the better.  We cannot always be downcast and negative.  We have the choice to believe Gods Word or believe the Father of Lies.

This spoke personally to me, and I loved reading this.  The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.(Proverbs 9:10)  We need to understand that we serve a Just God and that what he says is right and true.  With that being said we serve a Mighty Powerful God and if we choose to go against his word, we need to understand that there will be consequences because he is a Just God and he cannot go back on his word.  Many people like to put God in this "Love Bubble" and think that if they go against his word that he will just turn the other way and pretend not to see it.  There needs to be fear in our hearts because of the Mighty Power that God does have, and we need to respect and honor him.  We need to understand that he means business when he speaks through his word.  We are not to take him lightly and we are to not make excuses. When you can FULLY submit to God and give him EVERY SINGLE area of your life, then you do not need to fear anything because he has every area covered.  There are NO "What Ifs" to worry about.  God wants us to trust him even when things don't look good or add up.  If you can be honest with yourself and say that you have truly given God every area of your life and you do fear him, then you have no reason to every worry about anything else happening.  Stay surrendered to him!!

We are not here for ourselves or for our own will.  We were created in HIS image and we are here to serve one another and fulfill HIS great will!!  We are here to be ambassadors for Christ and to spread the Gospel with the world.  We are promised in this world that we will have trials and tribulations, but we are to take comfort because the greater one who lives in us has already overcome the world.(John 16:33)  We should have a certain level of peace with us because we are not alone and he lives through us and we live in him.  We cannot be surprised when we experience pain in this life.  Jesus was the only perfect human and he suffered greatly.  We are sinners in need of a Savior, so of course we are going to have pain as well.  The beauty in the pain is because God can take anything that we go through and turn it around for good and for HIS glory.  We have to have eyes like Jesus and see beyond the cross.  He was able to suffer because he saw beyond the cross.  He saw your face and my face.  When we go through our trials we need to ask ourselves "How can Jesus be glorified through this?"

Jesus is the one that makes things happen!!  We are weak in our bodies and weak in our flesh.  We grow tired and weary, our bodies need rest.  Jesus is the one who needs to be glorified when you make it out of a tough season.  His grace and mercy cover us when we are in times of trouble
The credit is not due to us, it is always due to HIM!! We got through it because of HIM!!  We relied on him and on HIS strength.  We cannot trust ourselves because we have a sinful nature and we are weak.  We are honestly in trouble if we rely on ourselves because we will disappoint ourselves every single time.  The Lord does work through people and their testimonies always point back to him!!  Make sure to always remember where the credit is due!!!  Praise him and Thank him!!! He never leaves us or forsakes us!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015


It is official!!! I have just signed up for my First Marathon!!!  I literally just got back from vacation and as I began to get back into my schedule and "routine" it came to me that I needed to sign up for a Marathon.  There was only one exception though, it could not be just anywhere, it had to be some place memorable and special.  I knew the New York City Marathon was out of the question because I put my name in the raffle and I didn't get picked.  So the next best thing was.... Disney World!!  I looked online and found out that they are having their Marathon through all of the Walt Disney Parks in January 2016.  I jumped on this opportunity right away, and signed up!!  The adrenaline rush of actually committing to a Marathon and knowing that I will endure a grueling training schedule to adapt my body to 26.2 miles of running.  The thought of making this the "norm" for my body gives me butterflies.  I am going to be putting all of my updates with training on my Instagram fitness account at: KatyRoseTrains

I will also be explaining in depth on my exact plan of action and I will give some insight in this blog post.  For those of you who followed my Half Marathon training and updates, you know how detailed I explained that process.  I honestly want people to feel like they are training with me, and hopefully inspire others to run as well.

