We tend to make rules/goals/promises/resolutions/etc. The most important thing to analyze is what is the true meaning of wanting to make adjustments to something that you already do, or don’t do enough of? Is it for you? Or for someone else? These are important questions to ask yourself when you are trying to make changes especially if they are so drastic. There are good and bad reasons for telling people the things you want to change because they can 1)hold you accountable and help motivate that you stay on task or 2) they can actually judge you and the moment you slip up, they remind you of how you haven’t changed and that you are still the same and that can discourage you. So these are two scenarios of what can happen when telling others, but as long as the reason you are doing it starts with you and ends with you. Nobody should have the deciding factor whether you succeed or fail at something. It is always so easy to blame someone else for when you fail but notice that when you succeed usually WE take the credit and make sure nobody else does. SO we take what we like and leave out what we don’t like. People can say things and you can let them get to you and let the words and pain sink in, or you can choose to not receive it or accept it. People like to blame others for everything. If someone makes you angry or annoys you people like to yell and blow up, then say the statement “well if you didn’t push me to that level, then I wouldn’t have done that.” See, a perfect example of blaming someone else when you clearly had the choice to act like that or not act like that. You cannot blame anyone for your behavior. People can say things all day to us but we CHOOSE to act if we handle it maturely or immaturely.
So my declaration is this: I am going to share what I am working on and how each day I am working on it, and when I slip up what I do. I now choose to not get angry by words. I used to get so offended by nicknames, hurtful things said to me, actions, etc. I would get so hurt by it that I would cry, get heart palpitations, huge stress, not sleep, become angry at others, not forgive, hold grudges, etc. So now what I do is tell myself that when someone says something, I laugh about it because I take it as a joke and not serious. I understand that NOBODY can put a label on me but GOD!!!! God made me the way I am and someone’s opinion about me doesn’t mean anything at all because God’s is the only one that matters. So the next time a stranger, friend, loved one says something hurtful to you, hear it for what it is then get it out because it has no purpose to sink in because what God says about you is the only thing you need to know.
Next, I make day to day goals ONLY!!!! I used to get so discouraged if I didn’t reach my weekly goal, monthly goal, yearly goal, etc. We can’t hold such high expectations of ourselves we need to be realistic. Since we are not promised tomorrow/next week/next year, we need to live in the moment and plan for that day. That way we just work with what we can do, since we are humans and don’t know the unexpected that we just work with what we are dealt with for that day. We may have time to get things done that day or we may not, so it is best just work with that day only!!!
Also, To THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!!!! I used to go on feelings and emotions but it is so dangerous to go off of those because they are so unstable. They can change from one minute to the next, so you can’t trust them. You don’t want to say something then regret it. A perfect example that I currently use is at the beginning of each week since everyone dreads Mondays usually I say to myself “I will not complain today” So I make sure I think before I speak so that nothing bad or negative comes out of my mouth. We need to stay grateful for everything and that includes our jobs.
This next one is very important- To be HAPPY with the way you are RIGHT NOW!!!! We are always trying to improve our physical and base our happiness on it. I am guilty of doing it, by setting crazy diet schemes, weight loss goals, etc. I am finally learning that God loves me and accepts me the way I am. Yes he wants me to be healthy, but not base my whole world around it and happiness based on it. Try and be healthy but stop looking at other people and comparing yourself to others. God made each person differently and beautifully. Since God created each one of us and he is a perfect God then there are NO mistakes. We are not made to look like everyone else, so once again be realistic!!!
These are a few of my main declarations that I do myself and wanted to share. Have your comments, opinions, start judging, etc. I didn’t write them for that reason but I know it will happen; it is great to remember that nobody’s opinion matters but God’s and if you want to know what he says about you, it is stated in the Bible!!! Let’s be smart about our lives and how we live them and let’s be different than the world.