8/5/11 Prayer, Spirit……
I am going to be doing another video blog which I am very excited about because this is my second one. J It is going to be on prayer and spirit. I have to really watch my length of video because I am not allowed to go over a certain amount of time. So I am going to speak about what I feel is the most important “meat” of the message and then for more in depth, it will be right here in this blog. J
What is Prayer? It is our constant communication with God. It is a relationship through the good/bad, pretty/ugly. It is to show thanks, to ask for help, requests, wisdom, and understanding for the things we do not understand.
Diff ways to pray? Talking, Listening, Singing, Prayer Language, Intercession, etc.
Where should I pray? You can pray anywhere, but what God refers to in the bible is to: find a secret place, go in and close the door and get alone with him.
What is the most important thing to get in prayer? It is great to pray but the one thing people forget is to LISTEN. Be Still, Be quiet and wait on the Lord.
Let’s think about this, in this world we function through “relationships.” What is a relationship? It is communication, it is talking and listening. It is about giving respect and receiving respect. It is the same thing with the Lord. EXCEPT…. We don’t need to wait for God to make time for US, he is available 100% day and night. He will also not interrupt you; he will let you talk AS LONG AS YOU WANT. So let’s examine what I just said. Hmmmm….. He waits for us, he is available all the time, he doesn’t interrupt…. Sounds to me like it is all about US, and when WE decide to make the time or call on God. Do you see how important it is to make the time and communicate. You should want to hear from God, you should want to listen. He gives and gives and gives; now it is our turn to give back!!!
There are differences of Spirit and Flesh. Did you know that we are supposed to live and be all about the Spirit? Which is easier might you say? Obviously the Flesh!!! The Flesh takes no thinking it just takes on living day to day and dealing with the circumstances that you are dealt with, oh and don’t forget, it involves lots of fun emotions too!! (Sarcastic) I am going to do a quick comparison chart:
Flesh- Own Understanding, Lies, High and Lows of Emotions,
Death, Hurt and Pain, Failed Relationships,
Unforgiveness, Hell!
Spirit- God’s Understanding, Truth, Patient and Stability,
Life, Peace and Enduring, Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Heaven!
So these are just a few that I came up with, so you can see the huge difference. I am going to share two personal stories on the video of amazing examples that show the difference of what I am talking about, so enjoy them!! You cannot have both (Spirit/Flesh) it is one or another. Either you are alone or with Jesus. Saved or Unsaved!!! If you do it God’s way it takes discipline hardcore!! It takes daily practice, obedience,and commitment!! But it is worth it!!
****** The book I mentioned on my video, the name and author are
****** The book I mentioned on my video, the name and author are
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