Friday, April 25, 2014


The definition of Diligence-persistent effort: persistent and hard-working effort in doing something

Can you honestly say that you seek God diligently? I am currently reading in Acts and I am seeing the true definition of "diligence" through Paul. He would hold lectures and daily discussion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from 10-3 and he did this for two years. (Acts 19:9-10)

He then says in Chapter 20:22-24 that he is bound by the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit affirmed to him that imprisonment and suffering await him. He then goes on to saying: But none of these things move me; neither do I esteem my life dear to myself, if only I may finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have obtained from the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully to attest to the good news of God's grace.

He then says in verse 31 to be ALWAYS on alert and on your guard, being mindful that for three years I have never stopped night or day seriously to admonish and advise and exhort you one by one with tears.

What can you learn from Paul right here?
1) He made it his LIFE goal to share the Gospel of Jesus with each person he came in contact with.
2) He sacrificed his flesh and was crucified with Christ and lives FOR Christ. He put the cause of Christ Jesus ABOVE his own life!
3) He would pour into people so much that he did not care if it was day or night, he would even preach with tears in his eyes.

The last thing I want to share with everyone is in Acts 20:35
In everything I have pointed out to you that, by working diligently in this manner, we ought to assist the weak, being mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Are you getting it yet? Are you reminded of how self involved we can be with our lives and wants and needs? We make such big deals out of things and we can learn here from Paul. Paul finally got "it" after he was Saved. He knew what it was like to TRULY follow Christ and die to himself DAILY. Read this post several times to remind you of the true definition of Diligence.

      For more posts like this please visit our Ministry Page:                     Young Couples/Singles

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Today We Celebrate Our 4 Year Wedding Anniversary....

Today, we celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary!!  God has done so much in our marriage and he continues to surprise me with all of his blessings!!! Carlos and I feel so blessed to be married to one another and have our little family!!  We know we have favor from God, and that he continually watches over us and has his hand on us.  Today, we spent time remembering what took place 4 years ago.  I remember waking up and having nerves and being excited all at the same time!  I remember starting to walk down the isle, and the moment I see Carlos all of my nerves go away, and all I can do is smile at him.  My husband looked so handsome on that day and it was an honor to walk to him :)  I pray that God continues to shine upon our marriage and our family and that no matter what, we will always keep him in the center of it, and do it his way!!!  Happy Anniversary Carlos!!! Te Quiero Mucho!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The 2014 Women's "Pink" Conference.......

This is the unveiling of the Women's Ministry that is just beginning at Countryside Christian Center.  The Ministry is labeled with a "P" that stands for "PINK."  The mission for this ministry is to Promote Intimacy and Knowledge In Christ.  The Bible Verse that we stand on behind this Ministry is: Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord she shall be praised. -Proverbs 31:30.The theme for this Women's Ministry is "Arise."

The Women's Conference was held in the Sanctuary and the set up was every women's dream.  There were lot's of hot pink goodie bags, a wide variety of giveaways, rose petals on the ground, and much more hot pink and black decor.  

The leaders were on location and were eager to help welcome the women for the day!!  Every leader had a smile on their face and were bursting to share the love of Jesus with everyone they said hello to.  

There were T-shirts that could be purchased for an amazing price.  Many of the women changed into their shirts immediately because they were so excited for the Kickoff of this Women's Conference.  

Women were getting their name tags and then they headed off to have an amazing breakfast in the Cafe.  There was a wide variety of delicious pastries to choose from.  The church did a phenomenal job with the organization and set up.  

Here the women had an opportunity to have a delicious breakfast and start to meet other women in the Body of Christ.  There was lot's of fellowship and connecting during Breakfast!

It was so refreshing to have a "family type" atmosphere that was so loving and welcoming.  You could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit moving because there was so much excitement and love to share.  

Every table in the Cafe had it's own "theme."  The leaders really went the extra mile to make everything so nice with the decor.  

It was 9:30am and the women started to take their seats for the Conference.  There were 250 women that attended this conference, so there wasn't an empty seat in the house.  

The Conference started with some Praise & Worship.  We truly united together as women and lifted our voices up to the Lord to offer up Praises and Songs.  The Worship was very anointed and you could feel the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit.  

Pastor Patty Elder got up and started to share her vision for the Women's Ministry.  This woman has a heart for God and is very passionate about her love for Jesus Christ.  

After Worship was over, it was time to do some amazing giveaways!!  Every woman received a raffle ticket for the amazing door prizes.  Everyone had their tickets in their hand and were hoping that their number was called!!

The leaders were ready to hand off the prizes to the winners!!

The story behind this photo below is so beautiful that I had to share it.  The lady that is handing the Garden Pot to the lady sitting down was praying that her ticket would be called because she wanted to give the gift to her friend because her friend loves to Garden.  So her prayers were answered and she received the gift and stood up right away and gave it to her friend, and told her that she was praying that her ticket would be called so she could bless her with this gift!!

After the amazing Giveaways we got right back into some more Worship.  After the Worship, Pastor Patty got up and started to explain the vision behind "PINK" and what the plan is for the Ministry.  We then got into a deep Bible Study to where I had divine revelation from what was revealed to me.  I found myself weeping because the Scripture became alive to me once the verses were explained in detail.  Pastor Patty was truly anointed during her teaching at the Conference and the Holy Spirit was using her as his vessel.  After some amazing Bible Teaching, there was a video that was shown to a worship song.  The video left everyone speechless because we have never seen anything like it.  It was one of the most powerful videos that I have ever seen and I started to weep again.  There was lot's of singing and praising Jesus after the video was over.  Pastor Patty then got up to share a word and called up the Elders and Leaders to the Altar so they could pray for one another.  There was a line of Elders and Leaders that stood at the front to where women could come up one by one and share what they need prayer about.  We stand on the verse
  Matthew 18:20- For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

As you can see we unite together as Sisters In Christ.  We lock arms with one another and lift each other up.  No Woman has to ever feel like she struggles alone.  We are family!! We are members in the Body of Christ and we function properly when we connect and work with one another.  There was healing, strongholds were broken, addiction was broken, Women were free from bondage!!!! Lives were changed at the Women's Conference!!

In the goodie bags we received little "Brides" because we are Christ's Bride and we are waiting for his return.

The Women's Kick Off Conference was powerful!!  Women left the church on fire for God and wanted to grow in their faith walk with Jesus.  There is going to be several Women's Conferences at Countryside Christian Center in the next coming months.  I would highly encourage you to come and check out what Countryside Women's Ministry is doing.  You will find your place, and you will meet other sisters and became a part of our family!!  You will be encouraged at these conferences and start to make connections with other believers.  We are having a Women's Retreat in September that is going to be on the Beach.  We have been meeting on Monday nights in April to dive into God's Word and lives are being transformed.  As you can see by the pictures, it was a first class event and you will have an idea of what to expect at the next Women's Conference.  You can expect to be welcomed with open arms and you can expect to grow in your faith walk with Christ Jesus.  I was so excited to write this blog post because I want everyone to know what is going on at Countryside Christian Center, and I want women everywhere to come and be a part of this Ministry.  

Follow this link to see a short video about the Ministry:

These amazing pictures were taken by: Catherine Alburn-Gossie