Sunday, August 28, 2011


I had the privelage to attend this amazing actual true story that happend to this man on Sunday at the 10am Service and the 630Pm service.  This man had miracle after miracle happen to him.  I highly highly highly recommend his books and dvds.  He is an everyday person who came from a rough family, had a rough and tough childhood, was LITERALLY touched and held by Jesus, has healing ability from the Lord, and was LITERALLY given a second chance at life.  He has a video on youtube where if you type in his name you will see what his story is and how he was saved by angels.  People these days don't believe in miracles, and this man goes to show that they are happening everyday.  Are you in pain, health complications, addictions?  I was healed today personally and I will explain it a little later.  This man had an encounter with Jesus when he was 5 years old, he then was able to pray for his brother and his brother was healed from cancer.  He then had life-changing moments happen over and over where God would speak and the Holy Spirit would enlighten him.  He was tested time after time and was stubborn but finally came around.  To see his video you can actually go to and you will see the title "Saved by Angels" and it directs you to his video.  I was able to sit and here his story, see his actual scar from the truck falling on him, and he then did healing and salvation for others. 

At the end of the first service he did an altar call for healing and to be honest i almost backed out of it.  I finally decided to go up and for the past few months i have had this pain in my left chest and the doctors don't know what it is and were not able to find anything.  So I have been having to live with this pain and just deal with it.  Well He did laying of the hands on me and annointing with oil and started praying boldly, the way the Lord teaches us to pray.  He then takes me aside and had to personally ask me something, and I told him something and we found a reason that this pain was associated with.  He then prayed boldly again with me and when he was done, he said "Now test it, the pain should be gone, it wasn't gone the first time because of what we discovered, but not it should be gone the second time."  I literally tested it out, and the pain was gone, gone and gone.  When he was praying for me I did feel a cooling sensation go from my chest down my legs and to my feet, almost as if it was leaving my body.  I now have no more pain!!!

At the 630 service my brother actually attended with me and we were able to see a more intimant interview type setting with him and heard even more God touching stories.  God is 100% real, there is even a story about an atheist who didn't believe in God and just believed that when you die you are buried in the ground and that is it.  Well he had a double ammonia and ended up in the hospital and actually died on the operating table and actually went to hell,  then he was brought back to life, then he thought" I am so happy i am not in that place anymore." Then the guy died again and went back to hell and actually saw two of his party buddies that he used to drink with that are now actually in hell, then he was brought back to life, then when he came back he said "Jesus" then he died again but this time went to Heaven.  He was brought back again, and then dedicated his life to the Lord .  This stuff is all real we all have a spirit that is going to go somewhere and if you aren't 100% sure, then you better make Jesus your Lord and Savior right now!!! 
Here below is a picture of his wound that he experienced and from which the angels rescued him.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I am so happy and delighted to actually be able to say that i can fit into this role now and actually say I am a mother!!  I am now able to experience the joy of motherhood and seeing what family is all about.  There are two different types of families, the family you are born into and that is your family, then there is the family you actually get to "make" and "mold" and form it all from the very start.  To see yourself as a baby when your an adult, is a gift from God.  To see personality traits in a little person that you created is a gift from God.  Most importantly to have someone so special as a partner where you are able to produce offspring and have the Love of the Lord, is a gift from God.  Here i am able to look at my life before being married and having a family and there is a huge difference.  Here i thought i was acutally "living" and I find out that i wasn't at all.  When you are alone it is all about what "you" want, or how "you" feel, you don't have to answer to anyone, so what it does is, it gives you time to have perfection in your selfishness, and God help you if you aren't following the Lord, because if you are not, then you will waste time searching for a "filling" that only the Lord can give you.  Then i see my life now, married and have a family and the best way i can explain it is that i have a guaranteed partner for LIFE!!!!  I have a lover until I die on this earth, and that is such a comfort that I cannot explain.  I have a husband that I can share moments with, new morals, new values, new traditions, we are officially a TEAM!!!  Then we expanded our family and now we are responsible for molding a little human being, and we get the chance to do it God's Way.  We are so excited to do it the "Right" Way and not the way of the "World."  We get to love on this little human being, give him security, and most importantly be people that he can count on for life.  To all the parents out there, it is such a privelage and honor from the Lord, so take the time, and do it the right way, and raise godly people. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

