Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Fruits of the Spirit;
 Love, Joy, peace, forbearance,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness and self-control.

So these are what God has planned for each of us and this is a guideline of how we know when we are being, thinking, acting in the Spirit.  So my blog today is on Opposites....  This here is our checklist to go by, put this on your mirror, in your car, at your desk, by your bed, etc.  These things don't come natural when you are in the flesh, so this takes practice.  We need to keep being aware, and be reminded of this list as our checklist, and when we start to get back to our fleshy ways, then this can bring us right back.  So by saying opposites, what i am saying is that anything opposite of this list, is 100% from the enemy himself and his demonic force team.  So for example if you start getting angry, look at your chart, and find the opposite of angry and then you know that you are being in the flesh.  For us being human these traits aren't natural, but don't be fooled they are not hopeless or impossible because the Holy Spirit is in each of us, if we are saved.  So once the Spirit is in us then these traits are instilled in us and they are up to us if we tap into them and decide to start using them and living them on a regular basis.    Like i have mentioned before in other blogs this is NOT easy this is why not everyone does it.  It is easy to live according to your own will and no law.  The wage though is Death!!!  This is not impossible though, surrendering to God is the only way possible and putting in the word and disciplne to say NO to the FLESH and yes to the SPIRIT!!   So to start off right have this list because  it will keep you in check, and then let God lead each and every step of the day.  Be different!!! Be christ like!!!!  Be Godly!!!! Don't be OF this world, be IN this world.  Just put up with it and deal with it now for the short term, and make a difference and be a disciple of christ.  Everyone always struggles to find our will or purpose and if you look in the bible it says it as plain as day.  We are to be disciples of christ and fishers of men and for men.  So our will and purpose is to be warriors for christ, fight the battles, and win souls for christ.  This isn't a pretty job, the way i picture it is a gladiator brutality barbariam job.  We are to smash, strangle, crush, burn and defeat the satan and his demonic force from taking people down. 

GAME ON!!! Who is with me???

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