Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Take the test to see if you truly stand up for christ...

How Bold are you with YOUR faith? Are you able to take a STAND for God?
                A lot of people who believe in the Lord would easily answer this without even giving time to think and say “yes, of course I would.”  It is very easy to speak it and think that you really truly would.  But the truth is that when you are an actual Christ follower you have to deny yourself and follow Christ.  That means you have to resist your selfish desires, the flesh desires, etc.  Maybe you have some hobbies or habits that you really enjoy doing, and you have been doing them for years.  Are they godly?  Do they edify the Lord?  If not, then that is something that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you, that certain things are quenching the Lords Spirit and he isn’t able to fully be involved in your life.  This is where the TRUE TEST comes if you are actually willing to give up things you enjoy in order to please God.  If there are people in your life that are not godly and don’t have anything positive to contribute, do you keep them in your life or do you take a stand for God and make some changes?  God needs to come first, we must do what is pleasing to him, first and foremost.  Do we enjoy “trash” tv shows, movies, songs, etc?  If so, do you love the Lord enough to cut them out of your life for him?  See how easy it can be to say “yes of course you would?”  But when it comes down to it, does your lifestyle actually show you put the Lord first in everything you do.  To even just start out with small things, shows the Lord that you love him and have started to make the changes to make him a priority.  Best way I can explain it, is when people fall in love with another, they can’t wait to tell their closest friends/family/co-workers etc.  That is how it should be with Christ.  He is our FIRST love and if anything is getting in the way with that, we need to cut it out, and we should let others know that God comes first in your life and you need to make changes so that happens.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

7/3/12 updates....

                My little girl is almost here J  only a few more weeks and we will meet our latest addition to our family.  Our little boy is excited to meet his baby sister and keeps giving my belly kisses.  This has been an amazing pregnancy for me, it has been so different from my first pregnancy.  It might not make sense, but it has been an easier pregnancy and I am so much smaller this time, I have only gained 15 lbs.  Our little nursery has been ready for quite sometime now, and it has been such a joy to sit in the nursery at night and just relax and smile knowing that a little girl is going to be in that room J  The Lord has blessed our family in so many ways, and I am so thankful.  I am excited to have a full time job as a stay at home mom and fully invest my time into raising godly children and helping shape and mold their lives.  I just wanted to give a mini update that our little one is almost here, and we are very excited and everyone is doing well!!!  We are hoping to have a little get together and have a little “meet/greet” with our closest friends so they can come over to our place and meet our newest arrival J  I will keep everyone posted!! God Bless, Katyrose