Monday, February 1, 2010

2/1/2010 Start Now

It's not too late to start now!! If you are still alive and breathing, then it's not too late to start!! We are here to live for Jesus and him alone!! So many of us are selfish and stuck in OUR ways and what makes US happy and what is fun for US. Once you start realizing the meaning of why we are here, and start living your life for Jesus, then you finally started living!!! The biggest lie that the devil tells us is that there is no hell. The bible mentions hell more than heaven, so start realizing that, and know that a change needs to happen NOW!! Why wait until it's too late?? We are already sinners, why sin more and be selfish more. Let's live for him and ask for forgiveness when we sin. Let's go to church, we are supposed to be in church, it is mentioned all throughout the New Testament that we are supposed to be in church. So many people are content with their faith and saying that they believe in Jesus, and that is it. That isn't enough, you need to read, live the word, and be in obedience of the word. You need to make sacrifices, and cater your life to jesus. It goes by how you speak, think, actions, etc. You can't curse and praise Jesus at the same time. Don't curse!! Get to church, stop with the excuses, you need to be in church. PERIOD!!! If you truly love jesus, start being in obedience!! We are in the final times, and if people think it isn't happening, then they are mistaken. It's not too late to start now, the longer you wait the worse off you are!! Help one another, love one another, forgive one another, Praise and be vocal about your love for Jesus!! This world doesn't do it enough, we need to be different from this devil world. This world is so evil because of how much control the devil has, if you are part of this world and blending in, then that isn't where you need to be at. it will distract you from what you need to be doing!!! Katyrose