Thursday, June 4, 2015

How To Stay MOTIVATED....

It is always easy to have ambition when starting something new.  Maybe it is something that truly excites you and motivates you.  Maybe it is something you have been dreaming about for years, and you finally figured out a way on how to officially do it.  In my opinion, starting out is easy, the true battle is to see it through.  Many times we can start off strong in the beginning, but during the process we lose motivation/make excuses/or let our feelings dictate whether we will continue to do it or not.  The true battle is how to maintain the pace UNTIL you complete your goal/mission.  This blog post is going to be about the "In Between Process."  I am going to explain a concept that I personally use, that has truly helped me, and that I STILL use today.  It may seem simple to some of you, but I ask you to please bare with me, as I explain in detail on how I use this system.  First and foremost I have an Instagram account (KatyRoseTrains) where I document my fitness journey/fitness plans/diet programs/videos/pictures/etc.  So this blog post is going to be a spin off of what I show on my Instagram page.  The system I go by is a two step process:  1) Short Term Goals & 2) Long Term Goals

Some of you may just have rolled your eyes, because it is really that simple and nothing earth shattering.  I am still asking you to continue reading and please humor me as I explain in detail.  I first sit down and figure out what "Short term goals" I want to accomplish, and what "Long term goals" I want to accomplish.  After I decide on my goals, I then set a plan in place on how I can achieve these goals.  I am going to give you a short list on how you can TRULY be successful at what you are trying to accomplish.

How To Stay Motivated:

1)  Hold yourself accountable!!  I am not kidding, literally check in with yourself DAILY and see how you are doing on your goals.  Schedule a time each day and see how you are doing.

2)  Tell someone about your goals!!  Tell a close family member/friend/co-worker/etc.  It helps to have someone touch base with you, and ask how you are doing on your goals.

3)  Stop the excuses!! Many times we lie to ourselves and have specific things "get in the way" of why we aren't getting things done.  Remind yourself that these goals ARE IMPORTANT to you, and that they need to have a priority in your life!

4)  Reward yourself along the way!!  Give yourself "mini treats" along the way.  If you reach a small milestone, go out and reward yourself so you can be proud of yourself and feel accomplished!!

5)  Take it ONE day at a time!!  So many times we get discouraged on the process as a WHOLE, that we get overwhelmed and become discouraged.  Focus on each day as it comes!!

6)  Do NOT be hard on yourself!!  We are GOING to fail in life, that is why Jesus came because he knew we couldn't get it "right."  Do not be so hard on yourself.  If you lose focus, do not beat yourself up!!  My favorite quote is "Fall Seven Times And Stand Up Eight!"

7)  Compare yourself to YOURSELF!!  Don't you dare compare yourself to others!!  You can use other people as motivation, but that is as far as it goes.  Each person is at a different place in their life and each person's story is different.

8)  Enjoy the journey!!  Enjoy the journey and find peace knowing that there is a plan in place, and that you are doing everything that you can do!!!

So, that is my short list on how to keep the fire burning throughout the journey.  Now personally I do not know what short term goals or long term goals that you are planning for, but I hope this list above helps.

The importance of having short term goals along WITH long term goals is because you need to ALWAYS be looking forward towards something.  If you only have short term goals, then eventually you will reach them and then come to a Dead End!!  The long term goals really help you press forward.  To give an example of how I have used this system in the past, was when I was training for my first Half Marathon.  Here is my process below:

                Short Term Goal              Steps To Achieve                             Long Term Goal

Start Running                              Find a running schedule                       Run a Half Marathon

My eyes were focused on my Long Term Goal, and I knew I had to come up with a plan in order to achieve it.  I found a running plan that was 4 months long that worked for my schedule.  I printed it out, and put it on my fridge.  I told everyone on my Instagram account my plan and told my Husband and Church family.  I stuck with the plan when it got hard because I had my eyes focused on my LONG TERM GOAL!!! I rewarded myself along the way with new workout clothes and running shoes.  I was able to accomplish my goal and run my first Half Marathon.

At the moment, I am currently using this system with the plan I am doing right now.  The plan that I am currently doing is more of a "Lifestyle goal!"  It goes with eating right and working out, and making sure I stay on top of it, to where it becomes my routine.  I am 3 weeks into it, and I am already seeing a difference with how I look at food, and I am starting to see that I am no longer craving bad foods.

I really pray that this blog post inspired you, and helped you get a plan in place with how to accomplish what you want in life!!  I hope the checklist gave some insight and helped you along your journey!!!

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