Monday, September 26, 2011



                We tend to make rules/goals/promises/resolutions/etc.  The most important thing to analyze is what is the true meaning of wanting to make adjustments to something that you already do, or don’t do enough of?  Is it for you?  Or for someone else?  These are important questions to ask yourself when you are trying to make changes especially if they are so drastic.  There are good and bad reasons for telling people the things you want to change because they can 1)hold you accountable and help motivate that you stay on task or 2) they can actually judge you and the moment you slip up, they remind you of how you haven’t changed and that you are still the same and that can discourage you.  So these are two scenarios of what can happen when telling others, but as long as the reason you are doing it starts with you and ends with you.  Nobody should have the deciding factor whether you succeed or fail at something.  It is always so easy to blame someone else for when you fail but notice that when you succeed usually WE take the credit and make sure nobody else does.  SO we take what we like and leave out what we don’t like.  People can say things and you can let them get to you and let the words and pain sink in, or you can choose to not receive it or accept it.  People like to blame others for everything.  If someone makes you angry or annoys you people like to yell and blow up, then say the statement “well if you didn’t push me to that level, then I wouldn’t have done that.”  See, a perfect example of blaming someone else when you clearly had the choice to act like that or not act like that.  You cannot blame anyone for your behavior.  People can say things all day to us but we CHOOSE to act if we handle it maturely or immaturely. 
                So my declaration is this:  I am going to share what I am working on and how each day I am working on it, and when I slip up what I do.  I now choose to not get angry by words.  I used to get so offended by nicknames, hurtful things said to me, actions, etc.  I would get so hurt by it that I would cry, get heart palpitations, huge stress, not sleep, become angry at others, not forgive, hold grudges, etc.  So now what I do is tell myself that when someone says something, I laugh about it because I take it as a joke and not serious.  I understand that NOBODY can put a label on me but GOD!!!!  God made me the way I am and someone’s opinion about me doesn’t mean anything at all because God’s is the only one that matters.   So the next time a stranger, friend, loved one says something hurtful to you, hear it for what it is then get it out because it has no purpose to sink in because what God says about you is the only thing you need to know.
                Next, I make day to day goals ONLY!!!!  I used to get so discouraged if I didn’t reach my weekly goal, monthly goal, yearly goal, etc.   We can’t hold such high expectations of ourselves we need to be realistic.  Since we are not promised tomorrow/next week/next year, we need to live in the moment and plan for that day.  That way we just work with what we can do, since we are humans and don’t know the unexpected that we just work with what we are dealt with for that day.  We may have time to get things done that day or we may not, so it is best just work with that day only!!!
                Also, To THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!!!!  I used to go on feelings and emotions but it is so dangerous to go off of those because they are so unstable.  They can change from one minute to the next, so you can’t trust them.  You don’t want to say something then regret it.  A perfect example that I currently use is at the beginning of each week since everyone dreads Mondays usually I say to myself “I will not complain today”  So I make sure I think before I speak so that nothing bad or negative comes out of my mouth.  We need to stay grateful for everything and that includes our jobs. 
                This next one is very important- To be HAPPY with the way you are RIGHT NOW!!!!  We are always trying to improve our physical and base our happiness on it.  I am guilty of doing it, by setting crazy diet schemes, weight loss goals, etc.  I am finally learning that God loves me and accepts me the way I am.  Yes he wants me to be healthy, but not base my whole world around it and happiness based on it.  Try and be healthy but stop looking at other people and comparing yourself to others.  God made each person differently and beautifully.  Since God created each one of us and he is a perfect God then there are NO mistakes.   We are not made to look like everyone else, so once again be realistic!!!
                These are a few of my main declarations that I do myself and wanted to share.  Have your comments, opinions, start judging, etc.  I didn’t write them for that reason but I know it will happen; it is great to remember that nobody’s opinion matters but God’s and if you want to know what he says about you, it is stated in the Bible!!!  Let’s be smart about our lives and how we live them and let’s be different than the world. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Truth about MOMS.......

