Thursday, December 20, 2018

Merry Christmas!!!

I wanted to start this blog post off by saying.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  It seems we live in a world today where we have to be "politically correct" the majority of the time.  We have to walk on egg shells and be careful not to offend anyone.  We are told to go with the majority and do what everyone else is doing.  The bible actually talks about this in this verse alone:  "Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." -Matthew 7:13-14

The culture will always be talking about the latest thing/trend and they will be in your face about it and make you feel like you are the minority.  I felt compelled to write this post around the Christmas season.  Many say "Happy Holidays" because it is politically correct.  It is the Day Of Christ.  It is the birth of Christ, this is why we have Christmas.  It makes me smile when I go to stores and hear the classic Christmas songs celebrating the Birth of Our Savior.  It is so important to remember why we celebrate Christmas and teach this to your children.  In our household our children only get 4 presents each.  They simply understand that it is not their birthday.  They are thankful to get presents on Jesus's Birthday.  We are in times right now where it is so important to stay grounded in Gods Word where we do not compromise ourselves and our moral code.  It takes a certain boldness and confidence to not blend in with the culture and society.  This boldness is found in Jesus Christ alone, and we cannot have it on our own.  I have found myself more grounded in my spiritual faith walk, and let the physical take the back seat.  I understand it is important to be healthy, but we cannot let it consume us.  The internal is more important than the external.  God cares about the condition of our heart.  I want to ask you..... Have you compromised your faith for others?  Do you try to be politically correct and not offend others?  These are questions we should be asking ourselves.  I want to encourage you that it is never too late to start a relationship with Christ.  It is about a relationship, not a religion.  People think they are covered under a certain category in religion, when that it is not the case at all.  Religion doesn't save us, Jesus saves us!! 

We are approaching the year 2019!! Many people take this time to reflect on the past year, and vow to make better changes for the new year!  Many will focus on weight loss this year.  I want to challenge you about the condition of your heart and where your relationship currently stands with Christ.  We all know a day will come when we are no longer on this earth and we will have our face to face with Jesus.  Will you be ready for that meeting?  That is the most important meeting of your life!! Talk about accountability for everything you ever did in your life.  Do you know Jesus as Lord?  Talk about a powerful way to start of 2019!!!  For he says "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you."  I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. - Corinthians 6:2

I want to leave you with a few personal tips that are dear to my heart and that I apply to myself :)

- Make it a priority to talk to God DAILY

- Make sure to always forgive before you put your head down on your pillow at night.

- Repent DAILY, because his grace is there to cover you.

- Find a good church that is healthy and challenges you in your faith walk to where you grow.

- Have godly friendships (it is about quality, NOT quantity)

- Train up your children in Godly principles!! **Put in the work, do not think it is the Schools job or the Churches job. **

- Reflect daily on your progress, ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you need him the most.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post.  I want to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May you and your family be blessed and continue to serve the Lord and have abundant favor that surrounds you.  Enjoy this time with your loved ones, and celebrate that the Savior of the World came down to this earth to pay the debt that you and I could never afford to pay!! Praise The King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

What I Have Learned at 34 Years Old.....

I wanted to take the time to blog about my current state of mind at 34 years old.  I feel like I have learned so much in the past few months, and am continuing to do so.  My biggest struggle has currently been the "feeling of losing control."  This is something that I have always struggled with.  I want to make sure everyone is ok/safe/protected/etc.  I think being a Mother comes with the territory, but there is a way to have it at a "safe distance."  I need to continually remind myself DAILY that God is God, and that I am NOT.  I have to remind myself that he is in control and that my family/surroundings were given to me because of HIS Goodness and the fact that he is a Good Father!  I have received these wonderful gifts/blessings and it is my responsibility/ my job, to take care of what God has blessed me with.  This context can be put into so many different areas of life, and mean many different things to each person.  This can contain to your home/health/job/vehicle/family/pets/location/etc.  When you look at each and every area of your life and what is around you, it is a constant reminder that God freely gives/and we are truly blessed.