I found a 16 week Marathon Training Plan that would work best for my schedule.  I will be posting it below on this blog post.  I will also be doing Weight Training 2xs a week.  I plan on sticking to a daily routine of what I eat on a daily basis.  I really want my digestion system to get used to a plan so my stomach will not have any issues on Race Day.  I will continue taking my vitamins and of course hydrating with plenty of water.  A new thing I am going to incorporate into my training is heavy stretching.  I am going to do deep stretching before each workout for 10 minutes and after each workout do 10 minutes.  I want to be smart about my training and make sure I stay injury free. My 16 week training plan will start September 1, 2015 and I will follow it for 4 months.  As of right now, I am using the month of August to start slowly running, and start doing my Weight Training to get my muscles used to this new routine.  My body usually reacts heavy after introducing something new, so I know after doing weights I will need to take a couple days off so my muscles can repair themselves.  So, I am honestly using the month of August as my "Prep Workout Month."

I am excited for this journey, and anybody who knows  me personally knows how Outside of the Box this is for me.  For me to run a Half Marathon was mind blowing, and to now be training for a Marathon, feels like an out of body experience for me.  Stay tuned to my
Instagram: KatyRoseTrains for updates.  Below is my fitness plan!!! Enjoy!!!

Here is my 16 Week Training Schedule

Here is My Weight Lifting Plan

Here are some Tips:

Here is some HIIT:

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Lord WILL Give You The Desires Of Your Heart...

The Bible verse Psalm 37:4 reads "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."  This entire blog post is going to be based on that verse.  I am going to give an amazing testimony of what the Lord did for one family that I have come to know and love.  I will explain on how the Lord can use people to pray on his behalf, and the true power of coming together and interceding on behalf of one another.  I will explain on the power of Tithing, and how this is the only place in the Bible on where God tells us to "TEST" him on it.  I want to first give a brief description of how I met this family.  My Mother works with this woman named Courtney, and as
co-workers they became close.  My Mom and I speak daily on the phone just to touch base and check in with one another.  My Mother in passing mentioned Courtney, and said that she was around my age and that she was having a difficult time.  She did not go into full detail of anything, she just mentioned a few things here and there.  The moment my Mother mentioned this Courtney, my heart immediately began to grieve and I just knew in my heart that I HAD to speak with her on the phone.  We live in different states, so the only way I could connect with her was over the telephone.  I told my Mom that I wanted to speak with her and I told her to ask her if she would speak with me.  I knew it was in Gods hands and that if he wanted us to connect, then it would happen.  A few days went by and sure enough she agreed to speak with me.  We would text a bit, and then we decided to have our first phone conversation.  I would have my Husband watch our children downstairs, and I would grab my Bible and notepad and go to our bedroom and lock myself in the room, so I could have complete privacy.  There were certain Bible verses the Lord put on my heart that I know I needed to share.  I knew that my specific place in this moment in time was to speak "Life" and "Encouragement" into her life and help strengthen her faith walk.  We began to have telephone conversations here and there and tried to talk as much as we could.  We would pray together on the phone, and we knew that we were in it together and that we had to STAND ON GODS WORD, NO MATTER WHAT!!!

I did tell her the verse Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  Test me in this, " says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
I told her and her husband to begin tithing immediately if they weren't already.  I just knew in my spirit that God wanted to bless them!  To give a short back story, Courtney wanted to be a Mother more than anything in the world.  She went under many tests and procedures and ended up doing IVF.  After several failed IVFs she was running out of options.  After the failed attempts she became discouraged.  I did not know much about IVF, but I did know what Gods Word had to say, and I did know that he is the Great Physician.  I had no doubt in my heart that this was going to be the time that it worked, because God wanted to bless her and her husband.  I knew that once they started Tithing, that it was the game changer that started it all.  God WANTS to bless his children, he does NOT want to punish his children.  We went over different Bible stories and talked about each appointment she went to.  I spoke with her and her husband (Eric) the night before they went to the hospital to have the implantation done.  I told Eric to lay hands on her womb each night and cover her in prayer.  As time passed she got her first positive pregnancy test!!  I told her to run outside and scream it as loud as she can "I AM PREGNANT!!!"  I knew that God was giving them the desires of their heart, and that he was giving them their little family that they have always wanted.  Now Courtney went through many "health scares" along the way.  Each time we would come together even stronger and stand BOLDLY on what HIS Word says and we agreed that we were NOT going to be moved by the things that we were seeing.  (2 Corinthians 5:7)  No matter how many health scares Courtney endured, these little girls would be moving during each ultrasound and be as healthy as can be!!!  It was almost God showing her " See, I have them in the palm of my hand, there is a shield of favor surrounding them." 

