Friday, October 18, 2013

Teaching Material On Trusting God...

Bible Scriptures On Trusting God

Proverbs 3:5 ______________________________________________


Romans 8:28


Psalm 46:10


Proverbs 3:6


Matthew 5:38-39


Psalm 112:7

Isaiah 26:3


Isaiah 43:2-3


The next segment is 7 key pointers on how to Radically Trust God.

 How to Radically Trust God

1)  Be willing to Suffer and don't be surprised when you experience it.  
Our Savior suffered here on earth and people rejected him.  We cannot be surprised when people reject us or make it hard for us.  If our Perfect Sinless Savior suffered, then we surely can expect to suffer as well.

2)   Accept the inevitability of death.

We think of eternity and looking at the world from Heavens perspective.  We shouldn't be trying to maximize are time here on earth, but rather to get ourselves and as many people possible to Heaven.

3)    Have Daily Appointments with God.

In order to FULLY trust God you have to spend deep intimate time with him.  To understand him we need to seek him and talk with him.  It needs to be a DAILY talk time scheduled with God.  We need to talk and listen!!

4)   In prayer, listen more than talk.

If we talk more than we listen then there is a good chance that are flesh could get in the way.  We will have selfish desires and without realizing it we could be spending our entire prayer time talking about them.  

5)   Limit Distractions.

In our fast growing society it is teaching more and more people to be less patient/socially awkward/ and too busy.  We need to make sure we relax and keep God first.  We need to set boundaries in our personal time and in our family time.  Ex: No cell phones after a certain time/ no technology at dinner/ family prayer time/ not watch certain movies/shows/ listen to songs etc

6)   Submit your discernments to others

We need to seek godly counsel/friends/mentors and when having trouble with issues go to those people and ask them to pray about it.  If they come to you with godly advice or warn you not to follow a certain path, we need to take what they say into consideration.

7)   Offer the Lord your complete, unhesitating obedience

If God calls you to do something, no matter how impossible/hopeless/waste of time it looks like, we need to act on it!! Partial obedience is disobedience to God.

The last segment is a Trusting Activity that each person can do.  Answer these questions honestly and towards the bottom there is an activity that you can repeat or say the prayer in your own words.

What is something that you struggle trusting God about? ____________________________

Now ask yourself why is this a struggle for you to trust God with this?




What is the outcome of doing it YOUR way vs. doing it GODS way? 




What do you believe is at the root for the reason on not trusting God with this? 




Do you believe that this struggle is BIGGER than our God? __________________________

(I know that you just wrote No in this blank because we know that Nothing is too big for our God and that we serve a God that is a God of the impossible)

So now that you know NOTHING is out of Gods Control you can safely hand this issue over to God!

ACTIVITY: Close your eyes, put your hands together and place your struggle in your hands.  I want you to visualize yourself at the feet of God.  Tell God in your own words or repeat these words:  “God, I cannot carry this burden any longer, I have tried but keep failing at it.  You said that if I am tired and heavy burdened that I should come to you and that you will give me rest.  I need rest God, I am tired and I no longer want to carry this.  I love you and believe your word, and know that you carried this on your back to the cross so I wouldn’t have to carry it anymore.  I believe that you will deliver me from this, and that I will no longer carry this burden with me.  I am giving __________________ to you and I trust that you can handle it better than I can.  No matter what happens Lord, you love me and I will give you thanks and praise No matter what, because you are Good ALL OF THE TIME.”
   Now I want you to lift up your hands and hand it over to God.  Once you hand it over to God you can put your hands down because you are no longer carrying it.

-Anytime the enemy tries to remind you of this struggle, you remind him that you already gave it to God and that you cannot ask for it back, because you FULLY gave it to him.  

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