In the past few weeks I have been having a constant battle internally/mentally with myself that I am still trying to come out on the other side with.  I am reminded that no matter what happens in my life, that I NEED to have GODS BLESSING AT ALL COST!!!  There are many times we put ourselves in situations and can bring certain trials/tribulations on ourselves.  I believe we go through certain things because we each have dark areas in our lives, and God wants the darkness to get exposed, so we can have light in ALL areas of our lives.  Recently I was reminded that I was once again trying to "control" my little environment a little too much and got carried away.  I had to go through something to remind myself that I continue to circle around the same issue and have not been learning from it.
 ( I can truly relate with what the Israelites struggled with when they were walking around in the wilderness)  I saw a certain darkness in my life that needed to have the light of Jesus shed on.  I thank God for showing me this and honestly it has brought me even closer to him.  I now more than ever want to have GODS BLESSING no matter what!!  The best way I can describe it is like this:  God gives us Free Will because he is not a forceful God.  He leads us gently, he does not shove us.  When we accept Jesus as Lord in our lives and he comes into our heart, the change starts from the inside out.  We have the Holy Spirit (our helper) on the inside of us.  When we open his Word/ Go to Church we are able to learn and be ministered to.  The Lord will speak to us about the condition of our heart.  When we are a disciple of Christ we are told to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow him.  This means living like Jesus.  This means not taking delight in living in sin.  We were bought with the precious blood of Jesus and he paid it all for us.  We have to keep him FIRST in everything and have him BEFORE anyone else in our lives.  When we take matters into our own hands, or put others before him, we slowly start to step out from under the umbrella of Gods blessing.  When we start stepping away from his blessing it opens us up to receive attacks from the enemy.  We are not protected/ we are not properly dressed (Armor Of God In Ephesians) and begin to feel the spiritual attacks.  It is our duty to find the problem area, repent, and run back under Gods Blessing.

This is the best way that I can describe what I have been going through recently.  I saw certain areas in my life that made me step away from Gods Blessing.  I thank him for these areas because I am seeing that no matter what I encounter, what happens to me, that I want to remain fixed/stable under Gods Blessing.  This means the words I use to others, how I act, what I think, what I do, and how I spend my time.  I cannot truly rely on my feelings because that is not what the Word talks about.

Another big thing that happened in our lives is that we changed churches.  We were at our last church for over 10 years and were very involved.  My Husband and I even served/taught classes as leaders in our past church.  Our children grew up in the nurseries, and we made a lot of wonderful friendships.  It is scary to essentially "start over."  We felt the Lord wanting us to change churches and we spent time in prayer and visited churches in our local area.  We made a pact for our family that our new church would have to be the right fit for everyone in our family (kids included) and if we didn't agree, then we would keep looking.  We have been at our  new church now for a few months and I must say it is nice to have fresh wind from the Holy Spirit.  We know that this is where we are supposed to be, and this is where we will continue to grow as fellow believers.  The point of me sharing this is because you need to be plugged in somewhere where you are growing spiritually.  If it doesn't challenge or change you, then you need to start praying about it.  Attending church isn't just a (checkmark) attendance to make yourself feel better. It is a hospital!!  It is a place where broken people meet to worship the Perfect Savior/ learn the Word Of God/ and be prayed for and encouraged by other believers.  So I want to encourage you to be some place where you can grow healthy as a believer in the Body Of Christ.

I will be 35 years old in March and I honestly believe that will be my BEST year.  I am constantly being refined and changing habits daily.  I wanted to make a short little list of things that I have learned and helped me a long the way.  This may seem silly to you, if anything you will have a nice chuckle :)

- Write things down!  There have been so many times when the Holy Spirit will speak to me and if I don't write it down right away, then that thought is gone.

- Spend quiet time in the morning with Jesus!  The first 20 minute car ride to work people next to me will see me talking to myself in my car because that is my prayer time with the Lord.

- Remind yourself of what you have been blessed with!  Name it, and Claim It!! I am talking from your health/family/job/car/home/pets/neighborhood/breathe in your lungs/ being able to pay utilities/that all your needs are met, etc

- It is NOT important to be right!  Pursue Peace At ALL Cost, and Remain UNDER Gods Blessing.  When having an argument, pursue peace.  Let go of anger, and let go of grudges.