During these months of her pregnancy we became so very close.  We literally would talk daily through text messages and phone calls.  My husband Carlos, and Eric started talking and became friends.  We found out that the four of us have a lot in common and that we get along so well.  I want to fast forward and tell you that through all of the struggles that this couple endured, that the Lord blessed them with two healthy baby twin girls on June 1, 2015.  They are the most beautiful baby girls I have ever seen.  The family is healthy and doing well. 

I have been talking to Courtney now for over nine months and we never have met.  Last week was the first time I had the privilege of driving to their home and spending the day with this family.  I finally was able to meet Courtney, Eric, Baby Brooklyn, and Baby Bella in person!!!  It left me speechless when I walked in and saw the two little baby girls that we were believing God for!!!  All of our prayers were answered, and we were looking at the proof right in front of us!! My Mother and I spent the entire day at their home and had the most wonderful time.  I am proud to say that we are now going to be life long friends.  We even have made plans in the future to have them come down and stay with us in Florida so we can all go to Disney together.  I wanted to post pictures below from our visit!!

Courtney and I

Brooklyn and I

Bella and My Mom

Brooklyn and I

Bella and My Mom

Brooklyn and I

Bella and My Mom

Eric, Bella, and I

Eric and I

Courtney and I

The reason I wrote this blog post is to share the Mighty Power of Gods hand when he moves!! Being disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to lock arms with one another and pray for each other.  Many people are afraid of the unknown and the thought of speaking to a complete stranger intimidates them.  We are to be BOLD for Christ and step outside of our comfort zones.  We are to be moved by his spirit and have faith in what he can do. If you are going through a similar struggle with IVF and would like to connect with Courtney, I will put her blog address below.   Courtney has been able to reach so many other couples who are going through the struggles of IVF, and she can use her testimony of what the Lord did for her family.  Be encouraged and uplifted after reading this post.  God STILL does miracles today, and he uses people.  We are called to be prayer warriors for him and to STAND firmly on his word!!! NOTHING is impossible for God, and he loves to show his Mighty Hand.

Courtney's Blog Address:


Thursday, June 4, 2015

How To Stay MOTIVATED....

It is always easy to have ambition when starting something new.  Maybe it is something that truly excites you and motivates you.  Maybe it is something you have been dreaming about for years, and you finally figured out a way on how to officially do it.  In my opinion, starting out is easy, the true battle is to see it through.  Many times we can start off strong in the beginning, but during the process we lose motivation/make excuses/or let our feelings dictate whether we will continue to do it or not.  The true battle is how to maintain the pace UNTIL you complete your goal/mission.  This blog post is going to be about the "In Between Process."  I am going to explain a concept that I personally use, that has truly helped me, and that I STILL use today.  It may seem simple to some of you, but I ask you to please bare with me, as I explain in detail on how I use this system.  First and foremost I have an Instagram account (KatyRoseTrains) where I document my fitness journey/fitness plans/diet programs/videos/pictures/etc.  So this blog post is going to be a spin off of what I show on my Instagram page.  The system I go by is a two step process:  1) Short Term Goals & 2) Long Term Goals

Some of you may just have rolled your eyes, because it is really that simple and nothing earth shattering.  I am still asking you to continue reading and please humor me as I explain in detail.  I first sit down and figure out what "Short term goals" I want to accomplish, and what "Long term goals" I want to accomplish.  After I decide on my goals, I then set a plan in place on how I can achieve these goals.  I am going to give you a short list on how you can TRULY be successful at what you are trying to accomplish.

How To Stay Motivated:

1)  Hold yourself accountable!!  I am not kidding, literally check in with yourself DAILY and see how you are doing on your goals.  Schedule a time each day and see how you are doing.

2)  Tell someone about your goals!!  Tell a close family member/friend/co-worker/etc.  It helps to have someone touch base with you, and ask how you are doing on your goals.

