After reading each of these scenarios please pause and think and get into the mind-set that this is REAL!!! Don’t just read it and think “wow that was good,” and then move onto the next activity. Please read these slow and take them for what they are.
- What is your greatest fear??? Just the thought of this fear gives you anxiety, stress, etc. Think of what it is, and the feeling it gives you. Ok now hold onto that feeling….
- What is the most ultimate pain you can imagine??? Is there a certain pain you have experienced, or that you would be scared to ever face? Ok now hold onto that feeling….
- What is the ultimate grief you can imagine??? Maybe you have already experienced it, going through it, or yet to face it. Ok now hold onto that feeling…
- What would it feel like to live your life with NO hope at ALL??? Right now we have hope in everything, but imagine if there was NO HOPE At ALL EVER!!! Hold onto that feeling…
- What is the biggest regret you have? Are you holding onto it? Do you keep punishing yourself? Would you give anything for a do-over? Hold onto that feeling…
- Have any un-forgiveness in your life right now, towards you or others??? Hold onto that feeling…
- Do you have an addiction right now that is consuming you right now??? Hold onto that feeling..
Ok, hold onto each of those feelings, maybe only a few actually truly affect you deeply, hold onto it, and no imagine having this very feeling FOREVER and NEVER easing up, or being lifted EVER!!!! This is an actual reality when our time is expired on earth. If we do not have the Lord as our Savior then this could be eternity for some. This is a pretty scary picture, and I sure as heck don’t want to spend eternity this way, nothing is worth it. Did you know that our time here on earth is our ONLY chance to get it right, we don’t get another. So don’t take advantage thinking we have all the time here, because we don’t. Don’t put it off another day. Take a look around at the people and culture, do you fit in with it? If so, then that is NOT a good thing at all. This is an actual reality that everyone is going to come to terms with, so please please please if you haven’t accepted the Lord as your Savior now is the time, this very moment, this very day!!! Today can be the day where Angels in Heaven rejoice for your salvation. Please start with God, and examine where God is and isn’t in your life.
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