Monday, April 21, 2014

Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World....

I wanted to write this blog post on a Women's Bible study that just finished up this past week.  I opened up my home to invite a few women to take part in this incredible series.  This was a Bible Study that was just over 2 months long.  I received the DVD Video Sessions and Study Guide from a website that I write book reviews for.  I have never heard of the book "Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World."  This series was done by Joanna Weaver.  I had never heard of the author and was excited to see how she did this book and video series.
This series was based on the Bible Verse Luke 10:38-42.  We really examined this verse line by line and took our time going through it and understanding it.  We went through the characteristics between Martha and Mary and even had some intense questions we had to ask ourselves to find out things we may be struggling with or things that could be creating a "wall" between us and God.  We met every Monday night and would meet for 2 hours.  We watched a session from the Video and then we went through our Study Guide and answered questions and went through scriptures in the Bible.  We had personal discussions and we were very open with one another to where we could truly bond and connect and not feel judged.  There were lot's of tears and stories shared, and of course there was great coffee and desserts.  I can honestly say that the Holy Spirit truly moved on us and there was lot's of revelation throughout this study.  I can personally say that I learned alot about myself and the Holy Spirit revealed to me on certain things that I need to give to God, and it has really helped strengthen my faith walk as an individual.  I feel that I am able to connect to God more one on one now, and my intimacy has sparked even more for him.  There was a total of 4 women (including myself) that were faithful to come each week and do the reading and homework assignments.  I really wanted this to be a serious study so I only gave the invite to a few women that I knew would take this seriously and women that were hungry for Gods Word.  It was very intimate to be in a home Bible Study to where we had privacy and we could share and be comfortable.  My husband would take the kids each week and take them out of the house for the 2 hours so we had alone time and no distractions.  I can honestly say that I have truly bonded with three other sisters in Christ Jesus and we all have each others back.  We lift one another up in prayer and we do serious battle for one another.  I know if I am struggling with something, I know I can send out a text or a call or we can meet up and pick up right where we left off.  I am honestly so blessed and happy with how this study went.  I learned so much, and the other women have also shared how much they have learned throughout the study.  I would highly recommend this study to every woman who wants to examine there one on one time with God.  God will reveal things in this study to you, to where you could of been deceived and not realized it.  There were numerous times to where out of nowhere the Holy Spirit would shine light on certain areas, and I had to immediately repent and start to walk in HIS way and not the flesh.  I would like to personally thank the ladies that did this study with me and came to my home faithfully each week.  I love you all dearly, and I can honestly say that there is a special place in my heart for each one of you, and I know we will remain close from this point forward. 

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