This blog is going to rub people the wrong way and the majority of people are not going to understand this. I know I am probably going to get "Hate" mail for this blog, and going to be put on blast, but I can handle it. I am amazed at our culture and how people react to tragedies. We have something horrific happen and the first thing people do is start hating people and want people dead. After the horrific tragedy that happened in Boston has really shook up our entire nation. The first response is disbelief, sadness, grieving, and then anger sets in. Who could of done this, we ask? Why would someone do this? We want answers, we seek revenge. The "eye for an eye" mentality sets in. We all of a sudden want the people who did this horrific crime to PAY for this tragedy. We want them dead!!! If they killed people, then they must die as well. Once these two men were caught I had never read so many things on the news, facebook, twitter, etc of all the hate. I saw people posting things that were making fun of how the men got caught by the police. I heard jokes being made, I heard a sigh of relief when the one was killed. What has our society become? I saw the same thing happen with 9-11. When the planes crashed into our towers in New York City, people in other countries were cheering that they killed people on American Soil. Then we get angry as Americans and seek to revenge. The moment we capture Osama Bin Laden, there is people then cheering outside of the White House because we killed a leader of the Taliban. Do I feel as a nation we need to protect ourselves? YES!!! Do I feel it needs to be the "eye for an eye mentality?" NO!! Seeing people post things on facebook about how people are stupid at the crimes they commit, and how it is funny when people get caught, or even get killed, leaves my jaw on the floor. As being a disciple of Christ, it grieves my heart at this world. This behavior is tolerated and it is the majority. People view themselves better than others, and feel they have the right to judge others punishments. People look at criminals who do crimes, and compare themselves to them. They feel better about themselves, and feel as if they deserve more. Do you know that in Gods eyes, WE ALL FALL SHORT!!! Do you know that in Gods eyes, WE ALL SIN!!! Do you know that in Gods eyes, we ALL DESERVE HELL!!! I have never killed another human being, but I am in the same lifeboat as if someone who has killed another human being. For me to speak like I am "better" than someone, is an absolute LIE from the enemy. On Gods scale, we all deserve hell. On our absolute BEST days, we come before the Lord as filthy rags. Being here on this earth we are to extend our hands to one another and offer comfort and love. We also know that being a true disciple on this earth, that our REAL struggle is in the heavenly realms. God created every human being in HIS image, and to fulfill HIS purpose. Do you think God created someone to plan out horrific crimes? Do you think people just wake up one day and think "hmmm today seems like a great day to do a crime?" There are principalities behind every one of these acts. People are weak minded, and there are higher things that happen around us, that get in our minds and encourage behavior like this. Do you know that God loves EVERYONE!!! He loves the people that even planned the Boston Bombings. God has a plan for each and every person, and it must grieve him to unbelief because this was never his plan. We live in a world to where we fuse God out of EVERYTHING, then the moment a tragedy happens, we start quoting scriptures and God. God has been taken out of schools, people are told to not mention Jesus when they speak. The moment 9-11 happened, the next day people were on the steps singing Amazing Grace. Where were they the day before 9-11 happened? Doesn't everyone understand that there is going to be a day, that only God knows, to where Jesus is coming back, and EVERYONE will acknowledge that he is Christ and that EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS AND EVERY KNEE WILL BOW!!! Why do people want to wait until it is too late? There is a day where the ark will be closed to where it will be too late to call upon the name of the Lord. I have to filter what I read and hear on the news because there is so much hate spoken and ignorance. I hear people quoting scriptures that clearly don't live a God life behind closed doors. It is very easy to stand up in front of people and tell people what they want to hear, but when nobody is looking, become a people pleaser. Does God support abortion? Does God support Gays? God loves EVERYONE but he NEVER had abortion or Gays in mind with HIS plan. Why should a baby have to die? When is it ok to save a life, and when is it not ok to save a life? God is clear on marriage from the very beginning, why do people make up their own "gay" bibles now? This is work from the enemy, and everyone is falling into this trap. People can read this blog and roll their eyes at what I am saying, or even delete me from facebook/google, etc. The point is I don't need to please everyone!! I live to please MY GOD!!! He is my judge, and I am a disciple of his Son, so I need to make sure I preach HIS word and spread the truth, which is HIS gospel. There are people in other countries who are persecuted daily for Gods Word, but here people can't even wake up and go to church on Sundays. This blog needed to be written. People need to hear the truth!!!
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