Monday, February 24, 2014

Overwhelmed By HIS Goodness....

I find myself overwhelmed by HIS Goodness!!!  I stand in Awe of How powerful and amazing God is.  God knows my EVERY need, and knows me BETTER than I know myself.  Why do I get silly at times and fret and worry?  God will take care of EVERYONE of MY needs!!!  God knows the desires of my heart, and wants to give freely to his children.  The enemy can trick me at times into thinking God is with-holding from me.  The enemy did the SAME trick to Adam and Eve.  He made them think God was holding something good from them, and they questioned and doubted God.  I am a child of the Most High!!!  I know my God will supply my needs to the riches and glory IN Christ Jesus!!!  Nothing is impossible for MY God!!!  God keeps me under the shadow of the Almighty.  I am fixed and stable!!!  I can FULLY lean, trust, and rely on him.  I am a conqueror!!  I overcome because Jesus lives IN me!!!  God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  I have authority over the earth because I come in the name of Jesus!!  We use the name of Jesus at our household so that means we are protected and under the Psalm 91 shield!!  We may see things happen on the right and on the left, but we will be protected.  We have the blood of Jesus over our family and we plead the blood of Jesus over our household.   We call on our Blood Covenant partner and HE NEVER FAILS!!!!  He is my healer, my deliverer, and my Prince of Peace.  I have peace that surpasses ALL understanding.  I will not live in Fear, I trust God completely and there is no need to worry!!!

Are you overwhelmed by HIS goodness yet???

Praise God and his mighty name and enjoy this song below:

It Is The "Little Things" That Matter Most.......

The title of my blog can honestly sum up the entire post.  I wanted to share a memory that our family experienced last night and it was probably one of the best times that we have had together as a family.  It started off just myself and both kids in Gabes room and I was sitting in the rocking chair and they were both playing in Gabes room.  Carlos came in shortly after, so all 4 of us were together.  Gabriel has this big play house in his room and we filled  it with hundreds of balls.  We all just started to literally take balls and throw them at one another.  Little Rafa was even out for herself :)  It was every man for himself.  We were all against each other throwing these balls at one another.  We were all running around and trying to hide and hit each other with these balls.  We had balls all over our entire house and we were running from one another and kicking them.  We were all laughing so hard and rolling on the ground.  We did this for close to an hour.  It was SOOO much fun to act like a child again and create a precious family memory.  I can honestly say that Carlos and I got way more into it then the children :).

So to bring the title of my blog into this entry it is this:  The LITTLE THINGS Matter Most!!!  Do you think we could of went somewhere and spent alot of money and gave the kids lot's of presents?  Yes, we could of done that, but I honestly believe "Family Time" is MORE precious and important then spending money on one another with presents.  In our society today there are TOO many children that come from broken families to where all they want is ONE day with their families as a whole.  We are so blessed that our family has a heart for God and serves God because he has shown us favor and blessed us.  We look forward to MANY more ball fights and excited to when we move into our new home so we can have two levels for all of us to run around playing!!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Gabriel Starts Pre-School Today!!!!

Today I cannot believe that my Son Gabriel, starts Pre-School today!!! It still feels like I was just bringing him home from the hospital yesterday.  I am so proud of him and I love watching him become his own little person.  He had his "Planes" backpack and lunchbox today for his first day of school.  We love his Pre-School teacher, and we love the school!!  We got to see Gabriel's own locker and his sleeping cot and where he sits.  I honestly thought today would be a hard day for our family, but my husband and I handled it really well.  I am proud to say that there were no tears!!!  We got him settled, kissed him and walked out of the classroom.  It was different coming home with just Rafa today because usually I have both children with me.  The house was really quiet and I didn't have someone coming up to me every minute giving me snacks to open and drinks to open.  :)  I was watching the clock all day today and couldn't wait to pick up Gabe!! Rafa and I got to school early and waited for him and we saw Gabe and he started crying because he saw me and couldn't get to me.  The teacher said he did great for his first day!!! I am so proud of Gabe and super excited for the little man that he is becoming!!! Here are some pictures from today!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

What Is Happening In Venezuela....

My husband is from Venezuela and it breaks his heart to hear what is happening to his homeland and to the people in Venezuela.  He still has family members living in Venezuela and gets the latest updates from his family.  Here is a video link below to educate you on what is happening in Venezuela.  Share this video!! Let others know what is going on in this country!! The government is trying to keep it from getting out, and this MUST be shown to everyone around the world!!!  It is 2014 and this is happening right now!!  This is wrong!!! People are getting treated like animals and have NO rights!!! Take the next 6 minutes and watch this and share this video post please!! Keep Venezuela in your prayers!!!


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Giving God ALL Control....