- Put down the technology and make some memories!  Turn off the Tv, put down your phone, log off the computer and spend time reading a book, having fun with your family, play hide and seek, have a dance party, go on a walk.  (Yes these are things I do with my family, and I have no shame in my game)

- When someone is in pain or struggling, pray for them!  There is no time like the present.  Be kind in secret.  It is truly an award when you can bless someone and not have to broadcast it to others or all over social media.  Remember we live for an audience of One, and he sees it ALL!!!


Friday, July 13, 2018

My Radio Podcast With FitFluential

I am happy to be able to share my Radio Podcast with FitFluential.  I did this recording about 2 months ago, and today is the day it officially goes LIVE!!!  I have been a FitFluential Ambassador for several years now and I believe in the mission behind FitFluential.  It is a community of Men and Women that enjoy living a healthier lifestyle  with exercise and fitness and also hold each other accountable.  I honestly believe we tend to get busy with work and our families that is helps to have others inspire one another and motivate each other on a daily/weekly basis.  There have been so many times to where I am too tired to work out, and sure enough I see someone doing their workout and sure enough I have that extra zap of energy that I needed.  It is powerful to get better WITH age and be a HEALTHIER version for yourself and family.  I am honestly humbled and excited to publish this blog post and share this radio podcast with you all.  I hope you are able to learn something from this radio session. I honestly feel it is important to be Real/ Raw and Open.  It is important to own your flaws and failures because they are to be taken as learning experiences.  We are stronger from them.  I have finally found at the age of 34 what works for me.  Having a full time job, being a full time wife and mommy, I have to be very organized with my time and prioritize.  I also remind myself that there are NO EXCUSES.  EVERYONE has the same amount of time in a day....... the question is..... How Bad Do You Want It?????

Friday, June 1, 2018

The 66 Day Challenge That Helped Get Me In The Best Shape Of My Life... (Fitfluential Blog Post Feature)

I had the privilege of being featured a second time on FitFluential.  I was able to share my 66 Day Challenge experience and how it got me on the right track to stay healthy.  I am excited to have this feature and share my experience with you on my blog.  The link to the blog post is below Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


I have mentioned in my previous posts about my May31 Challenge.  I am happy to put myself on blast and announce publicly that I did not complete the challenge.  I realized that through the challenge I set un-realistic goals.  To cut everything out was not realistic for me and my lifestyle.  I did learn a lot about myself in this challenge. I learned that my mental, will always be set in "athlete" mode.  That is a switch I am unable to turn off, and the physical side of me has been having a hard time accepting it.  I know what I am capable of, and what I have accomplished in my past and what I continue to accomplish daily.  As an athlete I understand the concept of failing and take it as a learning lesson.  I think it is important to show ALL sides of yourself because many only tend to show the things that they WANT to show.  Yes I failed at this challenge!! Yes I was not able to complete this challenge.  Does this challenge defy me?  No!!  I have learned that I need to set limits on myself and do what is realistic for me.  I have to listen to my body, because I am no spring chick anymore.  I will continue to set workout challenges but make sure that they work for me.  Maybe you have failed at a challenge/diet/quitting a bad habit, etc.  It does not matter how many times you FALL down, BUT HOW MANY TIMES YOU GET UP!!!  I am an every day Wife and Mother that will always be trying to find what fits for me and my family.  It humbles me when I realize I am weak in my strength because it reminds me to RELY ON HIM.  I will continue to do the best I can do and there will be some days that are better than others.  So if I am speaking to you, I want to encourage you.... Shake it off, and get up with me!!!  Yes, we may have failed and not succeeded, but why should that stop us from moving forward?  Life is a learning process and we will NEVER get it right.  Let's be the BEST that we can be for ourselves, and for our families.  I am determined!!!  So this blog post is calling myself out publicly, to let others know that I did NOT complete the May Challenge.  Maybe some of you have been going strong in the May Challenge!!!! If so, keep up the amazing work!!!! I am proud of you!!!! Keep Going, You Can Do It!!!  Let me know the results and if you feel healthier.  Here on my blog post and on my Instagram I will never claim to have it all figured out, or say that I am a professional.  What I can tell you is that you will always get 100% honest and realness with me.  I am not afraid to show my flaws because they reflect the beauty and perfections of My Savior that died for me.  I hope you enjoyed this CALL OUT on myself  and maybe even in some weird way it might have inspired you :)  Here is moving onto other workout challenges in the near future!!!