You always feel like you are never prepared
You always feel like there is one more tool/tip/trick of the trade to learn
At times you feel like you aren't good enough
At times you question if you have the strength enough to do this
You repeatedly question yourself
You make sure to always do the very best you can do
At moments you just want to cry
At moments you laugh so hard your belly hurts
There are moments that take your breathe away

You understand that this was God's Will for you, and that HE is in charge.
He is giving you all of the strength you need to keep going
You can have full rest in him
You put all of your trust in him
You give HIM your child's life
You give him your families life
Each day Thank the Lord for everything he has giving you and hasn't given you.   He is in charge of each day and gift/blessing that comes each day.  The moment you wake up you know that God has blessed and already anointed your day because you are alive another day and get one more day with your loved ones. 

I wanted to write this for Moms because this is something that I go through and these emotions run through my head, and I always find myself reminding myself of all the things that God has given me.  The world can sometimes lead you astray and make you forget the most important things.  So it is so important to stay grounded and truly understand what God has blessed you with.  For all of the Moms what an absolute blessing to carry a human being for 9months in the belly and feel every movements, hiccup, sneeze, stretch and to supply enough nutrients to the little baby while it is forming in the womb.  That is a miracle from God and a gift from God.  When they are born you get to see this little human being that has the best of both of you and has it's own identify in Christ and it;s own purpose and will for God.  It is remarkable.  The more simpler you keep it, the more you can enjoy it.   Hold your little ones close and enjoy each and every moment. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wait... What name did you just say????

Wait……What name did you just say????

                                This blog is an issue that is HUGE and it is often said sooo sooo much, that people don’t even think twice about it, and don’t even know the importance of it.  When people get angry they say a name, when people get frustrated they say a name, when people even stub their toe or hurt themselves they say a name.  What name do you ask?  J-E-S-U-S. !!!!!!!!!  Let’s see, the one who died for ALL of OUR SINS, and rescued us from HELL and has given us Eternal Life in his kingdom.  Yep, that is Jesus!!!! 
                                When I was a “baby Christian” in my faith I thought “to say the Lord’s name in vain was only when you said a curse word with the lords name, and if I just avoided that, then I was not saying the Lords name in vain.  So I would make sure not to curse and especially not ever say the Lords name in vain.  So I thought I was doing pretty good and that I at least had that area covered.  Well when I grew up and started becoming a “mature Christian” I read in the bible and it was revealed to me that “saying the Lords name in vain means taking his name out of context and saying it with no meaning, and just to say it.”  This was HUGE for me to find out, because I did not know this previously.  So if you ever say the Lords name without even thinking about it, or meaning to say it, or not in a prayer tense, then you are mis-using the Lords name in vain.  I caught myself by accident saying it, when I saw my little boy running around, and he slipped and bumped his head on the table, and I said out loud “Jesus.”  Right after that, since I now know there is a difference, I immediately repented and prayed to be careful of my words and apologized.  We have to remember that Satan is the King of this world, so these new concepts of the “world” that we have adapted or made part of our routine, lifestyle, culture, etc is all part of Satan’s plan.  He is the accuser of the brethren, so he just loves these new world customs that we have going on, because he is the smart one, and we are all fools.  We are doing things that we don’t even know the importance of the meaning behind them.  I was at work and heard 2 people having a conversation and the one man told the other man shocking news and the man’s response was “Jesus.”  This actually made me cringe because it actually hurt my ears to hear that.  Do you see that if are not sensitive to the Holy Spirit that you could of missed that, and not even heard it in slow motion.  I now cringe when I hear curse words because I actually know they grieve the Holy Spirit and it actually hurts me inside when I hear others curse.  When I hear other people living carelessly and a crazy lifestyle it literally saddens me because it hurts the Holy Spirit. 
                                 If we actually took the time to read the bible, find a good church, listen to good preaching via TV, radio, etc. and educated ourselves then we would be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and not just going on acting in the “flesh.”  Each time Jesus’ name is said it teaches us in the Bible that there is AUTHORITY in it each time.  Did you hear me????  Each time you say Jesus’ name there is authority in it.  Through the power and blood of Jesus, we can cast out demons, do healings, declare and decree God’s promises, perform miracles, say to a mountain MOVE, and it will move if our faith stands behind it.  Also each time Jesus’ name is mentioned everyone in Heaven, earth and below earth must bow each time!!!!   So if we truly believe that there is authority in Jesus’ name, then why are we just carelessly using it and making  a mockery of it?  Start paying attention to what comes out of your mouth.  With God there is no “just joking” when saying or doing something.  There is Don’t do it, or Do it.  Period.  
                                To me it is just crazy that some other name can’t be said, of another phrase can’t be said.  You know if you repeat something long enough it becomes a habit.  So start watching what you say and if you slip up, at least you are acknowledging it, when before you wouldn’t of, so repent and try to not do it next time.    It is all about educating yourself with the Word!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How I Love this....

