Thursday, June 18, 2020

Trials & Tribulations....

Romans 8:18 says: "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy (to be compared) with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

Each day we face the unknown.  We do our best to stick to our routines and schedules but to be 100% honest, we are walking around blind.  We put our hope and focus in "things" and most of the time these are temporary and not eternal.  It is important to grasp the fact that we were never made for this world, we are simply a visitor passing through.  We have been given a task, and it is our job to fulfill it by walking in the ways of Jesus Christ.  The Bible is our spiritual guide that we need to refer to.  The most beautiful thing to grasp is that we have a Savior that can identify with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.  He has literally taken on human flesh, walked with us, taught us important life lesson, and showed us that he could do it with no mistakes.  I believe the word Humble is something that we tend to forget as believers.

Humble: Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.
Humility: The state of being humble.  The origin in the Latin word humilis, means "low."  When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

It is an important lesson to understand that since we were not made for this world, we are going to experience things from this world and they are going to be dark.  They are going to be not natural.  Is it scary?  Yes.  Is it hard? Yes.  But let me leave you with this question........ Should you be consumed with fear?  We have been told in the Bible that "fear" is a spirit.  That is exactly how Jesus defines it.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.

So when we experience things that are not natural, what is our first response?  Do you give into everything we see and experience? Do we submit ourselves to it?  Do we let it consume and take over us?  I don't know about you, but I don't want any spirit taking over me or attaching to me.  I know that I was created in the image of God and for good things.  I know that Light drives out darkness.   The fact is "Darkness" cannot exist in the presence of light, and sin cannot exist in the presence of God.

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

As believers we are taught that we are over-comers because we receive what Jesus did for us on Calvary's cross.  Once we understand what Jesus purchased for us with his perfect blood, we can start to walk out who God created us to be.  Do you know that you have a new name in Heaven?  Do you know that God has you engraved on the palms of his hands?

Isaiah 49:16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

This should give us confidence!  But this is not confidence that we can find in ourselves.  This comes from the grace that God freely gives us as a gift.  We cannot earn it, we cannot be "good" enough, and it cannot be bought or come from things.

So we are instructed to come BOLDLY into his throne room of grace and make our requests known.  What I envision in my head is a child who walks up to their parents and freely asks over and over and over again.  Children have that confidence because they are pure and simple.  We are to come to Jesus like children.  We are to ask and believe.

When things come our way and we find ourselves stumbling in the darkness we are to do it one step at a time.  His word is a lamp to our feet.  His word will guide our steps in the darkness.  We are never alone, and we are to never be consumed with the spirit of fear.  Nothing takes God by surprise or catches him off guard.  We have to trust that God is STILL in control, and that God has this covered.  What we are to do is to keep our eyes on Jesus.  There was a painting I painted and in the very small center if you focus on the painting you see a tiny cross.  This painting was to remind me to not be distracted by everything going on.  I am to remain still and calm and focus on that tiny cross.  I have included a picture of my painting below.

Zoomed in below you can see the tiny cross in the center.

So I want to leave you with this verse to cling to:

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.  Where does your help come from? Jesus!  Who is the glory and lifter of your head? Jesus!  Who died for you? Jesus!  Who has your name engraved on his hand? Jesus! Who saves every single one of your tears? Jesus!  You are precious, loved, and valued!

Watch this video below to remind yourself to turn your eyes on him.