TRUTH please please please read


                                This blog is just going to explain a quick personal experience that just happened to me today.  At my job I usually see UPS, Fed ex, and mail deliveries daily.  I am a very happy person so I love to take the opportunity to stop and talk to them for a moment and make jokes, etc.  Well today the Fed ex usual man who delivers came and as usual we are chatting up a storm and he casually asks me “what my plans are for the weekend and if I was doing anything fun?”   I told him that we have a couples beach party on Saturday for our church and that I was going to hear a guest speaker on Sunday talk about how he was saved by angels.  He then looked puzzled and asked “wait, wait are you into church ?”  I said yes with a big smile, and his jaw dropped and he gasped.  He looked shocked and couldn’t stop saying wow, wow, wow.  He said he had no idea that I was into church like that and his jaw was still in shock.  I started laughing and I said “why are you surprised, do I look like a freak or something?”  He whispered to me “you look normal, so I didn’t think you were into church like that.”  He said I look like everyone else and he thought I was like everyone else because of my outgoing personality and he couldn’t believe that I was into church like that, so I shocked him.  He then was about to leave and said “just don’t start preaching the bible to me.”  I told him “well hey if anything ever comes up, you know who to come to now and ask.” And we both smiled and he left.

                                This explains how general people view Christians, they put them in this dorky stereo-type and that you have to look like a church nerd, or be a social outcast.  Here he could see I had a good personality and seemed normal, so I couldn’t possible love God and speak about it, because I didn’t “fit” the typical category.  People…. It is time to shake things up and break the mold, it is good to throw people off and let them know who you stand for and I guarantee it, when that man goes through a trial, he will probably come to me because I was so bold with my faith and he was so shocked that I will probably come into his mind to talk to, and then I will have the opportunity to preach about Jesus. It just goes to show that when you pray for God to use you as a vessel and put people in your path, it goes according to God’s plan. AMEN!!!! Katy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Fruits of the Spirit;
 Love, Joy, peace, forbearance,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness and self-control.

So these are what God has planned for each of us and this is a guideline of how we know when we are being, thinking, acting in the Spirit.  So my blog today is on Opposites....  This here is our checklist to go by, put this on your mirror, in your car, at your desk, by your bed, etc.  These things don't come natural when you are in the flesh, so this takes practice.  We need to keep being aware, and be reminded of this list as our checklist, and when we start to get back to our fleshy ways, then this can bring us right back.  So by saying opposites, what i am saying is that anything opposite of this list, is 100% from the enemy himself and his demonic force team.  So for example if you start getting angry, look at your chart, and find the opposite of angry and then you know that you are being in the flesh.  For us being human these traits aren't natural, but don't be fooled they are not hopeless or impossible because the Holy Spirit is in each of us, if we are saved.  So once the Spirit is in us then these traits are instilled in us and they are up to us if we tap into them and decide to start using them and living them on a regular basis.    Like i have mentioned before in other blogs this is NOT easy this is why not everyone does it.  It is easy to live according to your own will and no law.  The wage though is Death!!!  This is not impossible though, surrendering to God is the only way possible and putting in the word and disciplne to say NO to the FLESH and yes to the SPIRIT!!   So to start off right have this list because  it will keep you in check, and then let God lead each and every step of the day.  Be different!!! Be christ like!!!!  Be Godly!!!! Don't be OF this world, be IN this world.  Just put up with it and deal with it now for the short term, and make a difference and be a disciple of christ.  Everyone always struggles to find our will or purpose and if you look in the bible it says it as plain as day.  We are to be disciples of christ and fishers of men and for men.  So our will and purpose is to be warriors for christ, fight the battles, and win souls for christ.  This isn't a pretty job, the way i picture it is a gladiator brutality barbariam job.  We are to smash, strangle, crush, burn and defeat the satan and his demonic force from taking people down. 

