Wait……What name did you just say????
This blog is an issue that is HUGE and it is often said sooo sooo much, that people don’t even think twice about it, and don’t even know the importance of it. When people get angry they say a name, when people get frustrated they say a name, when people even stub their toe or hurt themselves they say a name. What name do you ask? J-E-S-U-S. !!!!!!!!! Let’s see, the one who died for ALL of OUR SINS, and rescued us from HELL and has given us Eternal Life in his kingdom. Yep, that is Jesus!!!!
When I was a “baby Christian” in my faith I thought “to say the Lord’s name in vain was only when you said a curse word with the lords name, and if I just avoided that, then I was not saying the Lords name in vain. So I would make sure not to curse and especially not ever say the Lords name in vain. So I thought I was doing pretty good and that I at least had that area covered. Well when I grew up and started becoming a “mature Christian” I read in the bible and it was revealed to me that “saying the Lords name in vain means taking his name out of context and saying it with no meaning, and just to say it.” This was HUGE for me to find out, because I did not know this previously. So if you ever say the Lords name without even thinking about it, or meaning to say it, or not in a prayer tense, then you are mis-using the Lords name in vain. I caught myself by accident saying it, when I saw my little boy running around, and he slipped and bumped his head on the table, and I said out loud “Jesus.” Right after that, since I now know there is a difference, I immediately repented and prayed to be careful of my words and apologized. We have to remember that Satan is the King of this world, so these new concepts of the “world” that we have adapted or made part of our routine, lifestyle, culture, etc is all part of Satan’s plan. He is the accuser of the brethren, so he just loves these new world customs that we have going on, because he is the smart one, and we are all fools. We are doing things that we don’t even know the importance of the meaning behind them. I was at work and heard 2 people having a conversation and the one man told the other man shocking news and the man’s response was “Jesus.” This actually made me cringe because it actually hurt my ears to hear that. Do you see that if are not sensitive to the Holy Spirit that you could of missed that, and not even heard it in slow motion. I now cringe when I hear curse words because I actually know they grieve the Holy Spirit and it actually hurts me inside when I hear others curse. When I hear other people living carelessly and a crazy lifestyle it literally saddens me because it hurts the Holy Spirit.
If we actually took the time to read the bible, find a good church, listen to good preaching via TV, radio, etc. and educated ourselves then we would be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and not just going on acting in the “flesh.” Each time Jesus’ name is said it teaches us in the Bible that there is AUTHORITY in it each time. Did you hear me???? Each time you say Jesus’ name there is authority in it. Through the power and blood of Jesus, we can cast out demons, do healings, declare and decree God’s promises, perform miracles, say to a mountain MOVE, and it will move if our faith stands behind it. Also each time Jesus’ name is mentioned everyone in Heaven, earth and below earth must bow each time!!!! So if we truly believe that there is authority in Jesus’ name, then why are we just carelessly using it and making a mockery of it? Start paying attention to what comes out of your mouth. With God there is no “just joking” when saying or doing something. There is Don’t do it, or Do it. Period.
To me it is just crazy that some other name can’t be said, of another phrase can’t be said. You know if you repeat something long enough it becomes a habit. So start watching what you say and if you slip up, at least you are acknowledging it, when before you wouldn’t of, so repent and try to not do it next time. It is all about educating yourself with the Word!!!
Right on. Jesus is Lord God,and those said in vain are disobeying Him as well. Nice post.