Monday, April 1, 2013

The Bible, Episode 5

This is the final episode of "The Bible" on the History Channel.  I have been writing reviews for this series, and this is my final review on the last episode.  In this episode Peter denies Jesus and Judas hangs himself; the crowd shouts for Jesus's death; Jesus is crucified, then Mary Magdalene goes to his tomb, and finds out he is no longer there; Paul has a vision and experiences a miraculous change of faith on his way to Damascus; John receives a revelation that Jesus is coming back, and we need to keep the faith and we will be rewarded.  If you missed this episode and want to see future airings, they are listed below.  April 1- 12:01-2:01am, April 3-9:00-11:00pm, April 4-1:01-3:01am.  This episode was one of the most intense of the series because it showed Jesus being crucified.  It shows what Jesus did for us, and how much he truly loves us.  My husband was angry the whole time during this viewing because it was hard for him to watch the priests  be so prideful and jealous that the spotlight was not on them.  Satan uses pride and jealousy with the High Priests to where they will lie and cheat and do anything else to get Jesus dead. There were 2 things that absolutely amazed me in this episode.  The first was when Jesus was on the cross being mocked and Jesus said " Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."  I have heard this before and read this in scripture, but tonight I saw this on a deeper level.  I feel the Holy Spirit revealed something to me when I heard this and I really took alot from it.  After seeing this part, I told my husband that in our home we need to start saying this to where it becomes a habit for us, and then it will be passed down to our kids.  We need to start saying this whenever someone does something mean or hurtful to us.  (In traffic, at work, in a store, at church, etc)  I really felt the Holy Spirit move in my heart in this, and I want our children to learn it from us, and that way they will say it.  I know children face many struggles today in school and in life, and I want the FULL ARMOR OF GOD on our children.  The second thing that amazed me, was when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and they all started speaking in tongues.  This part gave me goosebumps, and was so cool how they had translation in this scene.  I know people that believe speaking in tongues is dead, and is in an "old testament things" but I can confess that it is NOT DEAD.  I myself, speak in tongues and it is alive and well.  To have that prayer language directly between you and your heavenly father, is so sacred.  The coolest part is that the devil does not know what you are saying when you pray in tongues.  So I encourage you, if you do not have your prayer voice, get it.  If you do not know much about this, feel free to email me, and I will give you some information on how you can get your prayer voice.  My email is:  
   This episode did a good job of showing the type of person that Paul was before he met Christ.  It is a good example of how "we are" before we came to Christ.  My husbands most favorite part was when you could see Jesus's hands with the nail scar in them.  It was so moving to see him alive and walking around with  his pierced hands and feet.  Our Savior is mighty and Powerful and is LOVE.  I highly enjoyed this series, and now it is available for purchase.  You can now have this amazing DVD series in your home.  They have it online and at your local Christian Store.    

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