Monday, April 8, 2013

Am I in your face too much??

I wanted to write this because I honestly feel at times I can be in peoples faces too much.  My personality is very outgoing, positive and happy.  I get very excited about things, and one of those "things" is Jesus.  I know what Jesus did for my life and in my past and that is why I am so excited.  I don't need to explain it to people, because it only matters to me.  On Facebook I started doing daily posts with updates, blogs, etc.  I can tell at times people get annoyed with my posts or even pretend that they don't see them.  At first this really bothered me because I took it personal and thought I needed to change my personality.  But I realized after time, that God made me who I am  with my outgoing personality and my talents.  If I want to preach about God 3 times a day, then so be it.  If I bother people, then they can delete me or not look.  My husband and I started a page on facebook called "Young Couples/Singles" this goes with our ministry that we do on Sundays.  We wanted it to be globally, so others could attend our class and know the material we cover.  We want to preach the Gospel to people our age and get the word out.  We have a contest that we just started a couple of days ago.  I have friends that have seen the contest, but for some reason choose to not participate.  It is like people see it, then just ignore it.  It makes me laugh because I see people putting posts of complete strangers with lottery tickets hoping to get thrown a crumb, but when we post a contest to spread the word to God, and to also win an amazing prize, people look the other way.  God sees our heart and knows our goal is to get people for his kingdom and we will do it many different ways to get peoples attention, if that means doing a contest that nobody wants to participate in, then so be it.  We can become people pleasers if we are not careful and I refuse to be a people pleaser.  If I come off silly, and people laugh, I am ok with that.  I have a God that accepts 100% of me, I  have a husband that is godly and adores me, I have two children who shower me with kisses daily.  I have everything I need.  So this blog is to let you know, go out be bold and who cares if people don't respond, ignore you, or pretend they don't see you.  Be Bold for Christ.


  1. Katy, I'm glad your confidence is in God who sees you as His beloved. Keep your eyes on Him!

  2. Thank you so much Crystal for your comment!!! Yes!! It is so important to stay fixed on him and walking towards him. No looking to the right or to the left!!!