GAME ON!!! Who is with me???

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What we ALL NEED!!!!..............

THis is what we ALL NEED...... What is that you ask?  I am going to mention in great detail in this blog.  I cannot stress how important it is to fully trust in the Lord.  In the good, bad, ugly, frustrating, horrific situations, etc.  We all would experience actual REAL peace in this sinful, ugly world.  Materialistic things cannot bring us peace, people cannot bring us peace, there is NOTHING in this world that can give us peace, like Jesus can!! He told us to stay calm, and patient with him because he will handle it ALL.  It is just our job to trust him, that is it!!  As humans we always feel that we need to see results right away, or that we feel nobody can handle it better than ourselves.  This is "worldly" thinking.  We need to start thinking Godly.  When there is a bad situation or an impossible situation we need to PRAY and stay faithful day in and day out through our rough times.  I have posted a picture above because it is so important to actually understand it is REAL!!!  Jesus is our Shepherd who we can trust with our lives, and with our loved ones lives.  He cares for each and everyone of his flock, we are his precious sheep and we cannot be touched or harmed.  He is the perfect example of Peace, and love, and forgiveness and here he is OUR Saviour!!!! It is so powerful to have him in our corner.  I also posted some pics below of how he has a special plan for each one of us, and how he takes care of each of us in a personal and intimant way.  He sees us as a child of God, he wants to pick us up hold us, make us laugh, give us that feeling of peace where we can rest our head on him.  I was taking care of my son today and i just had him a certain way in my arms where i know he felt so loved and protected by me, and the way that i was holding him, i know that nothing could harm him because i had him so tight, safe and secure in my arms.  We can tend to forget as adults that we NEED that special love and feeling of security.  We think just because we are older, that we don't need it, and we are to independent.  We need it the same as a child needs it.  Where can we get it from?  J E S U S !!!!   I also wanted to share a personal story on how important it is in the bad times to have such an important GODLY friend base/fellowship.  I was going through a hard time and I had the most beautiful email response that the Lord knew that I needed to hear and be reminded of.  It just shows us how God works through people.  I actually posted the response below and this is an example of people that you need to have in your circle that you can truly rely on.  God Bless katyRose

Psa 5:12 For You; O Jehovah, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.
Psa 30:5 For His anger is only a moment; in His favor islife. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comesin the morning.
Psa 119:58 I looked for Your favor with all my heart; be merciful to me according to Your Word.
Pro 8:35 For whoever finds me finds life, and shall obtain favor from Jehovah.
Pro 11:27 He who carefully seeks good gets favor; but he who seeks mischief, it shall come to him.
Pro 14:9 Fools laugh at sin, but among the righteousthere is favor.
Pro 16:15 In the light of the king's face islife, and his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain.

Friday, August 12, 2011



After reading each of these scenarios please pause and think and get into the mind-set that this is REAL!!! Don’t just read it and think “wow that was good,” and then move onto the next activity. Please read these slow and take them for what they are.
- What is your greatest fear??? Just the thought of this fear gives you anxiety, stress, etc. Think of what it is, and the feeling it gives you. Ok now hold onto that feeling….
- What is the most ultimate pain you can imagine??? Is there a certain pain you have experienced, or that you would be scared to ever face? Ok now hold onto that feeling….
- What is the ultimate grief you can imagine??? Maybe you have already experienced it, going through it, or yet to face it. Ok now hold onto that feeling…
- What would it feel like to live your life with NO hope at ALL??? Right now we have hope in everything, but imagine if there was NO HOPE At ALL EVER!!! Hold onto that feeling…
- What is the biggest regret you have? Are you holding onto it? Do you keep punishing yourself? Would you give anything for a do-over? Hold onto that feeling…
- Have any un-forgiveness in your life right now, towards you or others??? Hold onto that feeling…
- Do you have an addiction right now that is consuming you right now??? Hold onto that feeling..

