Many times in our life we fool ourselves into thinking we surrender everything to God. We encounter situations and trials and we are reminded that there are still things that we are holding onto and holding captive. When we truly seek Christ he sees our heart and starts to work on different areas in our heart. We may see instant changes right away but some other areas are deeper and take longer to work on. We need to remember that we have picked up habits and things that are familiar from our childhood. Things that we have learned from our childhood will take longer to surface. This is where faith comes into the picture and this is where we calls things into existence. This is where we walk by faith not by sight. When we are believers in Christ Jesus we have hope and we never have to fear. There are people in the world that suffer from anxiety and depression but they are the ones who have no hope and no Jesus in their life. We should never fall into the same traps that they do. When others see us, they should see the peace of Jesus in us and want what we have. We are never going to win people to Christ if we shove scriptures in their face and point out how sinful they are. How long did it take you to come to Christ? We need to humble ourselves and remember that we are no different. Jesus makes the ONLY difference!! We may go to church 2 times a week but we cannot compare ourselves to the person that doesn't attend church at all. The enemy would love to try to get us to believe that we are "better" than others and that our works matter. Jesus wants our heart and loves us the way we are right now!! The truth of the matter is that people have a problem surrendering their lifestyles and guilty pleasures. They see God and only want to give him certain areas because the sinful pleasures are fun and feel good, and they do not want to give those up. We can play the church game our whole lives or you can truly see that Jesus died for our sins and saved us from hell!! When you realize this, you only want to change your heart, and make God the center of it. You realize that you are not your own and that you have a duty to Follow God. This isn't a chore or something that you have to fit in. This is a pleasure to do this for him because HE paid the ultimate price!!
When you reach certain trials are you noticing that certain traits keep repeating themselves? Are they good godly traits or are they sinful traits? There is a reason that you are experiencing this, and God brought you to it for a reason. This is where it truly shows if we have Christ as our Lord and Savior. Do not be discouraged if you struggle with this. Remember, we are never going to be perfect and never going to get it right. If we were to get it right then we wouldn't of needed Jesus to come down and die for our sins. When you stop expecting perfection from yourself, then things will finally start to click. When you start reading Gods Word and learning the scriptures and applying them in the middle of trial, then your faith is maturing!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to endure for Christ and we need to remember that he is perfect in our weakness. During your current trial or future trial lift your hands up and give Praise to the Creator of the Universe. Jesus is seated and is constantly interceding on our behalf!! Praise Jesus for his love, Praise God for loving us enough to send his perfect Son to us!! It is time to stop playing games and let God in ALL the areas of your life!!! Do you want to live fully for Christ or have one foot in the kingdom?