I just saw this picture online and fell in love with it.  Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen?  God is so amazing, look at how everything starts out so small and how dependent little babies are for everything.  It is such a beautiful experience to be able to have someone depend on you for everything.  It truly makes you feel important and that you have found your purpose, to mold and shape and keep this little person safe.  Here this little animal here needs help just to survive, then when he learns enough he can start doing things on his own.  The most precious thing on this earth is little babies.  (Human babies and Animal babies)  It is such a miracle of life, to see something little coming into this world, and fulfilling God's Purpose and Will.  I am at amazement of how it all works, and in total awe!!!!  Here my little boy will be one year old next month and i can't believe it. Thank God he still needs me to do things for him.  It is amazing seeing him do things on his own, but it saddens me because I love being there and helping him with everything.  I guess it just comes with the duty of being a parent.  Whatever comes in the future, I will be ready to help shape and mold this little human being. 

To all the parents out there of human babies and animal babies, keep up the amazing work and enjoy molding that little one and helping that little one learn and find it's way and always remember who is always in charge.  Give Thanks and Praise to the Lord.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life doesn't get any easier....

Life doesn’t get any easier…….

Doesn’t it just seem that as soon as you get over one problem, another one is right behind it and is even bigger than the previous one? In this world it seems like the wrong type of people get ahead and have it easier, and the ones trying to do the right thing can’t catch a break. Life can be very discouraging, stressful, exhausting, and can make you feel like you want to give up. It is so hard these days to stay up-lifted and have excitement daily when things keep coming up. It really is a rollercoaster and when you have the Lord as your number one, then you have him leading your footsteps and you don’t get to call the shots. That is why so many people who dictate their own steps, seem to have it easier because the enemy is the King of this world. So it seems like he makes sure his people succeed, and it is supposed to tempt the others of how much better their life can become. This brings me to the bible verse where Jesus was tempted by Satan, and Satan took him on top of the mountain top and said that he could have it all, and everything would be his, if he just submitted himself unto him. Take a look in our society today, are people submitting to others, things, lifestyles, new moral system, etc? It seems like nowadays people will do whatever just to get ahead and be on top. Look at it when Jesus was here on earth, he had the most humble, simple lifestyle and had nothing fancy. If Jesus were here today in our world on earth, he wouldn’t be in “high” society, and in exclusive spots. He would be in the streets, wearing rugged clothes going from place to place and preaching the gospel, healing people, and spreading the word. How would “our” society look at him? I am guessing as “another crazy man” We tend to think we are better than others and we judge this by our status and our status is our position at our job, our name brand of clothes, the car we drive, where we live, who we know, etc. Jesus is not about any of that, he knows that God created us all for a reason and HIS purpose and that is what we are here for, not to be selfish and become self-involved in our lifestyles of indulgement. Anything that gets between the relationship of God and you, needs to be squeezed out. That is what Jesus is for, he is a reminder of what we had and what we can now have if we choose to follow.

So back to my original topic, life pretty much is hard and can feel like no breaks are ever given when we follow Gods way. So why follow it if it is so hard? Because, our reward is in Heaven, and in eternity. Eternity is where it counts. One day in Heaven, is 1,000 years on earth. So which is more important???? Hmmmmm not too tough huh? Our lifestyles are supposed to be an example to others and they should see that we live a godly lifestyle and on Team God. Jesus was loved , then he was literally crucified by the same that loved him the one day. So if Jesus didn’t have it easy and here he was the Son of God, then why should we??? Are we more significant?? NOPE. But in our own little minds we feel that we are a pretty big deal. Check your pride out, how is it??? I bet when it gets tested, it probably fails every time because it is fleshy. So just because we follow Lord it doesn’t give us a better, easier lifestyle, it is the obedience that God sees and you will be able to fulfill HIS will and HIS purpose. So don’t be surprised when life seems tough, and one thing after another, don’t expect a break, or someone to treat you with respect. Just know that Our Lord and Savior has handled it and even greater and he knows exactly how we are feeling. So we have someone that we can relate to. What do we do in this world when we find another we can relate to, we tend to go to them with our problems and get advice to get comfort. Jesus is our comfort, the Bible is our advice. Talk it out with God, talk out the frustration, the stress, talk it out and by the end of it, give it to him and say “Lord I TRUST YOU” Have a blessed day.J

