Tuesday, October 27, 2020


As Human Beings, we are creatures of habit.  We like routine, it gives us a sense of purpose and control.  We need to feel that sense of accomplishment, so when our head hits the pillow at night, we can smile with a sense of purpose.  Change is scary.  Adapting to a new environment is scary.  Trying to adapt to a changing environment is another beast in itself.   We can feel like we are treading water trying to stay a float and have the feeling of drowning at the exact same time.  

I do not have all of the answers, nor do I have it figured out on my end.  What I do have is the perception that something needs to be done!  There needs to be a concrete action in place that helps keep you accountable.  I will be going into detail below on what I am talking about. 

 Organization is Key.  You have to work with your current "schedule" and literally map it out to a science.  You need to be organized with what is expected each day, and even break it down to time blocks.  When things change, you need to start the process over from square one.  This is something that will help you stay on target and also help give that sense of control and purpose.
- Work on one day at a time (Mon-Fri)
- Have it broken down in time blocks (8-830, 830-9, 930-10) etc
- Do color coordinated tasks (you can prioritize colors etc)
- Create "free time" where you do not have to think or do anything
- Have a Rest Day.  * If God created the Universe in 6 days and took an entire day to rest, then you should too! *

Prioritize is the next step!  There are things that are more important that need to be handled first.  For an example, your health!  You need to make time to make sure your health is a priority.  If you are running on empty, then you are not giving your best to yourself, and you are giving your family members the last of yourself.  Start each day with a time block to your health.  This could be breathing exercises, mediation, yoga, going for a walk, reading the word, running, journaling etc.  Whatever helps your mind and body needs to be handled first thing in the morning.   

Being Realistic.....  This will vary from person to person on what is realistic.  If you are not a morning person, be realistic about it.  Don't come up with a plan that you know will be difficult for you.  If you struggle in the morning, then do things the night before so that way you have that extra time in the morning.  You know yourself the best, so customize a schedule that works best for you.

Forgive Yourself.  There are going to be times you may not stick to your schedule, or fail.  Learn to forgive yourself and not be so hard on yourself.  The beautiful thing is that we have another day to start fresh and get it right!! Thank God for his grace, favor, and mercy.  His mercies are new every morning!! 

I find myself currently going through a season where I find myself constantly trying to find my footing.  I feel like I can't find my ground at the moment.  I have a schedule and a routine and all of a sudden the rug is pulled out beneath me.  I find myself having to keep coming up with new routines and adapting.  This can be stressful and cause anxiety.  We just want that security blanket.  We want to know everything will be alright, and we want peace.  With the few things I mentioned above is what I find has worked for me.  I continue to work on this daily, and allow myself room for error.  If I mess up, I laugh at myself and try again the next day.  Thank God we don't need to be perfect.  I don't think I could handle that pressure. LOL