Sunday, June 5, 2011


Eachday that we are alive is an absolute blessing from the Lord.  To be able to wake up alive another day is something we need to acknowledge and cherish.  People need to understand that are days are numbered so there is no planning as to how long we have here on earth.  So whenever it is our time we better be prepared because after our time on earth is up, then we go to eternity.  Do you understand that once we are gone, there is no makeup time!!!!  We are judged for our time on earth so that is a pretty scary thought if we aren't living christ like.  Do you understand that there are people in hell right now that are begging the Lord for just one more chance to make it right and accept the Lord as their Saviour but they have been judged already.  Here we are on earth and we have chance after chance to accept the Lord and start living the right way and making a godly difference in someones life.  While we are here MAKE  IT COUNT!!!  What good is it to have the attitude "you only live once, im gonna do it my way, etc"  That is what the devil wants you to think, he wants you to think you have all the time in the world.  It is scary because for some, if they don't get right with God and their time comes, then that is how eternity is judged.  So please if you woke up today and are alive, make today the day to accept the Lord as your Saviour and start living HIS WILL>