Monday, April 30, 2012

Officially in Third Trimester!!

Officially in my third trimester!!!!!!
      This pregnancy has flown by so much faster than the first one.  I am so much smaller with this pregnancy than my first one and it has had new experiences from the first one, so everything has been such a learning experience.  I guess my body knows the difference from a boy and girl.  We had a boy with our first one and now we are expecting a baby girl.  J  I have three more months to get our little girls nursery all ready and get the place all prepared for her arrival.  The most exciting news that is completely foreign to me, is that when she comes I am going to become a stay at home full time mom.  This is something I have never done and I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I am so excited to have my little ones with me and not someone else watching them.  So I will do mini updates with how this goes and what activates I can come up with and post them on here to give tips to anyone else.  In 3 months our little angel will be in our arms and we can kiss her, love her, and just stare at her.  Oh and of course put all of those girly bows, and ballerina skirts on her J  Everything has been amazing and The Lord has been so good to our family. 


While reading and studying the book "The Resolution for Women" I have come across the most amazing passages, scripture, writing in a book with bible study questions and self evaluation questions.  This author does not sugar coat anything and it gets down the real issues that we need to hear.  They have a book for women which i am doing and they also have one for men, that my husband is doing.  This is just a sample of one of the passages in the book:
it is talking about integrity and how these women got together and one by one they started admitting little tiny things they do alone or in private. EX: television shows they watch, novels they read, magazines they read, music listened to etc.    But then it says each of these whispered cases of compromise on varying levels.  If ignored and allowed they represented even more-a deliberate refusal to grant God access to this area of life, to this two-hour time slot, to this understandable indulegence.
It says we know when we're not just observing the grittiness of real-life issues but we are finding it personally provocative, enjoyable, almost desirable.  Instead of being repulsed by certain behaviors and grived at the lies being foisted on our generation, we find ourselves more accepting of them, willing to watch and laugh, considering them suitable viewing with a side of popcorn.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


        This is a short message on what exactly is Doctrine, and what it means for a Christian.  There are so many religions out there and so many different beliefs to where it is hard to know what each one is and what beliefs we may/or may not share with others.  That is why it is so important to know our doctrine as Christians, so where you know the Truths that cannot be changed, or manipulated.  They are 100% truth and if anything doesn’t line up with these, then you know that we are not talking about the same Jesus.

1)      That Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit
2)      That he came to earth and was the only man to lead a sinless life
3)      That he was crucified, died for our sins, was buried, and raised on the 3rd day
4)      That he is the Son of God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and that he is the way.
               People tend to walk around with their “labels” as to what they believe but if you were to ask them to explain why they believe that way, it is hard for people to back it up because it becomes routine, or tradition and we can lose the real relationship that we are supposed to have with the Lord.  So get to know the doctrine so you can explain to others what you stand for and what you believe.  We are here to share HIS word and preach the Gospel of Chirst. J

A Way to Share God with your children:

  I found this amazing website “ministry to” This website has free ideas, coloring pages, tips, etc.  I LOVED this website because it makes it easy to present the gospel to your children in a way that their little minds can understand it.  I am so excited to print out pages and see my little man get to work on coloring and explain things to him.  Look around and enjoy this website, it looks like a keeper!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

An Amazing Concept:

                I have been struggling with some past hurt in my life so I have been speaking with my pastor, who I always go to for advice.  She gave me amazing godly advice that really helped to hear and I need to start accepting and believing.  Also I read something online that was amazing and I had to put it on here!!!!  It was saying that the enemy backs us into a corner and presents us with two options:  one is bad, and the other is worse.  So he makes us “think” we get to choose and have a choice, so obviously we pick the bad one because it is better than the worse, and we can walk away feeling like we made a good decision and choice.  Here in fact he is the master deceiver and liar so we once again fall right into his trap, and then the domino affect happens to where we are in bondage and have stress and anxiety and don’t understand why.  When he backs us into that corner with his two options we need to push him back with the word of God and run to Jesus because he is THE WAY and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE!! If choose Jesus he will give us peace and the perfect plan and we don’t have to do any work at all, we just run to him.  I LOVED this when I read it and it really paints a picture where I feel everyone can understand it and actually apply it.  So when you are presented with options and neither of them are from God, you know what the master deceiver is doing.  Get the Word in your head, and heart and then voice it out and take authority over the evil one. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Courageous Series

                I am currently going through a Courageous Series at my church that is 3 months long.  My husband is doing one for the men and I am doing one for the women.  I am learning so much from this class!!!!  God is revealing so many of my weaknesses that are being exposed to where he wants to rid me from these weaknesses.  I am learning from past hurts that I have held on to, and unforgiveness, and learning the women that God has called me to be.  By doing this series I want God to work on me so I am a better woman but most importantly I want my husband and my children to actually see and feel the results.  I want to be the best woman I can be for my family!!!  At the end of the series we are having a ceremony where the men and women will be signing resolutions infront of God and people!! I am so very excited!!! I will keep everyone posted on how it all goes and hopefully post pictures of it!!! It is a life defining moment and I am so excited for our family.  We are also doing the walk for life which is coming up in a few weeks and we had our team shirts designed and finished!!! So our little family will all be wearing matching shirts J  Wish us luck!!!