3)  Stop the excuses!! Many times we lie to ourselves and have specific things "get in the way" of why we aren't getting things done.  Remind yourself that these goals ARE IMPORTANT to you, and that they need to have a priority in your life!

4)  Reward yourself along the way!!  Give yourself "mini treats" along the way.  If you reach a small milestone, go out and reward yourself so you can be proud of yourself and feel accomplished!!

5)  Take it ONE day at a time!!  So many times we get discouraged on the process as a WHOLE, that we get overwhelmed and become discouraged.  Focus on each day as it comes!!

6)  Do NOT be hard on yourself!!  We are GOING to fail in life, that is why Jesus came because he knew we couldn't get it "right."  Do not be so hard on yourself.  If you lose focus, do not beat yourself up!!  My favorite quote is "Fall Seven Times And Stand Up Eight!"

7)  Compare yourself to YOURSELF!!  Don't you dare compare yourself to others!!  You can use other people as motivation, but that is as far as it goes.  Each person is at a different place in their life and each person's story is different.

8)  Enjoy the journey!!  Enjoy the journey and find peace knowing that there is a plan in place, and that you are doing everything that you can do!!!

So, that is my short list on how to keep the fire burning throughout the journey.  Now personally I do not know what short term goals or long term goals that you are planning for, but I hope this list above helps.

The importance of having short term goals along WITH long term goals is because you need to ALWAYS be looking forward towards something.  If you only have short term goals, then eventually you will reach them and then come to a Dead End!!  The long term goals really help you press forward.  To give an example of how I have used this system in the past, was when I was training for my first Half Marathon.  Here is my process below:

                Short Term Goal              Steps To Achieve                             Long Term Goal

Start Running                              Find a running schedule                       Run a Half Marathon

My eyes were focused on my Long Term Goal, and I knew I had to come up with a plan in order to achieve it.  I found a running plan that was 4 months long that worked for my schedule.  I printed it out, and put it on my fridge.  I told everyone on my Instagram account my plan and told my Husband and Church family.  I stuck with the plan when it got hard because I had my eyes focused on my LONG TERM GOAL!!! I rewarded myself along the way with new workout clothes and running shoes.  I was able to accomplish my goal and run my first Half Marathon.

At the moment, I am currently using this system with the plan I am doing right now.  The plan that I am currently doing is more of a "Lifestyle goal!"  It goes with eating right and working out, and making sure I stay on top of it, to where it becomes my routine.  I am 3 weeks into it, and I am already seeing a difference with how I look at food, and I am starting to see that I am no longer craving bad foods.

I really pray that this blog post inspired you, and helped you get a plan in place with how to accomplish what you want in life!!  I hope the checklist gave some insight and helped you along your journey!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


 The title of this blog post will pretty much give you a good idea of what this post is going to be about.  I am just going to get right into it and start off by saying this....... YOU ARE BLESSED!!!!  WE ARE BLESSED!!!!

I was reminded tonight as I was tossing and turning in bed that I needed to have alone time with God and have a deep talk with him.  The Holy Spirit reminded me how blessed I truly am, and how much I miss out on because I forget to see the small things in life.  We need to truly grasp the concept in our minds that we are only promised one day at a time.  Each morning that we open up our eyes and take a breathe out of our nostrils, that we can only take that day into account.  We cannot worry about the next day or the day after.  We just need to focus on what that day!  We need to remind ourselves all of the little things that we can sometimes find ourselves complaining about.  I remember a long time ago before I had kids, I used to have a car that had no air conditioning.  I used to complain about how hot it was and how annoying it was.  I finally learned to be thankful in that area and realize how blessed I was that I had a working vehicle.  What happens with us is that we become spoiled, and we focus on what we don't have, instead of what we do have.  This is a tough mindset to break, but when you are able to "think things on purpose" then breaking that mindset can begin.

I have found myself recently riding these waves of emotions.  At times I am so overwhelmed that I feel like I could break at any moment, and at other times I am fine.  I have had to do alot of soul searching and have scheduled "alone" time with myself.  Being a full time stay at home mother is difficult when you try to find "alone" time, but I am blessed because my Husband makes sure I am able to go off alone, and spend some time alone with myself.