Many times in our life we fool ourselves into thinking we surrender everything to God.  We encounter situations and trials and we are reminded that there are still things that we are holding onto and holding captive.  When we truly seek Christ he sees our heart and starts to work on different areas in our heart.  We may see instant changes right away but some other areas are deeper and take longer to work on.  We need to remember that we have picked up habits and things that are familiar from our childhood.  Things that we have learned from our childhood will take longer to surface.  This is where faith comes into the picture and this is where we calls things into existence.  This is where we walk by faith not by sight.  When we are believers in Christ Jesus we have hope and we never have to fear.  There are people in the world that suffer from anxiety and depression but they are the ones who have no hope and no Jesus in their life.  We should never fall into the same traps that they do.  When others see us, they should see the peace of Jesus in us and want what we have.  We are never going to win people to Christ if we shove scriptures in their face and point out how sinful they are.  How long did it take you to come to Christ?  We need to humble ourselves and remember that we are no different.  Jesus makes the ONLY difference!!  We may go to church 2 times a week but we cannot compare ourselves to the person that doesn't attend church at all.  The enemy would love to try to get us to believe that we are "better" than others and that our works matter.  Jesus wants our heart and loves us the way we are right now!!  The truth of the matter is that people have a problem surrendering their lifestyles and guilty pleasures. They see God and only want to give him certain areas because the sinful pleasures are fun and feel good, and they do not want to give those up.  We can play the church game our whole lives or you can truly see that Jesus died for our sins and saved us from hell!! When you realize this, you only want to change your heart, and make God the center of it.  You realize that you are not your own and that you have a duty to Follow God. This isn't a chore or something that you have to fit in.  This is a pleasure to do this for him because HE paid the ultimate price!!

When you reach certain trials are you noticing that certain traits keep repeating themselves?  Are they good godly traits or are they sinful traits?  There is a reason that you are experiencing this, and God brought you to it for a reason.  This is where it truly shows if we have Christ as our Lord and Savior.  Do not be discouraged if you struggle with this.  Remember, we are never going to be perfect and never going to get it right.  If we were to get it right then we wouldn't of needed Jesus to come down and die for our sins.  When you stop expecting perfection from yourself, then things will finally start to click.  When you start reading Gods Word and learning the scriptures and applying them in the middle of trial, then your faith is maturing!!!  Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to endure for Christ and we need to remember that he is perfect in our weakness.  During your current trial or future trial lift your hands up and give Praise to the Creator of the Universe.  Jesus is seated and is constantly interceding on our behalf!!  Praise Jesus for his love, Praise God for loving us enough to send his perfect Son to us!!  It is time to stop playing games and let God in ALL the areas of your life!!! Do you want to live fully for Christ or have one foot in the kingdom?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Latest Christian Track... Amen

My brother has been doing music and writing lyrics for years.  He does all of his own original beats and does everything himself.  The name he goes by is: SeeZ.  He recently just started doing Christian Music and it is Hip-Hop.  For awhile I have been wanting to do a song that is about All the Names of Jesus.  Jesus has many names and I wanted a song that sings about them.  I wrote some lyrics and gave them to SeeZ and told him that I wanted to do this track with him.  He did the beat himself and wrote some lyrics.  We sat down one morning and did this song together and I wanted to share it with all of you!!! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Being Changed From Glory To Glory....

I have started this Women's Bible Study that we are currently going through together on Monday nights and I can honestly say that I am learning alot.  This study is truly changing me from the inside out and I can feel the Holy Spirit getting a hold of me and revealing things to me.  This Bible Study is around Martha and Mary in the Bible.  We are watching the DVDs, reading the book, doing the study guide, homework, and having discussion.  The Holy Spirit is revealing to me that I need to examine my heart and make sure I do not get too caught up in the "service."  I love to help out and serve others and this can become a hindrance on my faith walk with Jesus.  I can get so caught up and so busy that I don't take the time to stop and get quiet with Jesus.  In the DVD there was something that was said that really spoke to my heart. She said " We can live in the Fathers House and never really know his love."  We can get so caught up "doing things" for Jesus that we do not take the time to stop and drop everything and sit at his feet.  So what about you?  Does this short message speak to you?  Do you get so caught up in service that you aren't able to slow down and listen to Jesus?  Jesus wants us to serve others and bring others into the kingdom but he wants a balance.  He wants our hearts first, and we need to give him FULL authority.  This starts in our own homes.  What do you do in your homes behind closed doors?  Do you live for God or do you live for the world?  God has a specific order for the household, do you follow it?  These are questions to answer for yourself.  When you can honestly say yes to all of these areas, then you can start to focus on serving others.  I am really excited for this Bible Study and I know that God is changing me through it, and from discussion time, the other ladies are experiencing the same thing.  God is so good and he is so patient with us!!  It is so exciting to have revelation from God and to know that he is molding you to be more like him.  More of YOU God, and LESS of US!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Perfection Saturday....

I can promise you that this picture is NOT FAKE!!  This is 100% real and to me this photo is as perfect as they come.  Here little Gabe is about to throw a rock in the water, and Rafa is looking at the water with her hand resting on the bridge!!!!