Monday, April 30, 2018


May 1st starts the 31 Day Challenge!!  I decided to do this challenge because of friend of mine mentioned it, and it really intrigued me.  For 31 Days straight I will be cutting out: Coffee, Sugar, Alcohol, Sweets, Red Meat, and doing the Intermittent Fasting.  My window for the fasting will be 11am-7pm.  After 7pm I will not be eating anything.  I will also be working out as usual but no days off!!  Every day will have exercise included.  I will also be drinking a gallon of water a day.   I want to see how my body responds to this challenge and see if I start to feel healthier and have more energy.  I will be documenting my ENTIRE challenge, along with food diary, exercises, and also measurements from this challenge.  I will be on Instagram using the hashtag #MAY31CHALLENGE.

If you wish to participate join in and do this month long challenge!!  I am excited to take this on, and also share my journey with everyone! Stay tuned for a detailed blogpost on June 1st.


No Alcohol
No Red Meat
No Sugar
No Sweets
No Coffee
Exercise Every Day!
1 Gallon of water a day!!
Intermittent Fasting: 11am-7pm    No Eating after 7pm and no eating before 11am

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid To Break Boundaries.... (My Latest Fit Fluential Blog Post)

I had the privilege of being featured on a podcast and also had the opportunity to write a blog post for FitFluential.  ( I will post the podcast in another blog when it is live)  until then, enjoy the blog post below :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


There comes a time in our life where we come face to face with a circumstance/battle/situation and we are faced with.... "How Well Did We Prepare?" 

Many times in life things come up and we find ourselves shocked or at a loss of words because we were not expecting it.  There is so much wisdom in the Word of God about this particular topic.

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own. -Matthew 6:34

We are supposed to focus on one day at a time.  Many times we have the fear of the unknown and plan ahead in advance of what could or could not happen.  We have to remember that we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  (2 Timothy 1:7)

When I first started reading the Bible I started in Ephesians and fell in love with this verse: The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. -Ephesians 6:10-18

This Bible verse painted such a visual picture for me, and I could truly envision the spiritual battle that takes place in the Heavenly Realms.  It made me understand that day in and day out, we are in a battle and it is not in the flesh.  There are things happening behind the scenes that we cannot see, and we must be bold with our faith walk and speak the word of God and take captive of every thought that presents itself against God. 

Now I have been an athlete my whole life and I know a couple things here and there about Preparation.  I understand that practice is key. It is important to put in the work, work hard, and to never give up.  I have always been the type of player that stayed late after practice to train a little bit longer, or work on an area of weakness that I was struggling in.  In the Bible this is no different.  We must read, study the Word Of God, and then walk it out.  This faith walk is one step at a time and it is a privilege.  We get to be an ambassador for Christ Jesus and we should not take that lightly.  I understand that each morning we are to get our minds "right."  We are to "put on" the mind of Christ Jesus and get dressed properly in our spiritual armor, because we have no way of knowing what is going to come our way for the day.

I want to be properly dressed, and ready at ALL TIMES!!  I do not want the enemy to catch my off guard, or by surprise.  I remind myself of who I AM IN CHRIST JESUS and that God never leaves me or forsaken me.  We cannot control what happens to us, but we CAN control on how we act during our situations and circumstances.  Will we have the peace of God in the middle of a storm?  Only YOU can answer that.  God's peace is there for the taking, but many walk alone and choose to do everything in THEIR strength.  I don't know about you, but I want to be prepared in ALL circumstances.  The battle has already been WON and as believers, we ALREADY walk in victory.

Many times I see so many believers with their heads hanging low, and they look defeated.   RISE UP!!! Jesus lives IN us, and we can do ALL things because HE will equip us and give us the strength we need!! 

So I want to close this post with these questions: Are you properly dressing yourself spiritually each morning?  Is the peace of God a priority on your list?  Can you quote the word of God when a situation arises?  It is time as believers to Fight and Walk this life out in Victory and be Prepared as an ambassador of Christ!!