An important life principle to grasp is that: we are here for Gods purpose, and we are here to serve others.  We are NOT here for ourselves!!!  So many people spend time focusing on themselves and make it all about themselves, and miss out blessing after blessing along the way.  The tricky thing to keep in mind is that we need to first be ok with ourselves BEFORE we start serving others.  If we are not good for ourselves, then we will be no help to others.  If you find yourself struggling at the moment then go through this quick  checklist and hopefully this will help you get started!

1)  Did I have scheduled time with God today?

2)  Have I written out a list of blessings (so when I get down I can remind myself) ?

3)  Am I thinking before I speak out loud?

4)  Do I find myself speaking Life or Death?

5)  Am I complaining?

6)  Do I thank God DAILY for everything?

7)  Am I looking each day to bless someone or focusing on myself?

8)  Do I read the Bible?

9)  Do I put Gods Word above my own?

10) What is the state of my heart?

This little checklist will help you look at yourself and see how you can get started to focusing on one day at a time, and realizing how blessed you truly are.  If you still do not know what to thank God for, let me help get you started :)

- Running Water (There are people in other countries that have to walk MILES a day for just one bucket of clean water.  They use this water for drinking and for bathing)
- Electricity
- Food
- Shelter
- Job
- Health
- Salvation
- Clothes
- Medicine
- The Bible
- Family
- Vehicle

I want you to lift your head up and realize how blessed you truly are!!!!  I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit got a hold of me tonight and put this message on my heart!!  WE ARE BLESSED!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How To Have Realistic Balance...

I did a short video below to explain the reason behind this blog post. I think this is probably one of the most important posts I have ever written.  It is something that needs to be addressed to everyone because so many of us are stressed out and hurt from the affects of the world.  This video is 10 minutes long, see why this post is so special to me.  The rest of my blog post is below :) Enjoy!!

As people we are always striving for Order and Balance.  It is never fun to be overwhelmed and stressed out.  So if it is not fun, then why do we do it?  Simply because we never take the time to stop and get a clear picture on what REALLY matters in life.  This world throws thousands of different things in front of us daily to where we are constantly cluttered with too much stuff in our heads.  It usually takes something serious to happen in order for us to finally pay attention and see what truly matters in life.

I want each person to carefully read what the image above says.  Be honest and true with yourself and see what you would do with it.  This is the truth!!!  We are only promised each day!! We honestly cannot look at it as a whole, we need to take it minute by minute and day by day.  People get so focused on what is happening tomorrow or next week or next month, and never just focus on the day at hand.  I honestly feel if we truly just took it one day at a time, then we wouldn't be running around so chaotic.  I am going to share personal struggles that I deal with in this blog post.

Several months ago I taught a Bible study in my home and the topic was "How To Have A Mary Heart In A Martha World."  I have books sent to me to review because I blog and this particular book was sent to me.  It even came along with Study Guides and a DVD series.  I knew it was placed in my hands for a specific reason and I knew I had to share with women that I knew.  I invited a small select group that I knew were hungry for Gods Word and wanted to truly grow in their faith walk.  This was a two month series that I taught and I can honestly say we all learned so much.  The image I posted above is something that I still struggle with today.  The image reads "Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was breathe."  While teaching this series the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I had a "Martha Heart."  I was constantly DOING and GOING from one thing to the next.  My Husband and I were greatly involved in our church being used in every direction and leading groups and teaching etc.  I got so used to being on autopilot that I didn't get a chance to just clear my calendar,  sit back, and breathe.  I realized that I had become a "people pleaser."  I was constantly doing for everyone else around me and not taking care of myself properly.  I naturally have an "ALL OR NOTHING" attitude so the word "MODERATION" didn't sit well with me at all.  In fact it was completely foreign to me.  I learned through this series that I had to learn to say NO to people.  I had to learn that people ARE going to be offended and gossip about you, and it is ok.  I had to realize that I didn't need to explain myself to anyone because as long as I had peace, and it lined up with Gods Word, then I was ok.