Thursday, September 8, 2011

This blog is for NEW MOMS………
I wanted to actually write this particular blog just for new moms!!! When you have a baby and the un-expected happens, it is nice to have some sort of outline. When fevers hit, colds, diaper rashes, teething, etc. I have an 11 month old baby boy and this is my first one, so everything is brand new since he is my first baby. When he is healthy, happy and doing well, then everything is great you just go with the moment. But when Life happens……. Then you will find yourself calling other moms, searching the internet for remedies, going to doctor appointments, etc. It can be stressful when you see your little one going through discomfort and pain and you sometimes feel helpless. So with “life” happening I did happen to find some amazing products that have worked for my little one and I wanted to share these products with other moms, so when your little one goes through something hopefully you don’t have to search for a solution. My blog below will have products that worked for my little one, and my little one has very sensitive skin, so since he is so sensitive I have to be careful of what products to use. You will find products in this video for….. bath time, lotion, teething, diaper rash, and sick with cold. Hope you enjoy this video and I hope at least one mom will benefit from the use of these products on their little one.J KatyRose
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Rest, Excitement, Love, and Pookie

Hopefully everyone has a relaxing weekend (3-days) :) !!!!  Time to have rest, and fun with the family.  It is so important to have family time and "make" family time even when your schedule seems so chaotic.  We are only here for such a short time.  This blog is just going to be a short update with the most recent things going on in my life at the moment.  So here it goes.......
I am really believing in the Lord for great things right now.  I am working on trying to start my own small group and I am taking time to prepare study material so I am prepared if God is going to use me as a teacher in a small group.  So I am seeing what God is doing with it and going to give it a shot and i think it could be a great thing and this would be an opportunity to really get deep in Gods word and share with others what i have been studying for many years and share experiences.  Also, I am reaching out and going to start speaking to young women at centers about certain issues that they may be struggling with.

My husband and I are so very blessed with eachother and give thanks to the Lord for bringing us together at the right time in our lives so we could meet and become married and start a family.  We are eachothers gift to eachother from the Lord, so we know we are very blessed.  I found a picture that i put up on facebook of the very first picture from when my husband to be saw it and it started from the very pic.  It just shows how things can happen when it is Gods timing and you are patient.  I am so proud of my husband for the man he is.  I was at work today and i just heard people complaining about their husbands and basically bashing their men, and i just sat there and knew that I have the most amazing Godly man that is mine for my entire lifetime.  It is so rare to have men love the Lord as their first love, and I have it.  I know it in my heart, by the connection we have, for his morals, how he treats me, and our amazing son, and especially since the Lord confirmed it verbally  when we were prophecized over.  As Jesus said on the cross "It is finished."  So when i heard the Lord speak directly to me, I knew it!!! My hubby is mine for life!!!!!! Te Quiero Mucho mi amor Carlitos xoxo
Little Pookie is going to be 11 months this week and I am amazed that 11 months ago he was in my belly and kicking up a storm :)  God is Good!!!!!  He has such a personality, everyday is more enjoyable because of this little human being that we created.  He know has teeth coming in like crazy, I believe he has around 8 teeth now, He has been starting to walk, stand on his own, even once in awhile let his own personality come out.  He makes us laugh and he runs from us when we play tag with him.  I cannot even imagine my life before I had him, my life was boring, it was all about ME!!!  To be honest I am not that exciting, so I don't know why I waited so long.... Oh wait.... now i know.... because it was GOD's timing!!!! AMEN  His birthday of 1 year is just around the corner and I have been making presents in advance for him :)  So we are just so blessed with our Angel Gabriel, and in the future when God puts it on our heart to have another :)