Ok, hold onto each of those feelings, maybe only a few actually truly affect you deeply, hold onto it, and no imagine having this very feeling FOREVER and NEVER easing up, or being lifted EVER!!!! This is an actual reality when our time is expired on earth. If we do not have the Lord as our Savior then this could be eternity for some. This is a pretty scary picture, and I sure as heck don’t want to spend eternity this way, nothing is worth it. Did you know that our time here on earth is our ONLY chance to get it right, we don’t get another. So don’t take advantage thinking we have all the time here, because we don’t. Don’t put it off another day. Take a look around at the people and culture, do you fit in with it? If so, then that is NOT a good thing at all. This is an actual reality that everyone is going to come to terms with, so please please please if you haven’t accepted the Lord as your Savior now is the time, this very moment, this very day!!! Today can be the day where Angels in Heaven rejoice for your salvation. Please start with God, and examine where God is and isn’t in your life.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Feeling tired, exhausted, sleepy, stressed, worn-out? Trying the same old thing time after time? Always tried to get it right, and keep failing over and over and still can't figure it out?????
  Want a solution??????

R E S T !!!!!!!

Rest in Jesus.  He did all of the hard work, he sacrificed, he paid the price, he had his perfect body broken for us when we didn't even appreciate it or realize it.  REST!!!!!  Having a hard day at work, complaining, stressed.... just REST!!!! Honor Jesus with surrendering and Resting in him!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

8/5/11 PrayerSpirit

8/5/11  Prayer, Spirit……
        I am going to be doing another video blog which I am very excited about because this is my second one. J  It is going to be on prayer and spirit.  I have to really watch my length of video because I am not allowed to go over a certain amount of time.  So I am going to speak about what I feel is the most important “meat” of the message and then for more in depth, it will be right here in this blog. J
        What is Prayer? It is our constant communication with God.  It is a relationship through the good/bad, pretty/ugly.  It is to show thanks, to ask for help, requests, wisdom, and understanding for the things we do not understand. 
        Diff ways to pray? Talking, Listening, Singing, Prayer Language, Intercession, etc.
        Where should I pray? You can pray anywhere, but what God refers to in the bible is to: find a secret place, go in and close the door and get alone with him.
        What is the most important thing to get in prayer? It is great to pray but the one thing people forget is to LISTEN.  Be Still, Be quiet and wait on the Lord. 
        Let’s think about this, in this world we function through “relationships.”  What is a relationship?  It is communication, it is talking and listening.  It is about giving respect and receiving respect.  It is the same thing with the Lord. EXCEPT…. We don’t need to wait for God to make time for US, he is available 100% day and night.  He will also not interrupt you; he will let you talk AS LONG AS YOU WANT.  So let’s examine what I just said.  Hmmmm….. He waits for us, he is available all the time, he doesn’t interrupt…. Sounds to me like it is all about US, and when WE decide to make the time or call on God.  Do you see how important it is to make the time and communicate.  You should want to hear from God, you should want to listen.  He gives and gives and gives; now it is our turn to give back!!!
                There are differences of Spirit and Flesh.  Did you know that we are supposed to live and be all about the Spirit?  Which is easier might you say? Obviously the Flesh!!! The Flesh takes no thinking it just takes on living day to day and dealing with the circumstances that you are dealt with, oh and don’t forget, it involves lots of fun emotions too!!  (Sarcastic)  I am going to do a quick comparison chart:

Flesh-                Own Understanding, Lies, High and Lows of Emotions,          
                Death, Hurt and Pain, Failed Relationships,
Unforgiveness, Hell!

        Spirit-        God’s Understanding, Truth, Patient and Stability,  
Life, Peace and Enduring, Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Heaven!

So these are just a few that I came up with, so you can see the huge difference.  I am going to share two personal stories on the video of amazing examples that show the difference of what I am talking about, so enjoy them!! You cannot have both (Spirit/Flesh) it is one or another.  Either you are alone or with Jesus.  Saved or Unsaved!!!  If you do it God’s way it takes discipline hardcore!! It takes daily practice, obedience,and commitment!! But it is worth it!!
****** The book I mentioned on my video, the name and author are