When we are believers and we have Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior then we know that we are not alone in this life.  We no longer have to fight to swim up the current.  We no longer have to worry about drowning or suffering.  We know that we have been crucified with Christ and we are placed IN him.  We are instructed as believers to rest IN him and to abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  God does not make it hard for us.  He makes easy enough for everyone!! We need to trust in him, and not be moved by the things we see.  I have found with myself that when I was volunteering at our church I was giving EVERYTHING I had and when I came home I had nothing left for myself or for my family.  I would counsel people for hours on the telephone while my daughter watched t.v.  I was missing time with my daughter because I was a people pleaser and didn't learn boundaries.  It took me to learn this by trial and error.  I became dedicated to fitness and gave my EVERYTHING and then other areas of my life were slacking. I struggled to find a healthy balance.  I would give myself completely in one area and then fall short in three other areas.

Each person has their own personal struggles so I really pray that this post speaks to you.  I hope by me sharing my personal struggles, that maybe it might help at least one person.  I had to STOP being a people pleaser and understand that I need to take care of myself first.  If I am not good with myself then I am not good for anybody.  I had to take that MUCH NEEDED time to close people out and focus on myself.  I needed to grow in my own faith walk and take a long break from pouring into others.  I spent so much of my time pouring into others and had the hardest time understanding why I was so empty on the inside.  It seemed like I could help everyone else but myself.  Of course people got offended along the way but to be 100% honest it is something that I cannot try and figure out, it is between them and God.  I am only responsible for my part, and that is what I will have to answer for when I stand before God, and I can honestly say I am good with that.  I had to learn to not take things so personal.  Remember earlier above I mentioned that we need to get a clear visual of what REALLY matters in life?  Well that is what I am talking about.  When someone comes at you a certain way or is in a bad place and takes it out on you, we are to not take it personal.  When we step back and access the situation we can understand that the person is in pain and is going through something themselves, and they do not know how to properly handle it.  Maybe that person doesn't even have Jesus in their life.  So instead of taking things personal and carrying around offense, I have had to learn to forgive without even asking for an apology.  That person might not even know that I have forgiven them.  

Through this life we are constantly HOLDING on to things and LETTING go of things.  We find out quickly what works and what doesn't work.  I have had to ask myself deep questions just so I could truly see where my head and heart were at with certain issues.  I will give you the questions below of what I asked myself:

1) Can I honestly say that I am being the best wife that I can possible be? Is there more that I can do?
2) Am I doing everything I can for my children? Is there more that I can do?
3) Am I making excuses for myself? Am I playing games with myself?
4) What are the 3 most important things to me in life?
5) If today was my last day, would I be proud of my last day on earth?
6) What are some things that people would say about me after I am gone?
7) Have I been a true disciple of Jesus Christ on this earth?
8) Have I been seeking God with my WHOLE heart?
9) Am I being a hypocrite?
10) Am I truly living to please God and please him alone?

Maybe some of you need to ask yourself those questions and be real with yourself.  You will have a true one on one with God.  The next step is that when you find out those true answers then you need to come up with a plan.  How can you stop your bad habits and start to make good ones?? You need to PLAN ON PURPOSE!!  Get a list out and start writing!! Be realistic with yourself!! Post reminders up in certain areas of your house so you can truly succeed.  Have accountability partners to check in with you once a week.  Ask your family/spouse/friends/co-workers how you are doing on the areas you are trying to work on.  

My last most important tip is........... TO SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH GOD!!  The true revelation, wisdom, and change comes from him and reading his word.  So many times we focus on what is wrong with everyone else and not with ourselves.  When you are reading Gods word he begins to speak to you and it is in the most gentle correction you will ever receive.  You won't have a God that is shouting at you and making you feel condemned.  It will be a quiet whisper, it will be a gentle tap on the shoulder, you will feel two arms behind you hugging you.  It is the most loving way of correction you will ever receive.  So please I truly pray that this blog post spoke to you personally. Feel free to read it again.  Sometimes when you read things several times, certain things will stand out each time you read it.  I myself still continue to work on having a realistic balance, and I hope you are able to join me in that journey! :)  God Bless!