Thursday, August 18, 2016


Time is priceless.  Time cannot be bought.  Time cannot be earned.  Time cannot be recovered.  Once it is gone, it is gone forever!  This concept needs to be president in our lives.  Time spent with family and loved ones is precious and MANY times people take it for granted.  Many believe there will always be another day to make up for it, but if you remember in God's Word it states we are to focus on today, and today only.  We are not guaranteed another day. 

 Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of it's own.  Matthew 6:34.

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know awhat a day may bring.  Proverbs 27:1

How much TIME do you spend on your phone?  How much TIME do you spend watching TV?  How much TIME do you spend working out?  How much TIME do you spend reading Gods Word? How much TIME do you spend with your family? 

By answering these questions, you will see what is most important to you.  I am reminded of this even more now since I am a Mother and have children.  I am reminded that these moments are priceless, and I will NEVER get them back.  Having family members being absent I am reminded of all the memories that THEY are missing and these are regrets that they will have in due time.  I don't ever want TIME being robbed from me or memories being taken from me.  I read an article from a Pastor that said the number one thing people wish for on their death bed is: " More TIME with their loved ones and they have regret from wasting TIME on things that didn't matter."  People don't wish for more money, or a bigger home, or a nicer car.  That is why the Bible says "  Do not store up for yourselves treatsures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  Matthew 6:19

So I want to point out again what are you doing with your time?  It is so important to not be careless and lazy with it.  We need to make sure we PLAN ON PURPOSE to make sure we use our time wisely.  Everyone has the SAME number of hours in a day.  Do you ever notice it seems that some are able to accomplish so much more than others?  It honestly takes looking yourself straight in the mirror and being honest with yourself!  I only have control over what I do with MY time, and I am stating this BOLDLY...

The phone WILL be put down
I WILL be outdorrs playing with my children
I WILL not be on social media at home
I WILL take care of my body while on earth
I WILL keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and stand firmly on his word
My Family WILL know how much I love them and how my life revolves around them.